满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Most humans expect to receive fair treat...

Most humans expect to receive fair treatment. A recent study shows that monkeys may feel the same way. This is the first time scientists have seen this kind of behavior in animals.

Scientists chose monkeys for the research because monkeys have close relationship with each other and they also have good teamwork.

Sarah Brosnan, the leader of the research, put female monkeys in pairs. The researchers trained the monkeys to exchange a small rock with them. “That may sound simple, but not very many animals are willing to give things away.” Says Brosnan. When a monkey exchanged a rock with the researcher within 60 seconds, she received a reward. Usually, the reward was a piece of cucumber.

The partner of each monkey who made an exchange also received a reward. Sometimes the partner got the same reward (a piece of cucumber), but other times the partner received a better reward (a grape). The researchers were surprised at how the monkey responded to the unfair treatment. When a monkey saw her partner get better treatment, she was unhappy. The monkeys did not want to continue the test or eat the cucumbers they received. Some monkeys even threw their food at the researchers.

Bronson’s research suggests that monkeys do not like unfair treatment. However, as Brosnan explains, “We don’t know how monkeys learn to dislike being treated unfairly. But that opens up a whole new research field.” Scientists will continue their research.

1.A recent study shows that monkeys _______.

A. expect to receive fair treatment 

B. behave differently from humans

C. have no teamwork in their life

D. have bad relationships with each other

2.The monkeys in the research were trained to _________.

A. ask their partners for help

B. give away food to the researchers

C. get a reward from their partners 

D. exchange a rock with the researchers

3.How did the monkey feel when her partner received a better reward?

A. Happy B. Angry C. AnxiousD. Calm

4.what does the underlined word  “responded” mean in Chinese?

A. 表扬B. 回复C. 鼓励  D. 吸引

5.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. Scientists will treat monkeys in an unfair way.

B. Scientists have understood monkeys’ behavior.

C. Scientists will do further research into monkeys. 

D. Scientists have learned enough about monkeys.

6.The text is most probably _________.

A. a travel diary 

B. a short novel 

C. a book review 

D. a science news report


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.D 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:大多数人希望得到公平对待。最近的一项研究表明,猴子可能有同样的感觉。研究者训练猴子与他们交换一个小石头,然后进行不同的奖赏,当猴子认为受到不公正的待遇时,会生气而做出回应,不想继续测试或吃黄瓜了。这项研究开辟了一个全新的研究领域,科学家们将继续它们的研究。 1.A细节理解题。根据短文开头的句子“Most humans expect to receive fair treatment. A recent study shows that monkeys may feel the same way.”可知,最近的一项研究表明,猴子也希望得到公平对待。故答案为A。 2.D 细节理解题。根据短文句子“The researchers trained the monkeys to exchange a small rock with them.”可知,研究人员训练猴子与他们交换一个小石头。故答案为D。 3.B细节理解题。根据短文句子“When a monkey saw her partner get better treatment, she was unhappy.”可知, 当一只猴子看到她的伙伴得到更好的奖励时,她会不开心。故答案为B。 4.B词意猜测题。根据下文中的句子“When a monkey saw her partner get better treatment, she was unhappy. The monkeys did not want to continue the test or eat the cucumbers they received.”当猴子认为受到不公正的待遇时,会生气而做出回应,不想继续测试或吃黄瓜了。故答案为B。 5.5】C细节理解题。根据短文最后的句子“We don’t know how monkeys learn to dislike being treated unfairly. But that opens up a whole new research field.” Scientists will continue their research.可知,科学家们将对猴子作更深入的研究,故答案为C。 6.6】D主旨大意题。A. a travel diary旅行日记;B. a short novel短篇小说;C. a book review 书评, D. a science news report 科学新闻报道。根据短文大意可知,这是一篇新闻报道。答案为D。 考点:科学新闻报道。


For Pet’s Sake, Do Something! Book 1

How to Communicate with your Pets and Help Them Heal (痊愈). Learn the necessary steps to start talking with your own pet about daily things.

Practice “becoming” your pet to understand his / her physical disease.

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$14.95 plus $4 shipping and handling(邮费)

For Pet’s Sake, Do Something! Book 2

How To Heal Your Sick, Overfed, Bored Pets with Nutrition and Exercise.

Help your animals regain(恢复) their health! Learn about the value and importance of bad foods to avoid, good foods to give (how and when to feed, and how much).

Learn great recipes you can make at home.

Paperback: $15.95

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Pets Have Feelings, Too!

Understanding Your Pet’s Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Needs. How do pets use the language of pictures to be able to communicate with us. Read over 60 stories of real pets and their people. Learn how many behavioral problems can be fixed when you listen to your pet. Find out what pets think about life, death and the great beyond.

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What Animals Tell Me

Through A True Story, An Animal Communicator Reveals The Fascinating And Heart-Warming Inner World Of Our Pets

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1.In For Pet’s Sake, Do Something! Book 1, the author tells us _____.

A.what kind of food shouldn’t be given to your pet

B.when is the best time to feed your pet

C.how to prepare food for your pet at home

D.how to communicate with your pet

2.Unlike the other three books, Pets Have Feelings, Too ______.

A. is made up of many stories

B. is aimed to help your pets regain their health

C. is about a real person and his pets

D. has a great number of pictures

3.Which book should you read if your pet eats too much?

A. For Pet’s Sake, Do Something! Book 1

B. For Pet’s Sake, Do Something! Book 2

C. Pets Have Feelings, Too!

D. What Animals Tell Me

4.You have only 18 dollars, which book can you afford(买得起)?

A. For Pet’s Sake, Do Something! Book 1

B. For Pet’s Sake, Do Something! Book 2

C. Pets Have Feelings, Too!

D. What Animals Tell Me



Jan was a window cleaner. One morning, Jan was in a lift of a high building with his window cleaning tools when the building was on fire.

There were five other passengers in the lift. All of a sudden the lift stopped. Although they didn’t know what had happened outside, they had only 100 minutes to get out of the building before it would fall into the dust.

Soon smoke began coming into the lift. The men knew that something was wrong. They tried to open the door but found a wall in front of them. The wall had the number 15 on it and they knew they were on the 15th floor. But their lift usually didn’t stop there, so there was no opening for them to escape. Jan decided they would have to make their own.

Knowing that the wall was made of a material that could be cut through, Jan took out his window cleaning tools, and began knocking a hole through the wall. When he felt tired, others helped.

Starting with one small hole, they cut through the three-inch-thick wall. Then they kicked hard at the wall. The wall cracked apart. They saw before them a tile (瓷砖) wall! Refusing to give up, they knocked a hole through the tile, then made the opening big enough to get through. Surprisingly, the fire-fighters were outside the hole, they took Jan and his partners to the nearest stairs and they ran down the stairs as quickly as possible. By 10:23, Jan and the others ran out of the building. Five minutes later, the building burned down.

1.What was Jan doing when the building was on fire?

A. He was cleaning the windows. 

B. He was up to visit his friend.

C. He was on his way to his workplace.

D. He was cleaning the lift.

2.According to the passage, how many people were in the lift?

A. 5. B. 6. C. 15.  D. We don’t know.

3.How much time did they use up before getting out of the building?

A. 5 minutes.  B. 50 minutes

C. 95 minutes. D. 100 minutes.

4.What did they do when they saw a tile wall?

A. They were disappointed and gave up.

B. They had to wait for the fire-fighters.

C. They don’t know what to do.

D. They went on knocking through the wall.

5.From this passage, which do you think is the most important way while in danger?

A. Trying your best.

B. Running downstairs 

C. Crying for help.

D. Doing nothing.









1. 通常最低气温降到零度以下,漫天飞雪。

2. 河流湖泊冻结,大地安静漂亮。

3. 冬季和朋友在外面玩,打雪仗令人兴奋。

4. ……(自拟至少两点)













4. 狼通常团队协作。

5. 在冬天气温下降的很快。




When she was 11, Jasmine Laurence had some trouble with her hair. She used a bad hair product (产品) and l____ a lot of hair.

"It was terrible," Jasmine, now 15, said. "I t____ to hide it but it was till noticeable (明显的).

Jasmine said she wouldn't use such h____ products(产品) again. She began to look for natural products on the I_____. She started mixing her own hair oils and shampoos(洗发水).

In l____ than a year, Jasmine had found the wonderful combination (混合物). Her hair started to come back. Soon, friends and family were asking about what she used. Jasmine k____ she had a hot product.

After going to a camp for young business people, Jasmine had a_____ big idea—to start her own business. She found ingredients (用料成分) and learned h___ to buy them all on the Internet.

Now, at age 15, Jasmine is the boss of Eden Body Works, a company based in New Jersey, US. It sells all n_____ hair and body care products. Soon, Jasmine will be a millionaire (大富豪). Big shops are i_____ in her products. "We met with the Wal-Mart store," she said. "Soon we're going to be selling our products with them."



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