满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The resignation(辞职)letter of Gu Shaoqian...

The resignation(辞职)letter of Gu Shaoqiang a teacher from Henan “The world is so big I want to see it.” is very popular in the Internet. Many people say that it spoke the minds of millions of people who feel they have been in a boring and normal life and want to do something different to change it. Whatever the teacher may be able to achieve with her life it is meaningful for people to make their dream come true.

   So what is your opinion? Should we praise(表扬)the teacher for resigning and following her dreams? 

  Yes---All of us have dreams that can’t come true right now. 

  First Too many people waste their lives by doing things they don’t love simply because it is what people expect them to do. They are not happy and they also affect(影响) people around them. The earlier they can break free the more meaning they can make out of their lives. 

  Second It is a waste of people’s talents and social resources(资源) if they don’t get to do the things they are most talented at. Some people don’t want to be white-collar workers all their lives. They should have the freedom to change their lives. 

  Third As our country develops so fast people have greater freedom to change their lives as long as they put in the time and effort. The teacher is a good example. 

  No---People can’t change their lives overnight. 

  First “Seeing the world” is not good enough an excuse to leave one’s job and life. This kind of attitude could actually be a bad example for young people.

  Second Everyone has a place in society and life. People may not have achieved their wildest or most ambitious dreams but where they end up is the result of their and society’s decisions. Unless they offer to make lots of efforts and sacrifices people can’t change their lives overnight. 

  Third The reason why the teacher gave up her job is too unclear. It is too irresponsible.

1.Why does Gu Shaoqiang become popular recently according to the passage?

A. Because of her dream

B. Because she is a very famous teacher

C. Because of her resignation letter

D. Because she wants to see the outside world

2.The Chinese meaning of underlined word “ overnight” is _______.

A. 隔夜地          B. 一夜间地        C. 通宵地         D. 随时

3.Some people disagree that we should praise the teacher except(除了)____

A. It is just an excuse to run away from the job and life.

B. Everyone has a social place and each should makes efforts to change lives step by step.

C. If someone wants to leave the job it is polite and necessary to tell your reasons instead of one piece of easy sentence.

D. People have freedom to change their lives the teacher sets a good example.


1.C 2.B 3.D 【解析】 试题分析:河南女教师的最文艺辞职信,“世界这么大,我想去看看”一度爆红网络。不同的人对此有不同的观点,有支持的声音,也有反对的声音。 1.C细节理解题。根据短文开头的句子“The resignation(辞职)letter of Gu Shaoqiang, a teacher from Henan,“The world is so big; I want to see it.” is very popular in the Internet.”可知,顾少强的这封辞职信,让他成为网络红人。答案为C。 2.B 词意猜测题。根据短文开头的句子“but where they end up is the result of their and society’s decisions. Unless they offer to make lots of efforts and sacrifices,”可知,人们不能一夜之间改变他们的生活。故答案为B。 3.D细节判断题。根据短文中的内容,First, “Seeing the world” is not good enough an excuse to leave one’s job and life. Second, Everyone has a place in society and life. people can’t change their lives overnight. Third, The reason why the teacher gave up her job is too unclear.故D答案是支持这位老师的观点。答案为D。 考点:人生百味类短文阅读。

  Accident Report Form


A car crashed into a tree. Some people were  

Trapped(卡住) in the car.

Weather conditions

There was a heavy rain.

Date of call

May 3 2008

Time of call

930 p.m.

Name of caller

Mrs. Green


Zhongshan Road Nanjing

Conditions of victims

Mr. Green hurt his head.

Mrs. Green hurt her left leg.

Their daughter felt frightened.


Policemen arrived at 940 p.m. and sent the 

victims to Gulou Hospital at 945 p.m.

1.What time did Mrs. Green call the police?

A. At 930 a.m.        B. At 930 p.m.

C. At 940 p.m.       D. At 945 p.m.

2.What was the weather like that day?

A. It was sunny.       B. It was snowy.

C. It was cloudy.      D. It was rainy.

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The car crashed into a wall.

B. Their daughter hurt her leg and was sent to the hospital.

C. The car accident happened on Zhongshan Road in Nanjing.

D. The policemen arrived half an hour later and sent the victims to the hospital.




Alicia was a young woman who liked to exercise for her health. In fact, she walked five kilometers before    every morning, and went swimming once a week at the swimming pool. She didn’t smoke and never    . She didn’t eat chocolate. She didn’t eat sweet and fatty food,    . She weighted herself every day.

One day Alicia was on her daily walk when she saw a        sitting in a rocking chair under a tree. He looked very old and his hair was white. He looked thin and weak, and his hands were shaking,   he looked very happy.

He smiled at her and said, “Good morning! Lovely day, isn’t it?”

He had a wide smile on his   , and his eyes shone with happiness. But Alicia saw that he did not have teeth.

“Good morning!” replied Alicia. “Yes, it is a lovely day.”

Alicia thought he    very old and clever. She thought he must be at least 90 years old! She decided to ask him about the    of a happy old age.

“I hope you don’t mind (介意) me     ,” she said, “but what is your secret for being so happy at your age? I hope I can look as happy as you do    I am your age.”

The man in the rocking chair said, “My secret for    ? I smoke twenty packets of cigarettes every week, and drink three bottles of wine every day. I eat hamburgers and chocolates whenever I want. I never eat vegetables. I never walk anywhere and I never play sports. I sit at home every day.”

Alicia was   . She didn’t expect the man to give her an answer like that. She was surprised at how the man got to be so old when he did everything wrong. She thought he should be    and unhappy. Perhaps she was wrong. Maybe, she thought, people could live a long happy life    eating well or doing lots of exercise.

“How     are you?” she asked.

“It’s my birthday today,” said the man. “I’m forty-seven!”

1.A. lunch            B. breakfast  C. dinner       D. supper

2.A. exercised        B. drank        C. worked          D. slept

3.A. too    B. also   C. either    D. still

4.A. man        B. woman        C. boy             D. girl

5.A. so    B. but   C. and             D. or

6.A. hand       B. body   C. mouth            D. face

7.A. saw       B. looked      C. listened         D. found

8.A. secret       B. dream      C. plan              D. future

9.A. laughing      B. asking      C. dancing           D. singing

10.A. when       B. since   C. though          D. for

11.A. health   B. success  C. happiness       D. life

12.A. surprised      B. worried  C. excited          D. relaxed

13.A. angry       B. serious  C. quiet              D. sick

14.A. through      B. from   C. without          D. by

15.A. much       B. far   C. old    D. often











Next Saturday




climb hills

go fishing

Take proper clothes

follow traffic rules

be careful
















综合填空 选择方框内的单词并用其正确形式填空。

Beijing Opera is our     1.  opera. It came into being after 1970 and has over 200 years of history. Its music and singing    2.    Xipi and Erhuang in Anhui and Hubei. There are four main    3.  in Beijing Opera: Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou. Beijing Opera is 4.    of famous stories, beautiful facial paintings, wonderful gestures and fighting. It is an   5.    part of Chinese culture.



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