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书面表达 请以“My trip to Suzhou”为题写篇作文,要点如下: 1...


请以“My trip to Suzhou”为题写篇作文,要点如下:



3.苏州是个美丽的城市,有许多名胜。近年来,苏州已发生了许多变化. 过去是。。。。。。现在。。。。。。人们住进新公寓,有电脑和Internet。通过网络,你可以方便快速地搜索到想要去得地方,你甚至可以在网上一个半小时游遍苏州。








Traveling is a very good activity, you can enjoy the beauty of nature and relax yourself. Last weekend, I went to Suzhou for a holiday by coach with my family. It took us more than an hour to get there, and we stayed there for 2 days. Suzhou is a beautiful city with many places of interest. In recent years, a lot of changes have taken place in Suzhou. In the past, the roads were narrow and dirty, the rubbish was everywhere. Now the streets are wide and clean. There are many shops and tall buildings on both sides of the trees. People live in new apartments with computers and Internet. Through the network, you can quickly and easily find the place you want to go, you can even travel 1.5 hours online in Suzhou. On the first day, we enjoyed the first big country garden in China, and couldn’t help taking a lot of pictures. The next day we went shopping, the goods there are cheap and good, we bought a lot of gifts for my relatives and friends. We all had a good time, I will never forget the meaningful experience. 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇给材料作文,要求以“My trip to Suzhou”为题写篇作文,介绍一个注明的旅游城市。材料中给的资料比较全面,动笔前要先认真阅读要点,然后围绕要点适当发挥,确定时态主要词汇等问题。写作中,应注意描述的全面性,尽量将提示的内容利用上;语言的表述应该符合语法的结构,造句应该符合英语的表达习惯。另外,在描述时,应该注意人称的变化。 写作亮点:这是一篇比较不错的作文。作者紧紧围绕提供的几个写作要点,把握写作方向。人称转换及时态把握的都很准确。结构清晰,要点全面。 考点:提纲类作文。  


Years ago in Scotland, the Clark family had a dream. The couple(夫妇)worked and saved, making  m   1.for their nine children and themselves to travel to the USA. It had taken years before they saved enough money and got everything r     2.for the trip.

The whole family was e______3. about their new life. However, seven days  b___ 4.they left for the USA, the youngest son was bitten by a dog. The doctor treated the boy, b____ 5. because there was a possibility of rabies(狂犬病), they would be kept away from others for fourteen days.

    The family’s dream could not come  t   _ 6.. They would not be able to make the trip to America as they had planned. Watching the ship leave---without the Clark family, the father was quite  a   7.  with both his son and God for their bad luck.

    Five days later, a piece of sad news spread(传播)all over Scotland---the strong and powerful ship, Titanic, had gone down, taking h   8. of lives with it. The Clark family should have been on that ship, but because the son was bitten by a dog, they were l__9. behind in Scotland.

    When Mr. Clark heard the news, he thanked his son for saving the family. He thanked the God for  t    10.a sad thing into a good one.

    Although we may not always understand, all things happen for a reason.




For children, the first day of school is their first step into a new world. This important day can be made special by planning some interesting activities. For example, you can ask each of the students to introduce themselves in a unique way. Appreciate (欣赏) the good ideas that the children have for describing themselves.

It’s also a good idea to organize “silent learning”. In this activity, you need to supply paper and color to each of your students. Ask them to draw anything they like. To make it special, you can ask them to draw something in particular. To make it interesting, you can give it the name of a human emotion (情感) and ask them to describe it in their own words.

Also you can tell your students everything about the school. You can tell them some of your experiences in this school. You can write down your experiences and that can be made up into an interesting story. You can take this chance to encourage the children to take part in all the school activities. You can make use of this chance to help the students get rid of (消除) their little fears about the new school. You can give the students a chance to ask questions and share their views.

Getting the students together to decorate (装饰) the classroom is also a good activity for the first day of school. You can join them in this activity and help them. Let the students come up with ideas for decorating the classroom; allow them to use their imagination in the decoration and make the classroom look nice.

All the above activities for the first day of school can make the students feel comfortable in the new school and give them some moments that they will remember for long years.

____1. for the first day of school

Supporting details

Make a self-introduction

●Ask each student to  _____2. themselves in a unique way.

●Appreciate the children’s good ideas for describing themselves.

Organize “silent learning”

●Give the students paper and color to draw what they are_3. of.

●Ask the students to draw something in  ___4..

●Ask the students to use their own words to describe the paintings.

Know everything about

the school

●__5. some of your experiences with the students.

____6.  up an interesting story according to your experiences.

●Encourage the children to take part in all the school activities.

●Help the students get rid of their little fears about the new school.

●Give the students a ____7.to ask questions.

__8. the classroom

●Come to   ___9.the students in the decoration.[来源:学

●Allow them to use their imagination in the decoration and make

the classroom look nice.

All that the teachers do probably make the students never ____10.their first day at school.




1.My uncle bought the new car two months ago. (写出同义句)

My uncle has _______ the new car _______ two months.

2.Mr. Wang has taught in this school since he graduated from college. (对划线提问 )

________ ________ has Mr. Wang taught in this school?

3.Helen went to school in a hurry this morning. (写出同义句)

Helen ________ ________ school this morning.

4.The Smiths left Changsha an hour ago. (写出同义句)

The Smiths has been ________ ________ Changsha for an hour.

5.My mother has already finished her housework. (改为否定句 )

My mother ________ finished her housework ________.




1.Millie ________ (not hear)from her penfriend since she left Zhenjiang.

2.Have you ever ________ ( eat) Italian Pizza?

3.Did you enjoy ________ ( you) at Disneyland last week, boys and girls?

4.It’s great fun to visit ________ ( nature) sights in Jiuzhaigou.

5.Are they ________ ( plan) for the coming May Day holiday?

6.Most middle school students have no ____( communicate) with their parents.

7.How many ________ ( north) cities have you ever been to ?

8.Nowadays, we can take a direct ________ (fly) to Taiwan.

9.Jim spent the whole night __________ ( repair) this machine.

10.They have ________ (write) to each other for many years.




1.There are many ________ (工厂) along the river, so the pollution is serious.

2.We should try our best to protect our __________ ( 环境).

3.During the Spring Festival children always get red pockets from their parents and ________(亲戚).

4.On my last birthday, I ________ (收到) a lot of presents from my friends.

5.There are many interesting _____ (节目) on TV and I can have a good time watching them at weekends.



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