满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- When are you going to Yunnan for you...

--- When are you going to Yunnan for your holiday?

--- __________ this Sunday __________ next Sunday is OK. I’m busy these days.

A. Not only; but also

B. Neither; nor

C. Both; and

D. Either; or


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:——你什么时候去北京渡假?——我还没有决定,或者这周日,或者下周日。A. not only; but also 不仅……而且;B. Neither; nor既不……也不……;C .Eiher;or或者……或者;D. Both;and两者都……根据句意得知一定是去北京,故排除B,再根据句意是去一天并且系动词是is是单数,故选择C。 考点:考查连词的用法。 .  

We wonder if our teachers_________ to our graduating party next weekend. If they ________,We’ll be very happy.

A. will come; will come

B. come; will come

C. will come; come

D. come; come



My father doesn’t like shopping much. He would rather______ TV at home than

______ around for hours in shops.

A. watch; walk       B. watch; to walk

C. to watch; to walk  D. to watch; walk



---Did your parents go to the meeting yesterday, Tom?

---Yes, _______ of then did, but _______ spoke.

A. each, none         B. both, none

C. both, neither      D. neither, both



---- Could you tell us _______?     ---- About five minutes.

A. how soon will the film end  

B. how long has the film begun

C. how soon the film has ended

D. how long the film has been on



The computer needs_________. I think I need ________ to ask Mr. Zhang for help.

A. fixing; going     B. to fix; going

C. fixing; to go     D. to fix; to go



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