满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—You’ve done such a great job in the Eng...

—You’ve done such a great job in the English speech competition, Sarah.


A. I agree with you

B. Thank you   

C. Please don’t say so

D. It’s hard to say


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:——Sarah,你在英语口语比赛中你表现得非常好。——谢谢。I agree with you我同意你的观点。Thank you谢谢你。Please don’t say so请不要这么说。It’s hard to say很难说。此处称赞他英语口语比赛表现好,应说声谢谢,故选B。 考点:考查交际用语的用法。  

That’s our new teaching building. But there     old houses here.

A. used to have              B. used to be

C. was used to be           D. was used to have



    did you take swimming classes last term?

Once every two weeks.

A. How often     B. How many        C. How long       D. How soon



We should be friendly to the old and care     them in daily life.

A. with             B. for         C. of            D. by



The research group produced two reports according to the survey, but     has any useful  suggestions.

A. all       B. none      C. either          D. neither



    bad luck he had yesterday! Someone stole his iPhone 6 plus at the underground station.

A. How        B. What a        C. How a    D. What



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