满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。 Once upon a time, t...


Once upon a time there was a man with a ne house healthy animals and fertile land. He also had a handsome lovely son. But the man was worried about his son b1. the boy grew up knowing only good times and comfortable life.

What will happen when something goes w2.for him?” wondered his father. “How will he know what to do?” So one day the man asked the boy to go into the f3.and collect wood. To help him carry the wood home the man gave the boy an old cart and two horses. As he was l4. the man said to his son “If the cart breaks down w5.you are in the forest don’t worry. Real Need will teach you what to do.”

The boy collected as m 6.wood as he could and put it onto the cart. But when the cart was filled with wood it broke under the weight of the wood. “I hope that Real Need lives n 7. thought the boy and he started crying out“Real Need! Real Need! Where are you? Can you help me? The boy called and called but n 8.came so he had no choice but to repair the cart h9..

When he arrived home he said to his father “You said Real Need would t10.me to repair the cart but I couldn’t nd him anywhere. I had to x it all by myself.” The man smiled happily and thought“Real Need really is the best teacher.”


1.because 2.wrong 3.forest 4.leaving 5.when/while 6.much 7.nearby 8.nobody 9.himself 10.teach 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要内容:一个男人很富有,他的儿子在优越的环境中长大。他担心他的儿子将来遇到麻烦时不知道怎样应付。于是他想了一个注意---他让他的儿子去森林拉木材。他告诉他的儿子,当他遇到困难时,“真需要”教他怎样做。在森林里,他的儿子的马车坏了,结果他的儿子怎样呼唤“真需要”都没来。他的儿子不得不自己修车。 1.because考查语境理解及单词拼写。句意:但男人担心他的儿子,因为男孩在只知道美好的时光和舒适的生活环境中长大了。根据此复合句的前后句的关系是因果关系,结合语境和句意及首字母可知填because。 2.wrong考查语境理解及单词拼写。句意:“当有什么事情发生在他身上时,怎么办呢?”根据上文可知他担心他的儿子,及下文“How will he know what to do?” ( “他怎么知道要做什么?” )结合句意和首字母提示可知填wrong。 3.forest考查语境理解及单词拼写。句意:因此,有一天,这个男人让男孩去森林里收集木材。根据句中单词wood,结合句意和首字母提示可知填 forest。 4.leaving考查语境理解及单词拼写。句意:当他离开的时候,那个男人对他的儿子说:“如果你在森林里的车坏了,别担心。真正的需要会教你怎么做。”Be doing sth.可以表示将要做某事;根据语境可知那个男人考验他的儿子在真正有麻烦时,他会怎样做。结合句意、语境和首字母提示可知填leaving。 5.when/while考查语境理解及单词拼写。句意:当他离开的时候,那个男人对他的儿子说:“如果你在森林里的车坏了,别担心。真正的需要会教你怎么做。” 结合句意、语境和首字母提示可知填when/while。 6.much考查语境理解及单词拼写。句意:这个男孩收集了尽可能多的木材,并把它放在车上。 7.nearby考查语境理解及单词拼写。句意:我希望“真正需要”住在附近。 根据上文But when the cart was filled with wood, it broke under the weight of the wood.可知,他的马车在重物之下坏了。结合他的爸爸告诉他(第二段最后一句Real Need will teach you what to do.)真需要告诉他将要怎么做。可知他希望“真需要”住在附近,能快来帮助他。结合首字母提示可知填nearby。 8.nobody考查语境理解及单词拼写。句意:小男孩喊啊喊,但没人来了,所以他自己别无选择,只能自己修车。根据上文可知森林中只有小男孩自己,“真需要”没有这个人,结合句意和首字母提示可知填nobody。 9.himself考查语境理解及单词拼写。句意:小男孩喊啊喊,但没人来了,所以他自己别无选择,只能自己修车。根据上文可知森林中只有小男孩自己,没有人能帮他,只能自己修车。结合句意和首字母提示可知填himself。 10.,但是我到处都找不到他。Teach sb. to do sth.;教某人做某事;结合语境和首字母可知填teach。 考点:考查故事类阅读。



Everyone needs a break and holidays are a great way to take a break and enjoy a good book. Summer vacation is coming so this is the perfect time to discuss some great English literature to take on a long train journey while you’re hanging out with the family.

If you’re at the beginner level there are two choices reading a children’s book or reading a book that you’ve read in Chinese translation. This will help you understand better since you’ve already known the story. If you’re at the middle level popular books like novels and mysteries are good choices as they are attractive enough to increase the possibility of your understanding of the book. For top readers science books classical books or prize winners such as Nobel Pulitzer are good choices.

The most important thing is to pick a book that you’re really interested in. When I pick up a new book in Chinese the first few pages are always really hard to get through as I have to get used to the way the writer uses the language. But after that things get a lot easier especially if I like the story.

Another great way to help you read in the holiday is to find a friend who’s interested in reading the same book. You can make goals that you both want to achieve and talk about the book with each other by QQ or e-mail. I’m doing that with my friend Laura. We’ve done this since we were classmates in Chinese at college.

Some quick recommendations Harry Potter start with the first book and go on from there the Narnia series and if you like horror Stephen King’s novels are always unusual and fun. But really you should just find a topic or writer that you’re interested in and the rest will go from there. Happy reading!


Enjoy 1. English books during the journey

2. of books

●Beginners may pick a 3. book or a book whose story is familiar to them.

Popular books may make it 4. for middle-level readers to understand.

●Science books classical books or prize winners may be 5. for top readers.

6.to keep you reading

●Pick a book that is interesting enough to keep you reading. After 7. used to the language things get easier.

●Read along with a friend and 8. views with each other.

9. of some books

●Harry Potter series

●Narnia series

The 10. by Stephen King





regret     will pass away    is caused by    plays a main role    get married

Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sadness failure and success. Life is a learning process. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person.

Love 1. in our life. Love makes you feel wanted. In the early stage of our life our parents are the ones who show us love and care. They teach us about what is right and wrong good and bad. But we don't always care about it. It is only after we 2. and have kids that a person understands others' feelings.

Happiness can bring people a peaceful mind. Sadness 3. the death of a loved one or the failure. But all of these things4..

Failure is the path to success. it helps us to touch the sky teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way. Life teaches us not to 5. over yesterday. So the only way is to work hard today so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.




1.—Do you know the       (high) of the Greenland Square Zifeng Tower?

—About 450 meters.

2.After waiting for two hours passengers were becoming        (patient).

3.In high schools all       (Canada) students take part in a very exciting activity called "Take Your Children to Work Day".

4.     (compare) the different effects of mobile phones on teenagers our teacher made a survey among us.

5.The       (art) painting style was so special that all the people at the show could not

help discussing his painting excitedly.




1.Look! The students are practising hard to       (准备) for the PE exam.

2.Leonardo DiCaprio       (成功地) won his first Oscar for his leading role in movie "The Revenant".

3.The       (行星) Mars is considered to have air which is very similar to that on the earth.

4.Many factories have moved away from the      (北部的) part of Nanjing to reduce the pollution.

5.With the development of public transport we can get to the other side of the Yangtze River quickly      (通过) the tunnels connecting the two sides.




Do you sometimes find you want to eat chocolate or ice cream very much? Do you then make it but feel guilty about it later?

The next time this happens to you think back if you have had enough sleep over the last 3-5 days. Many adults and even teens have noticed that they crave "midnight snacks" when working or watching TV late.

New research shows that lack of sleep could lead us to have an increased appetite (食欲)- especially for the unhealthy kind.

Recently researchers at the University of Chicago carried out a study that clearly shows that a lack of sleep actually changes our brain chemistry! Studies were done on two control groups over four days. Both groups had their food and sleep strictly controlled. All of them received three meals. The only difference was that one group was allowed to sleep for 7.5 hours while the other group slept for a little more than four hours.

During the following visit their sleep patterns were exchanged. After the last night of the session the volunteers were offered as much food as they wanted to eat. Researchers noticed that in both sessions people who sleep less ate on an average 300 calories more than those who had slept more. This was much more calories than what their bodies would need to make up for the three fewer hours of sleep.

What Is Going On?

The researchers then analyzed the chemicals (化学成分) in the blood of the people in the study. What they noticed was surprising. High levels of ghrelin (a chemical that makes us hungry) and lower levels of leptin (the chemical that tells the brain that it is satisfied) were found in the people with less sleep.

Even more surprising was that this group had higher levels of endocannabinoids - the same chemical that is caused by drugs such as cannabis (大麻). The endocannabinoid system causes a craving for sugar and fatty foods and leads to overeating even when the body is not hungry. This study suggests that sleep changes help produce chemicals in the body that are similar to taking drugs!

Furthermore researchers noticed that food cravings continued for a long period of time well after the lack of sleep. This increases the risk of over-eating for longer periods leading to obesity (肥胖).

Your body needs 7-8 hours of sleep each night. So the next time you reach for a bag of chips or a slice of decadent cake think of the amount of sleep you have had recently!


1.According to the passage people want to eat more when they ________.

Awork                    Bwatch TV

Csleep less             Dsleep more

2.The word crave in paragraph 2 most probably means ________.

A.hope                   B.want

C.hate                   D.dislike

3.From the passage we can learn that  ________.

Apeople feel guilty about eating chocolate

Bunhealthy food makes people sleep less and less

Ca persons sleep has nothing to do with his/her appetite

Da study about sleep and obesity was carried out at the University of Chicago

4.The chemical that makes us feel hungry is called ________.

Aghrelin                Bleptim

Ccannabis               Dendocannabinoids

5.This article is mainly about ________.

Aresearchers working on peoples sleep

Bhow peoples sleep influences their appetite

Chow much people need to eat after sleeping less

DA research about chemicals in the blood of people



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