满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

-- Why did Vivian keep practicing speaki...

-- Why did Vivian keep practicing speaking in front of the public?

-- more confidence. I think.

A. Get            B. Gotten           C. Getting          D. To get


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--为什么Vivian一直在众人面前练习发言?--我认为,为了更自信,这里是动词不定式表示目的。根据题意,故选D。 考点:考查非谓语动词  

--Jack said he would have to stay up late to prepare for his geography project tonight.

--- But he  Mr Zhao said we could hand it in next week.

A. mustn't      B. shouldn't      C. needn't      D. couldn't



-- What do you think of the hospital?

-- Great !  Patients here  good treatment.

A. have given     B. are giving

C. are given        D. were given



-- you ever  any trees last Tree-planting Day?

-- Yes, of course. I have planted six trees since then.

A. Have. planted            B. Did, plant

C. Will, plant             D. Had. Planted



Little Jimmy's mother was happy to find that all the toy cars were  without her help.

A. put up          B. put down         C. put away         D. put out



Don't  _ your children with others. Just let them be themselves.

A. compare     B. share        C. connect      D. Communicate



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