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书面表达 助人为乐是中华民族的传统美德。你在生活或学习中是否帮助过别人?是否接受...









I enjoy helping others both in school and out of school. In school, I get on well with my classmates and often help them with their lessons. On my way home, I always give my seat to old people or women with babies on the bus. I think helping others can not only make us happy, but also help us get more experience in life. I will go on doing this as much as possible and work hard at my lessons in order to help others better in the future 【解析】 试题分析:考生首先要认真阅读前面的提示,认真审题,确定文章的中心。注意文章文体、人称和时态。本文主要是结合自己的在日常生活中的做法和今后的打算,因此一般现在时和一般将来时应用的比较多,所以在写作时,要注意时态的变化。根据情景的发展,按顺序安排好材料。同时应选用合适的连接词或过渡词,使文章具有一定的连贯性。 温馨提醒:考生必须认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等 写作亮点:这篇短文使用了一些固定句式和短语,为文章增色不少.如: both in school and out of school;get on well with;I think helping others can not only make us happy, but also help us get more experience in life。学习中注意总结,牢记一些固定句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章的表达更有逻辑性,更富有条理。 考点:提纲作文。  

阅读表达 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。

Tim Harris is the owner of a restaurant named Tim’s Place in Albuquerque, America. Many people go to have meals in his restaurant every day. Tim Harris gives free hugs to every customer at the end of each meal. So his restaurant is regarded as the world’s friendliest restaurant.

Tim’s hugs are special because of everything he has achieved in life. The 27-year-old man is probably the only Down syndrome sufferer(唐氏综合征患者) in the U.S. to own a restaurant, but he has several other things to be proud of: He was once elected Student of the Year in high school; he’s a great Special Olympian, an excellent sailor. He also loves fishing and he is really better at fishing than most people.

Tim’s Place opened in 2010 and Tim has given over 19,000 hugs so far. I love giving all the customers a hug because I want them to feel comfortable,” said Tim

A number of customers love visiting Tim’s Place. “ I have been coming here once a week,” said Michelle Garth-Jones, a regular customer. “ I love its Mexican food, and I prefer its friendly service and the hugs from the owner.”

1.Is Tim Harris the owner of Tim’s Place?

2.What is Tim Harris better at than most people?

3.When did Tim’s Place open?

4.Why does Tim Harris love giving the customers a hug?

5.How often does Michelle Garth-Jones visit Tim’s Place?



“Josie Metz’s father won’t live long enough to walk her down the aisle on her wedding day.But thanks to photographer Lindsey Villatoro,the 11-year-old girl was able to experience what it might be like anyway.

Her father, Jim,62,had already been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer when he and his  wife.Grace,hired Villatoro—a photographer.Two years ago,Villatoro began offering photography sessions for people with serious illnesses to document their journeys and was hired by the Metz family.”I try to really showcase(充分展示)the person for who they are and not the illness,”she told The Huffington Post during a phone conversation Tuesday afternoon.

Villatoro went to Jim and Grace’s home for a shoot and offered to do one with their young daughter,Josie.After she left,she posted about the family on her website to get gift donations for the girl to help make her last birthday with her father memorable.But she decided to take a step further as a surprise and dreamed up the idea of a wedding for the girl—complete with,flowers,desserts,a promise ring and a dress from L.A.Fashion Week—so that her father could walk her down the aisle.”

For today,appreciate those you love.Give them lots of hugs and be grateful they are in your life.You never know what can happen.Say more“I Love Yous”and show more appreciation for all of your friends and family.Appreciate the blessings you have.I'm going to hug my husband Rich more today,call my Dad,call my friend in NC,and give lots of kitty hugs to my pets.Hugs to all of you—I appreciate you all so much and am grateful to have you in my life every single Day!  

1.Villatoro was hired by Josie’s parents to _______________.

A.take care of them

B.treat Jim’s cancer

C.take photographs

D.fix Josie’s wedding

2.What do we know about Josie’s father,Jim?

A.He wants to attend Josie’s wedding.

B.He is fond of photography.

C.He had all idea of a wedding.

D.He suffered from cancel

3.Villatoro posted about the family on her website to _____________.

A.show her gratitude to her customers

B.collect birthday presents for the girl

C.raise money for people with illnesses

D.celebrate the poor girl’s last birthday

4.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?

A.We should Treasure loved ones.

B.Blood is thicker than water.

C.Without love,nothing can go far.

D.Time and tide wait for no man.

5.Which of the following best describes Villatoro?

A.Talented and popular

B.Humorous and friendly

C.Intelligent and proud

D.Creative and helpfull



As you research music, you will find music that is familiar to you. You will find music which tells of interesting places and exciting things to do. You will find music which expresses feelings that are often your own.

Music is an expression of the people. As you research, you will find music of people at work and play. You will find music expressing love of the country, love of nature, and love of home.

Music is also an expression of the composer(作曲家). The composer expresses his own musical ideas. He studies the materials of music and discovers ways of using them. He looks for new kinds of musical expression.

Music can suggest actions and feelings which we all share. We can enjoy playing and singing music, dancing and listening to the music of the people and the composers of different times and places.

1.In the first paragraph, the author tells us to_______.

A.find entertainment(娱乐) in music

B.be friendly to music 

C.express your feelings in music

D.discover the things and places in music

2..From the second paragraph, we know that ________.

A.if we love music, we will love the country, nature and home

B.music sings of the country, nature and home 

C.you may listen to music at work or at play

D.music can express how people live, work and think

3.By means of music, the composer wishes that ________.

A.you would study with them

B.you would share his feelings and ideas

C.you would express your own feelings

D.you help discover ways of using music and new kinds of musical expression

4.The last paragraph shows that music makes it possible ________.

A.the music can express actions and feelings at the same time

B.bring understanding between people of different times and places

C.that people can enjoy playing and singing music, dancing and listening to the music at the same time

D.that people of different time and places can get together

5.Which of the following statements is NOT true. Music expresses ________.

A.the feelings of our own

B.people’s love of the country

C.the composer’s feelings

D.people’s musical ideas



TOKYO, Japan (AP) – Japan is very serious about robotics (机器人技术). If the droids are going to fit in, they probably need to learn the Japanese custom of serving tea. Fortunately, researchers at the University of Tokyo are exploring just that. In a show this week, a humanoid(有人特点的)with camera eyes made by Kawada Industries Inc. poured tea from a bottle into a cup. Then another robot on wheels delivered the cup of tea in an experimental room that has sensors embedded in the floor and sofa as well as cameras on the ceiling, to simulate(模仿)life with robot technology.

“A human being may be faster, but you’d have to say ‘Thank you,’” said University of Tokyo professor Tomomasa Sato. “That’s the best part about a robot. You don’t have to feel bad about asking it to do things.”

Sato believes Japan, a rapidly aging society where more than a fifth of the population is 65 or older, will lead the world in designing robots to care for the elderly, sick and bedridden(卧床不起的).

Already, monitoring technologies, such as sensors that automatically turn on lights when people enter a room, are becoming widespread in Japan.

The walking, child–size Asimo from Honda Motor Co. greets people at showrooms. NEC Corp. has developed a smaller companion robot–on –wheels called Papero. A seal robot available since 2004 can entertain the elderly and others in need of fuzzy companionship.

Sato says his experimental room is raising awareness about privacy questions that may arise when electronic devices(设备)monitor a person’s movements down to the smallest detail.

On the bright side, the tea – pouring humanoid has been programmed to do the dishes.

1.What is the best title of this passage?

A.“Thank You” Will Never Be Needed in Japan

B.Monitoring Technologies Are Widespread in Japan

C.Robot Is Designed to Care for the Elderly.

D.Robot technologies are widespread in Japanese daily life.

2.The underlined word “embedded” in the first paragraph probably means      .

A.fixed B.established C.settled D.rooted

3.According to Professor Sato,     .

A.the robot serves tea much faster than a human being

B.the robot does anything like human beings

C.tea serving robot helps to form laziness of the aging society

D.tea – serving robot doesn’t need any reward for the service

4.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.

A robot can imitate people to complete complicated tasks.

B.A robot has been programmed to clean the dishes.

C.All the problems in the aging society can be solved by robots.

D.The number of aging people is increasing rapidly in Japan.

5.We can infer from the passage that       .

A.people are afraid of being monitored by robots.

B.the technology of robots has been highlighted in Japan.

C.robots can completely take the place of human beings.

D.people’s privacy should be strictly protected




Apple Pay is a new way of paying for things without using money. It was developed by the United States smartphone maker. This cash-free smartphone payment service was introduced to China in February, 2016. It has similar services like Xiaomi Company and Alibaba Group. It is said that Apple Pay will help open up the Chinese smartphone payment market which is now mainly under Alibaba’s control,though it is difficult for Apple Pay to challenge Alibaba’s payment services at present.

1.How many companies have smartphone payment services?

A. One.               B. Two.              C. Three.

2.Which of the following has the largest smartphone payment market?

A. Apple Pay.          B. Alibaba Group.      C. Xiaomi Company.

3.Which is TRUE about Apple Pay?

A. It’s an easy job for Apple Pay to challenge Alibaba’s payment service.

B. Apple Pay payment service was sold to China in February, 2016.

C. People can do shopping more conveniently by using Apple Pay.



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