满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达。 以“The Different Lives of Chinese T...


以“The Different Lives of Chinese Teenagers”为题写一篇短文,字数在80字左右。


The Different Lives of Chinese Teenagers


The Different Lives of Chinese Teenagers In the past ,the children had little food to eat and couldn’t dress warmly.Most of them had no chance to go to school because they were poor.And they had little entertainment. With the development of China,all those things have changed.Nowadays children have a balanced diet.They can wear different kinds of clothes.They can also get a good education.What’s more,they have more changces to draw pictures,play musical instruments and receive other training. 【解析】 试题分析:考生首先要认真阅读前面的提示认真审题,确定文章的中心。注意文章文体、人称和时态。要求介绍。同时应选用合适的连接词或过渡词,使文章具有一定的连贯性。温馨提醒:考生必须认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等。 写作亮点:这篇文章语言规范,叙事清楚,词汇及时态运用正确,能够把提示的内容叙述清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯是一篇不错的文章。 考点:提纲类作文  

词汇运用  根据中文提示,完成下列句子。


China has                since the reform and opening-up.


Once you are in trouble, please              with me immediately.


Our country             children              free textbooks.


He went home late                last night.


Please answer these questions                the passage.



短文填词 根据短文内容和以下提示:1)首字母提示,2)语境提示,3)汉语提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词。所填单词要求意义正确,拼写准确。

   China is a country with the largest 1.          in the world. Too many people cause too many 2.          (麻烦), for example, the food problem. And today, in order to 3.c           the increasing population, China has formulated (制定) the 4.          (政策) of family planning. That is late marriage, late childbirth and having fewer but healthier 5.c              . Men of 22 years old

6.a           women of 20 years old can get married. If a man of 25 gets married to a woman of 23 or 7.                     (超过) 23, their marriage is a late marriage. Childbirth by a woman at the8.           of 23 or more is a late childbirth. The 9.g           encourages people to have only one child. And it is still needed in China in the 10.           (接下来的) years.



任务型阅读 根据表格内容,完成所给任务

Title: Inner voice helps a lot throughout our lives.

When you couldn't open your mouth till the first two years on the earth, inner voice helps you understand things. Inner voice always shows thoughts and ideas in the body.

It justifies (判断) what is right and what is wrong. When we go against inner voice, we usually feel uncomfortable throughout our lives.

Sometimes when we are feeling sad, we seem to need some kind of support in spirit. We usually speak to our closest friend or our dearest family member during times of unhappiness to feel better. After talking to them, we suddenly feel active again, because our inner voice reminds us to get on with things and leave the things of the past in the memory.

Inner voice is always right most of the time, because it knows us better than others and even ourselves. It's good to go by inner voice most of the time. Whenever you are trying to smoke, or whenever you are asked to choose one side in an argument, you are always worried about the result. During these times, your inner voice tells you what to do. If you don't follow your inner voice, you might be unhappy in the future. It's our own choice to either pay no attention to our inner voice or follow it and search for real happiness.    

Title: Inner voice helps a lot throughout our lives.


Passage outline

Supporting details

Introduction to inner voice

Before we can talk, inner voice 1.               

understand things, and shows thoughts and ideas in the body.

Things that inner voice helps us with

Inner voice tells us what is right and what is wrong. We usually have an uncomfortable 2.

throughout our lives when we go against inner voice.

Inner voice reminds us to get on with things and leave the things of the past.


why we should go by inner voice

It knows us better than others and even ourselves.

It tells us 4.        to do when we are always worried about the result of our choice.

We might be unhappy in the future without 5.

our inner voice.



Almost every child in cities has the chance to go to school. 1.        

Xiao Hua is 8 years old and lives in a small village in Sichuan. 2.         

But he couldn’t. His family was too poor to afford his school costs. Xiao Hua had to stay at home and helped his parents with farm work. Then the Hope Project heard about his stories. 3.        His wish came true, and now he is studying in a primary school.

4.        You can join in the Hope Project to show your love to them. Those children need your help.

300 yuan can pay for one child to go to school for a whole year. With more money, the Hope Project can build new schools, buy good books and other school things. 5.        We believe our effort can give them a chance to have a good start in life.





  Last week John went to his sister’s house, and it’s also the house he was born in. Sue, his sister felt excited and surprised. She said to John, “You haven’t changed a lot, John .Let me see, now…When did we meet last time?” “Ten years ago.” John answered. “You haven’t changed a lot, either.” John said. It was polite for John to say so, but it wasn’t true. Sue seemed like an old lady.

   The next day John walked through the small town alone. The place have already changed a lot. There was a new bus stop, a new post office, a new car park and lots of traffic signs. He remembered suddenly that the bus used to stop anywhere. You just put up your hand and it stopped. Everything has changed.

   To John’s surprise, he didn’t recognize anybody at all. Maybe everybody seemed old. He went into a shop and bought some things. Then he asked the boss, “Where are all the children and young people?” “Children?” he said, “They’re in school, of course. There are three or four young families here.”

   At lunch, Sue said, “Do you think it is still a beautiful place, John?” “It’s all different, Sue. It used to be an exciting place, but now it’s full of old people. I don’t understand.” John said.


1.How long did John leave the small town?

A.Ten years.    B.Six years.   C.One year.    D.Ten year.

2.What did Sue look like ten years ago?

A.She looked young.             B.She seemed like an old lady.

C.She was beautiful.          D.She was ugly.

3.John didn’t know anybody at all because         .

A.the people of the small town were all newcomers

B.he didn’t know them at all

C.they had become much older than before

D.he knew the people had gone to school

4.According to the passage, which sentence is WRONG?

A.John was a young man.    

B.Sue is John’s sister.

C.John bought some things in a shop.

D.Many old people moved into the small town.

5.The title of passage is         .

A.Changes                       B.A Surprise  

C.It’s Full of Old People      D.A Polite Answer



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