满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

______ your books of Harry Potter, Steve...

______ your books of  Harry Potter, Steve. You shouldn’t throw them everywhere.

A. Take off             B. Put out

C. Put away              D. Try on


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:收起《哈利波特》这本书,Steve,你不应该把它们乱扔。Take off脱下;B. Put out扑灭;C. Put away把……收起来;D. Try on尝试。根据题意。故选C。 考点:考查动词短语的辨析  

Coco, Liwen, got the championship in I’m a Singer which _________ by Hunan STV in         the early year of 2016.

A. is hold               B. will be held

C. would hold            D. was held



I don’t like KFC or McDonald’s, so I _______ go or eat there.

A. always      B. often      C. sometimes     D. Seldom



_______ excited we were when we heard China’s football team would have the right to play for the FIFA's World Cup.

A. How    B.What     C. What a   D. What an



I find it difficult for me_______ my English homework after class.

A. finishing to do          B. finish doing

C. to finish doing          D. finished to do



I’m expecting for long to have a drone(无人机)to take photos, but my parents refuse to buy _______for me.

A. it        B. one         C. this      D. That



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