满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

词形变化 根据句意和汉语注释,写出下列单词。 1.My father likes...

词形变化 根据句意和汉语注释,写出下列单词。

1.My father likes science very much. He ___________ (影响) me a lot when I was at college.

2.Don’t be __________ (不耐烦的) with him. He is still a boy after all.

3.All the students in our school are ___________ (要求) to wear school uniforms every day.

4. Qian Xuesen is one of the greatest _________ (开拓者) of China’s space technology.

5.As a doctor, you can never have a moment of ___________ (care).

6.It’s impolite to read others’ _________ (person) letters.

7. Enough sleep can make people feel _________ (energy) and work better.

8.To do or not to do, he found it very hard to make a good    (decide)..


1.influenced 2..impatient 3.required 4.pioneers 5.carelessness 6.personal 7.energetic 8.decision 【解析】 试题分析: 1.我的父亲非常喜欢科学。当我上大学时他对我影响很大。根据时间状语从句,可知用一般过去时,故填influenced 2.不要对他没有耐心,毕竟他还是个孩子。结合句意,故填.impatient 3.在我们学校里的所有的学生被要求每天穿校服。结合句意,故填required 4.钱学森是中国太空技术的最伟大的开拓者之一。结合句意,故填pioneers 5.作为一个医生,你不能有粗心大意的任何时候。根据句意,故填carelessness 6.读他人的私人信件是无礼的。结合句意,故填personal 7.足够的睡眠使人们感到精力充沛工作会更好。结合句意,故填energetic 8. 考点:词语运用。

We’ve all done it at one point or another. You’re driving along to work or school when that familiar sound reaches your ear. You look down, reach into your pocket and begin to read, your steering wheel(驾驶盘) in one hand, your phone in the other. What can go wrong?

What do you think is the number one killer of teens in the U.S.? Drugs? Alcohol? Violence? The answer is “distracted driving(分心驾驶)”. According to a study, over 24 percent of all motor vehicle(车辆) crashes involve(涉及) cellphone use. What’s more, drivers who talk on a cellphone are four more times likely(有可能的) to crash.

When you’re a teenager, the risk of getting into an accident rise. According to the study, more than 3,000 teens die in car accident each year, with about another 450,000 teens being injured. Besides, one text message is equal to 0.08 alcohol level. In most states, that is considered drunk driving. When you’re a teen, it may seem that this weekend’s party is the most important thing going on in your life right now, but anyone would agree that being alive is more important.

So, how do you protect yourself from the dangers of distracted driving? Put your phone away. Put it silent or just turn it off completely while driving. If someone is trying to reach you, you can have a better conversation with them when you’re not doing 60mph down the freeway. If you don’t trust yourself not to use your phone, put it on the back seat.

You may get out with talking on the phone now, but there may be a day when you don’t. Not using your phone may be an inconvenience, but it’s better to be safe while driving.

1. What is the author’s purpose in writing the first paragraph?

A. To tell people about the wide use of cellphone.

B. To advise people to answer the phone while driving.

C. To introduce the topic of distracted driving.

D. To tell people how to be good drivers.

2. According to the study, when driving are four times more likely involved in car accident?

A. people who talk on a cellphone

B. people who quarrel with others

C. people who are drunk 

D people who think about things

3. How can we protect ourselves from the dangers of distracted driving?

①Turn the phone off.   ②Talk on the phone while driving at over 60mph on the freeway.

③Put the phone on silent.  ④Put the phone on the back seat.

A. ①②③ B. ①③④ C. ②③④ D. ①②④

4. What is the main idea of the passage? 

A. The wide use of cellphone among teenagers.

B. The causes of car accidents.

C. The dangers of using phone while driving.

D. Ways to avoid car accidents.



Mike Myers is a teacher at Chauncey Rose High School in Terre Haute, Indiana.  Last year, he taught his students about the world’s rain forests.  They learned that rain forests are important because the plants and animals of the rain forest give us food, wood, and medicine.

Destruction of the world’s rain forests is a serious problem.  Unluckily, rain forests are disappearing at a rate of 80 acres per minute!  As part of a class project, Myers’ students bought three acres of rain forest in Central America.  They paid $25 per acre.  The students hope that the land they bought will be protected and not destroyed. The students became so interested in rain forests that they decided to get a closer look at a real rain forest.

So last June, Myers and four of his students took a boat ride down a river.  They saw alligators and crocodiles.  In the middle of the week, a guide took Myers and his students into the rain forest.  “The monkeys were not happy that we were in their forest.  They broke small branches off the trees and threw them at us,” one of the students said, “It was a great learning experience for all of us,” said Myers.

Each student chose something specific about Costa Rica to study involving the plants, animals, food, and culture.  During the last few days the group had time to do fun activities.  They went whitewater rafting and horseback riding, and visited Costa Rica’s active volcano.

Myers hopes to make the trip every year with a different group of kids.

1. How much did Myers’ students pay for the rain forest they bought?

A. $25 B. $75   C. $80     D. $2000

2.What did Myers and his students do at the beginning of the trip?

A. They went into the rain forest. 

B. They bought acres of rain forest.

C. They took a boat ride down a river.

D. They visited Costa Rica’s active volcano.

3.The word “Destruction” in paragraph 2 probably means “the process of being ______.”

A. destroyedB. developedC. describedD. discovered.

4. When the monkeys saw Myers and his students, they _________.

A. felt excited

B. felt angry

C. jumped off the trees 

D. left the rain forest

5.The passage mainly shows that Myers and his students ________.

A. did something to protect rain forest 

B. wanted to buy the rain forest in Costa Rica

C. were interested in the culture of Costa Rica

D. went to the rain forest for various fun activities



There are many colours in nature. But do you know that a colour has weight? I think you’ll say “no”. But I am afraid you are wrong. If you don’t believe, you may do a small experiment(实验).

      First, put two objects with the same weight into two boxes. Then cover the boxes. Wrap(包裹) one box with a red piece of paper, the other with a white piece of paper. Now hold the boxes with your hand one by one. It is certain that you will think the red one is a little heavier.

     Why does it happen? A scientist found that different colours have different weight in a man’s mind. So he did many tests and at last he got the result. That is to say, every colour has its own weight in our mind. The heaviest colour is red, then blue, green, orange, yellow and white. The scientists told us that colours also have smell. Can you smell the colour? Of course not. Then why did the scientists say so? That is because every colour represents a kind of light wave(光波)------ a certain wavelength(波长). It reaches our brain(大脑) through organs(感觉器官)

According to this discovery, scientists say that people accept the colour they like, and refuse the colour they hate. So your body and mind will be healthy by using the colours you like. Or you’ll be nervous or even get ill. If you stay in a room with red windows, wallpapers and furniture(家具) for two hours, you’ll feel you have been there for four hours. But if the room is blue, you’ll feel you have been there for only one hour. Another example, if a person walks out of a red room and into a blue room, his temperature will fall. That means our body temperature will change when we see different colours.

1.Which is the lightest colour in a man’s mind?

A. Red      B. Blue     C. Green    D. White

2.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Different colours have different weights in a man’s mind.

B. The colour “blue” is the second heaviest colour in a man’s mind.

C. People can’t smell the colours.

D. The colour you don’t like will keep you healthy.

3.What will happen when you get into a cool colored room from a warm colored room?

A. You will feel excited.

B. You will be happy and contented.

C. Your temperature will fall. 

D. You will be nervous.

4.According to the passage, how long will you feel if you stay in a red room for an hour?

A. Two hours.   B. Fours hours   C. Six hours     D. Eight hours.



His talent and charm have made him the No.1Chinese classical artist in the world. And he played in the grand Beijing Olympic opening ceremony in 2008, watched by a TV audience of 5 billion.

    Lang Lang, 26, is the first Chinese pianist to play with the world's top orchestras (管弦乐队),making his first appearance at the Carnegie Hall in New York at 18, while still a student.

    Lang's charm and fondness make him a natural fit to represent China's new international image. According to the British newspaper the Times, "The Lang Lang effect" drives 36 million Chinese children to learn the piano.

    Now in China, children are learning Chopin and Western orchestras are playing sold-out tours across Chinese cities. But can China ever introduce its own music to the West? Lang is trying. His cooperation(合作) with the London Symphony Orchestra this month includes a performance of Dragon Songs, an album of traditional Chinese classics.

Behind the success , however, is a surprising story of a gifted child. Lang grew up with his father's own musical ambition(抱负) and high expectations. It is not hard to imagine how boring it must be to practice the piano every day. Lang said that he once hated his hands and the piano. He got his right hand hurt six years ago and had to rest. "That was the best month," he says.

1.What is the main reason why Lang Lang is the No.1 Chinese classical artist in the world?

A. He played in the Beijing Olympic opening ceremony in 2008.

B. He usually plays with the world's top orchestras.

C. He tries to introduce Chinese music to Western countries.

D. He plays the piano so well and has a good international image.

2.Lang Lang is trying his best to ______ now.

A. introduce China's own music to the West 

B. play sold-out tours across Chinese cities

C. encourage children to learn the piano 

D. prepare for a performance of Dragon songs

3.Which of the following about Lang Lang is true?

A. He didn't like music at all.

B. He had a good rest and enjoyed himself because he got his right hand hurt. .

C. He has had a great musical ambition since his childhood.  .

D. He first appeared in the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008.

4.From the last paragraph we can learn ______.

A. Lang didn't like playing the piano at all as a child

B. He was happy to practice the piano every day

C. His father's wish and expectations played an important role in his childhood

D. He hurt his hands six years ago




“Keep your eyes on your paper” is one of the rules that Mrs. Archer has taught us. It’s a simple rule, but it’s not a rule everybody chooses to     .

This morning, I felt     was watching me too closely during an English exam. I turned my head quickly and saw James, who sat     me. My eyes caught his and he    , “Let me see your answers!”

I gave him a    , not sure if he was joking, and returned to my test. This time I moved a little more closely towards my own paper. “I can’t see!” James said in a low voice.

“What am I going to do?” I    . Cheating(作弊) was wrong. I’d studied hard for the test, but James     . I put my arm around my paper so that he couldn’t see the answers. I knew I did what I felt was right. Maybe it made James angry.

When the exam ended, I stood there for a moment, wondering     . But I felt it necessary to let him know cheating was wrong. My    searched for the right words.

“Sorry, James, but you know me     to understand how I feel about cheating,” I said slowly and gently. “But maybe I can help you study before the next test.” “OK, Brain”, “You’re right. I should study hard.” I stood there for a moment, finally able to breathe again. I was happy my friendship with James wasn’t destroyed.

1. A. break  B. follow  C. take      D. check

2.A. nobody B. anybody C. everybody D. somebody

3.A. in front of B. behind     C. before     D. around

4.A. whispered B. talked     C. spoke     D. answered

5.A. book     B. no te     C. hand     D. smile

6.A. said to him     B. asked the teacher C. thought to myself D. talked to me

7.A. had     B. hadn’t     C. has     D. didn’t

8.A. how to say     B. when to say C. what to say D. where to say

9.A. eyes   B.  body  C.  mind     D. memory

10.A. well enough     B. good enough      C. hard enough     D. bad enough



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