满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空。 An interesting thing happened to m...


An interesting thing happened to me last Sunday. The weather was so fine that I decided to  1.    in the country. On my way home, my car stopped. It ran out of gasoline(汽油). I decided to walk along the road until I found someone who could sell me some gasoline. I had walked a long way before I found a big 2.  near the road. I was   3. to see it because it was getting dark. I knocked at the door and an old lady came out. She said, “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. Come in, please. I got 4.   ready for you.” I was very surprised.

“Oh, Tony! You used to love tea.”

I told her my car ran out of gasoline,   5.   she didn’t seem to hear me. She was talking so strangely that I wanted to  6.  . As soon as she went to get the tea, I went out of the house as quickly as possible.

I was so happy when I saw 7.  house by the road. When I told the man about the old lady, he said, “Oh, that’s Helen. She lives by 8.  in that big house. She’s strange, but she wouldn’t hurt anyone. She is still 9.  for the man whom she was going to marry 25 years ago. The man was named Tony. The day before they got married, he went away and 10.   came back.”

11.A. walk            B. drive          C. run             D. ride

12.A. house           B. tree           C. hospital          D. car

13.A. sad             B. angry          C. happy           D. surprised

14.A. coffee           B. milk           C. water           D. tea

15.A. and             B. or             C. but             D. so

16.A. stay             B. leave          C. sit down        D. have a rest

17.A. others           B. the other       C. other           D. another

18.A. themselves       B. myself         C. herself           D. himself

19.A. keeping         B. talking         C. working          D. waiting

20.A. never         B. usually         C. often             D. sometimes


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.D 10.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要讲述的是作者在回家路上的奇遇,遇到了一位老人,老人把他误认为是多年前想要和他结婚的那个人。 1.B 考查动词及语境的理解。 句意:今天天气很好,我决定开车去乡下。此题考查动词,A. walk步行;B. drive开车;C. run跑步;D. ride骑车。根据句意,故选B。 2.A 考查连词及语境的理解。句意:在我走了很长的路,才找到一个大房子附近的道路。此题考查名词,A. house房子;B. tree 树;C. hospital医院;D. car小汽车。根据句意,故选A。 3.C考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:因为天气在逐渐地变黑,我看到那道很高兴。此题考查形容词,A. sad难过的;B. angry生气的;C. happy高兴的;D. surprised惊奇地。根据句意,故选C。 4.D 考查名词及语境的理解。句意:我为你准备好了茶。此题考查名词,A. coffee咖啡; B. milk牛奶;C. water水;D. tea茶。根据句意,故选D。 5.C考查连词及语境的理解。句意:我告诉她我车里的汽油用完了,但她似乎没有听到我说的话。此题考查连词,A. and并且;B. or或者,否则;C. but 但是;D. so因此。根据句意,故选C。 6.6】B考查动词及语境的理解。句意:她说的那么奇怪,我想离开。此题考查动词,A. stay呆;B. leave离开;C. sit down坐下;D. have a rest休息。根据句意,故选B。 7.7】D考查副词及语境的理解。句意:当我看到道路旁边另一个房子的时候,我很是高兴。此题考查代词,A. others其他的,其余的;B. the other两个中的另一个;C. other其他的,别的; D. another 再一,又一个。根据句意,故选D。 8.8】C考查反身代词及语境的理解。句意:她独自生活在一个大房子里。此题考查固定短语by oneself独自。根据句意,故选C。 9.9】D考查动词辨析及语境的理解。句意:她一直在等待,二十五年前打算和她结婚的那个人。此题考查动词短语wait for sb等待某人。根据句意,故选D。 10.10】A 考查副词辨析及语境的理解。句意:在他们结婚之前,他走了,再也没有回来。此题考查副词,A. never从来不;B. usually通常;C. often经常;D. sometimes有时候。根据句意,故选A。 考点:考查日常生活类短文。

China has        population in the world.

A. more    B. the most     C. larger   D. the largest



It’s so cold today. Yes ,it’s         colder than it was yesterday.

A. some   B. more   C. very  D. much



        exercise you take,        you’ll be.

A. The fewer;  the fatter 

B. The less; the fatter 

C. The less; the more fatter

D. The fewer; the more fatter



I plan to go shopping              going fishing on Saturday

A. because of    B. next to     C. instead of   D. up to



The rain beat        her face as she walked through the wind and rain.

A. at           B. against       C. in        D. from



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