满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---______was the weight of the little ra...

---______was the weight of the little rabbit?  ---It _____ only 110 grams.

A. How much; weighed              B. What; weighed

C. How many; weight              D. How heavy; weight


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:那只小兔子有多重?——只有110克重。What’s the weight of…? How much do/does…weigh? How heavy is/are…? 都可以用来询问物品的重量。因此第一个空填what;第二个空缺少谓语动词,时态为一般过去时态。故答案为B。 考点:考查疑问词及动词。  

---Excuse me ,______ is it from the nearest post office ?

--- Only ten minutes’ walk.

A. how long       B. how much      C. how many         D. how far



We_______ any classes if it ______ snowy tomorrow

A. isn’t going to be; is going to be 

B. aren’t going to have; is

C. aren’t going to be; is

D. isn’t going to have; is going to be



My brother kept on ______TV for about three hours.

A. watch           B. watches       C.  watching        D. to watch



The man can write with______hand and draw with _______at the same time.

A. one; another     B. one; the other  C. first; second  D. one; it



---Doctor, is there_______ wrong with my son?  ---No, _____ is wrong.

A. something, anything                 B. anything , nothing      

C. something, nothing                  D. anything , something



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