满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—When shall we go to the Xuanwu Lake Par...

—When shall we go to the Xuanwu Lake Park, this Saturday or Sunday?

—________ is OK. I’m free on the weekend.

A. Both    B. None    C. All    D. Either


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-我们什么时候去玄武湖公园,这个星期六或星期日?-这两天哪一天都行。我周末有空。A. Both(两者)都;B. None都不;C. All(三者以上)都;D. Either两者中任一。所以选D。 考点:考查代词  

—________ great fun we had at the party last night!

—Yes, it was so exciting that everyone was happy.

A. How a     B. How    C. What   D. What a



There are fewer and fewer tigers in India. The situation will continue ________ humans stop hunting them for their fur and bones.

A. unless        B. if     C. because    D. since



—You don’t have to take a raincoat. It isn’t going to rain.

—Well, I am not sure. It ________ do.

A. must    B. need    C. may   D. would



In order to improve our spoken English, we should make much       in our pronunciation.

A. practice       B. attention      C. attraction     D. progress



The woman looks beautiful and energetic. It’s hard to imagine she is in her ________.

A. sixteen     B. sixtieth         C. sixty      D. sixties



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