满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

补全对话,阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。...

全对话,阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。

A: Hello! I’m a reporter from Jinan TV station. Nice to meet you.

B: Oh, nice to meet you, too.

A: Can I ask you some questions?

B: __________________

A: Do you often go to the movies?

B: Yes. I like movies very much.

A: __________________

B: Hmm…About three or four times a week.

A: __________________

B: I think the Wanda Cinema is.

A: Why do you think so?

B: _________________ You know, it’s really great.

A: Yeah, I think so. Is it the cheapest one?

B: No, of course not. Town Cinema is the cheapest and it’s not far. But it’s too crowded.

A: Oh, really? _________________

B: Well, let me think. About 20 minutes’ walk or 10 minutes by bus.

A: Thank you so much. See you.

B: Nothing much. Bye!


A. No, I don’t.      B. I’m sorry.

C. Sure.               D. Of course not.


A. How do you go to school?

B. How often do you go to the movies?

C. Why do you like to see movies?

D. When do you get up in the morning?


A. What do you look like?

B. Where are you going on vacation?

C. Which is the greatest movie theater?

D. What is your favorite subject?


A. Because the TV show is boring.

B. Because it has bad seats.

C. Because I want to make a turkey sandwich.

D. Because it has the biggest screens and the best seats.


A. How far is it?

B. How old are you?

C. How much is the meal?

D. How long did you do your homework?


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 【解析】 试题分析: 1.C根据上文Can I ask you some questions?我能问你一些问题吗?可知下文是 Sure当然可以。故选C。 2.B根据下文About three or four times a week.大约一周三到四次。可知上文是How often do you go to the movies?你多久去看一场电影?故选B。 3.C根据下文I think the Wanda Cinema is我认为是Wanda电影院,可知上文是在问Which is the greatest movie theater?那个电影院是做好的?故选C。 4.D根据上文Why do you think so?你为什么这么认为?可知下文是Because it has the biggest screens and the best seats.因为它有最好的座位和屏幕。故选D 5.Well, let me think. About 20 minutes’ walk or 10 minutes by bus.可知,上文是在问How far is it?它有多远?故选A 考点:考查人生百味类短文。

完形填空  阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。

One day a poor man was traveling on horseback. At noon, he tied his horse to a tree and then _______ to eat something. A few minutes later, a rich man came along and tied his horse to the same tree.

“Please tie your horse to _______ tree,” said the poor man. “My horse is wild. It will kill yours.” _______ the rich man said, “I shall tie my horse how I want!” he tied up his horse and had lunch nearby. After a moment they heard a terrible _______, the two horses were fighting. They went to them, but it was too _______. The rich man’s horse was killed. “See what your horse has done!” cried the rich man. “You will have to _______ it.” And he brought the poor man before Mr. Know.

Mr. Know asked the poor man some questions. But he did not _______. At last Mr. Know said, “This man is dumb (哑的). He can’t speak.”

“Oh,” the rich man shouted _______. “He can! He spoke to me when I met him.”

“Are you sure?” asked Mr. Know. “What did he _______?”

“He told me not to tie my horse to the same tree because his horse was wild and would kill my horse.”

“Oh,” said Mr. Know. “So he _______ you. Then can you expect to get money from him?”

The rich man said nothing and left silently.

1.A. put down      B. sat down    C. set down      D. turned down

2.A. other         B. others       C. another        D. the other

3.A. So             B. And         C. Though        D. But

4.A. song           B. word        C. bell          D. noise

5.A. late           B. slow        C. hard          D. quick

6.A. pay for       B. look for    C. care for      D. wait for

7.A. write          B. sing        C. answer         D. listen

8.A. quietly        B. angrily     C. happily        D. heavily

9.A. speak         B. talk         C. tell          D. say

10.A. helped        B. warned       C. ordered       D. thanked



Excuse me, could you tell me       ? Pour the yogurt into the blender.

A. where can I find a restaurant       B. what I should buy

C. why you eat so much                 D. how I make a milk shake



How long have you       ? For about ten years.

A. borrowed this book         B. bought this car

C. lived in Jinan               D. come to this town



Sam is very kind and volunteers at after-school program       others.

A. help                B. helps

C. to help              D. helping



—Jenny, I think it’s better to read in silence. What about you?

       . I think reading aloud is a good way to learn English.

A. I agree            B. I disagree

C. Me neither         D. I’d love to



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