满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—As we know it’s difficult to live in a ...

—As we know it’s difficult to live in a foreign country.

—________ if you can’t understand the language there.

A. Hardly             B. Naturally

C. Usually            D. Especially


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-他我们知道在国外生活很难。-特别是如果你不能理解那里的语言。especially副词尤其、特别。所以选D。 考点:考查副词  

Mr. Chen spends more time than he used to         games with his child after work.

A. playing    B. play     C. played        D. plays



—The blouse is very nice. I’ll take it.

—But you’d better ________ first. I think it is a little large for you.

A. pay for it        B. try it on 

C. turn it down     D. give it away



Look! There are some students planting trees ________ the farm.

A. at     B. in    C. on    D. under




XI(A)寒假即将来临,Mr. Edwards 要举办一次英语冬令营活动,招聘具有体育、音乐、美术、电脑等专长的中学生志愿者。请你帮助Mr. Edwards完成下面的招聘广告。每空一词。

   Volunteers Wanted

      Are you good _________ communicating with children? Do you like sports, music or __________? Can you help kids learn _________ to use computers? Come and_________ us as soon as possible! Please _______ Mr. Edwards at 5666888.


be supposed to,  wear school uniforms,  be late for school,  fight with classmates ,

listen to the teacher carefully, care about your teachers and your friends,  keep the classroom clean…




Dear Tom,

Thanks for your last letter.____________________________________________



      Li Hua



Do you often clean the floor? If you do, you will find it’s not easy to clean the floor under a bed or around a table. Now a new idea can help you to do what you like.

  This summer, in Belgium(比利时),a magnetic floating bed(磁悬浮床) with no legs takes the prize for the coolest bed in the world, and the most expensive.

  A Dutchman(荷兰人) worked on (从事于)the bed for six years. The bed can float around 40cm off the floor and can hold 900 kg. Like this pleasing bed, there can be coffee tables, sofas, and Japanese dining tables. How cool would it be to have dinner off a floating table! The price of the most expensive bed (for the full—size unit)will cost you $ 1.6 million.


1.Where did the magnetic floating bed take the prize?


2.Does the most expensive bed have legs?


3.How long did the Dutchman worked on the most expensive bed?


4.Can he sleep on the floating bed if a man weighs 75 kg?


5.How much is the most expensive bed in the world?




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