满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

_______ it is hot, our parents are still...

_______ it is hot, our parents are still working hard outside.

A. If      B. Because     C. Although    D. But


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:尽管它是热的,我们的父母还在外面努力工作。A. If如果;B. Because 因为;C. Although尽管;D. But但是。根据题意。故选C。 考点:考查连词的辨析  

______ your books of  Harry Potter, Steve. You shouldn’t throw them everywhere.

A. Take off             B. Put out

C. Put away              D. Try on



Coco, Liwen, got the championship in I’m a Singer which _________ by Hunan STV in         the early year of 2016.

A. is hold               B. will be held

C. would hold            D. was held



I don’t like KFC or McDonald’s, so I _______ go or eat there.

A. always      B. often      C. sometimes     D. Seldom



_______ excited we were when we heard China’s football team would have the right to play for the FIFA's World Cup.

A. How    B.What     C. What a   D. What an



I find it difficult for me_______ my English homework after class.

A. finishing to do          B. finish doing

C. to finish doing          D. finished to do



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