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阅读表达 Exam time is the most stressful per...



Exam time is the most stressful period of the year. You have worked all school term on your classes and now it’s the time to prove what you have learned. With so much at stake (处于成败关头), it is easy to get stressed about your exams. However, with the right amount of hard work and focus you can pass your tests easily.

When I was in school, I used to get very stressed over my exams. So did my friends. Some people stopped eating and others ate too much! Some gave up and others burned themselves out! The most important thing to remember when studying is not to feel frightened! Take the middle path -- stay calm, eat healthy and get a rest. Pushing yourself too hard is just as dangerous as not studying enough. A tired, overworked brain is just as useless as a lazy, empty one!

So, what should you do ?Arrange a time each day for study and a time for relaxation .You may have less time to relax than usual, but you still need to let your brain rest for a few moments. Get plenty of sleep .If you are tired, information will not stick in our memory. Finally eat healthy foods that fuel (给……加油)your body and mind.

It is bad to think too much about your exams. Some students may think that the rest of their life depends on them .That’s not true. Instead, just view the exams as another difficulty you will overcome. You have overcome all kinds of difficulties in you life so far. With the right amount of work and focus, you will pass your exams with flying colours! High school is right around the corner!

1. What is the most stressful period of the year? (No more than 2 words.)


2. How can we pass the tests easily ? (No more than 9 words.)


3. Which is more dangerous, pushing ourselves too hard or not studying enough? (No more than 5words.)


4.Why should we get enough sleep during exam time? (No more than 7 words.)


5.What will you do to deal with exam stress next time?(言之有理即可)



1.Exam time. 2.With the right amount of hard work and focus. 3.Both of them are dangerous./Both. 4.Because information will stick in our memory. 5.I will stay calm, eat healthy and get a rest. / I will arrange a time each day for study and atime for relaxation. / I will let my brain rest for a few moments every day. 【解析】 试题分析:考试的时候,很多人都会觉得有很大的压力,有些人不吃饭或吃得过多,还有些人睡不好觉,有的人拼命的学习,而有的人干脆放弃。作者觉得这些做法都是不对的,他在短文中结合自己的经历,告诉我们应该怎么做。 1.1】Exam time. 根据短文开头的第一句话Exam time is the most stressful period of the year可知,考试的时候是一年中最紧张的时候。 2.2】With the right amount of hard work and focus. 根据短文第一段的最后一句话However, with the right amount of hard work and focus you can pass your tests easily可知,只要努力学习的量适当,而且有足够的注意力,你可以轻松地通过考试。 3.3】Both of them are dangerous./Both. 根据短文第二段中Pushing yourself too hard is just as dangerous as not studying enough可知,过于拼命的学习跟学习不够是同样危险的。因此作者觉得这两种做法都是危险的。 4.4】Because information will stick in our memory. 根据短文第三段中Get plenty of sleep .If you are tired, information will not stick in our memory可知,我们应该有充足的睡眠,如果我们很累,信息就不会进入我们的大脑。 5.5】I will stay calm, eat healthy and get a rest. / I will arrange a time each day for study and atime for relaxation. / I will let my brain rest for a few moments every day.这篇短文中作者告诉了我们面对考试的压力我们应该怎么做,根据文意可知,在考试的时候,我们要保持冷静,吃健康的饮食,还要有充足的睡眠。学习不能过于拼命,要让大脑休息。 考点:任务型阅读。

The Chinese tradition of giving gifts of money in red envelopes at Lunar New Year has turned into big business for Web giants Alibaba and Tencent, which now both offer electronic "hong bao".

At the end of each lunar year, it is common in China to give children hong bao -- some money in envelopes that are red, the colour of success. But now the old also take part in this activity.

It is now possible to exchange "red envelopes" with smart phone, which is popular in China and has caused a battle(战争) for the lucrative market between the two companies providing the service, Tencent and Alibaba.

"You don't have to pay the same cost or wait as long as you would for a traditional bank transfer(转账). It's more convenient, simple and fun," Wang Le, a 28-year-old Beijinger, told AFP. " With electronic red envelopes, you're not limited by your identity(身份) or the time of year. It's a new, fresh way of playing the game."

The idea was introduced in 2014 by WeChat, a mobile messaging system with over 400 million users and run by Tencent, China's largest Internet service system. It was successful at once.

This year, Alipay Wallet(阿里支付宝), the payment system run by Alibaba, is ready to take on the competition. It is allowing its 190 million users to send digital gifts, especially on the Twitter-like Sina Weibo.

For the past few weeks a digital battle has been terrible, with Tencent banning (禁止)Alipay from sending red envelopes on WeChat, saying they were at a risk. Recently, WeChat also blocked(封锁) Alibaba's music app Xiami.

To attract the public's attention, the two companies have launched lotteries through which they award red envelopes to users in an online game.

It's easy to send and receive hong bao or take part in the lotteries: you simply need to register (登记)your bank details.

According to market research group iResearch, Alipay controls 82.6 percent of the Chinese mobile phone payment market, compared to 10 percent for Tencent's Tenpay.

1.Which Web giants now offer electronic "hong bao"?

A. Alibaba    B. Tencent    C. Alibaba and Tencent  D. Sina Weibo

2.According to the passage, what’s the popular trend for people to send “red envelopes” ?

A. Sending "red envelopes" through short messages

B. Sending "red envelopes" through vedios.

C. Sending "red envelopes" through smart phones.

D. Sending "red envelopes" through Express.

3.What does the underlined word “lucrative” mean?

A.利润丰厚的B. 富有想象力的C. 平滑的 D. 好奇的

4.Which one is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Tencent allows Alipay to send red envelopes via Wechat.

B. The idea of electronic red envelope was introduced by Wechat in 2014.

C. It’s complicated (麻烦的) to send and receive hongbao or participate in the lotteries.

D. Alipay controls a smaller payment market of the Chinese microphone than Tencent’s Tenpay.

5. What’s the main business purpose for Tencent and Alibaba launch lotteries?

A. To catch the new fashion on the website.

B. To raise money from netizens.

C. To obtain a better reputation.

D. To gain many more new App users.



We all dream about things that we would like to do and things we hope to achieve in the future. But are everybody's dreams the same? Here are some of the findings of a survey about hopes and dreams,and thousands of students across China took part in it.

What are the hopes of teenagers?

We received several different answers to the question:What would you like to do after finishing your education? It seems some students would like to start work as soon as possible, so that they can help provide better lives for their parents. Other students hope to continue studying after finishing school and to go to university. Although money is important, many teenagers said they want to do jobs they enjoy. According to the survey, the most popular choice of job is computer programming.

What are the dreams of teenagers?

Teenagers have all kinds of dreams. Some are more realistic(现实的) than others. For example, many students said they would like to be volunteers if Beijing could hold the World Cup, maybe working as translators or tour guides. And quite a few said they dream of going to the moon one day. According to the survey, less realistic dreams are also common, but many students reported that they were willing to work hard to achieve their dreams. Quite a few dream of becoming famous, perhaps famous sports people or singers. Some said they’d like to go on exciting trips; one student said she’d love to sail across the Pacific Ocean. And then there are dreams that are impossible; three students said they’d like to be able to fly!


It was clear from the survey that teenagers have similar hopes. It seems that most students hope to have a good education and find a good job. Besides,students dream of very different things:good things, and even crazy things. It is very important to dream, so hold on your dreams; one day they may just come true.

1. Some students would like to start work to ______as soon as possible.

A. find jobs they enjoy

B. achieve their dreams

C. to help look after their families

D. make money to go to university

2. What is important to students about their work they do?

A. If it is a good job.

B. If they can enjoy the work.

C. If it can help him become famous.

D. If they can make more money.

3.How many realistic dreams are mentioned in the passage?

A. Three.B. Four. C. Five.D. Six.

4.What example is given of an impossible dream?

A. To be able to fly.

B. To go to the moon.

C. To sail across the Pacific Ocean.

D. To become famous people.

5.What’s the writer’s opinion of dreams?

A. Give up impossible dreams.

B. Common dreams are not so good.

C. Teenagers should have realistic dreams.

D. Dreams are important and try to make them come true.




1. If you are interested in a part-time job, you can call _____.

A. 4435-7792B. 8467-6352 C. 3345-6789 D. 8956-7778

2. Jessica and Lucas will meet at the school gate _____.

A. at 8 am on May 5

B. at 8 am on May 6

C. at 15:00 on May 5

D. at 15:00 on May 6

3.What will Jessica and Lucas do?

A. Go to a party.B. Go to a movie.C. Go climbing.D.Go shopping.

4. A student in Class 2, Grade 8 found _____.

A. a telephone messageB. a pair of sunglasses C. a dog D. an iPad

5.What can you infer(推断) according to the fourth piece of information?

A. Puppy is a 6-year-old black schnauzer.

B. Allen’s dog went missing on Man Street.

C. We treat him as my family member.

D. You can get a reward if you call Allen.





Two months ago, there was a serious earthquake in my country. Many people were hurt and     their homes. In my school, we decided to organize a 5-kilometer run to collect money for the people.     signed up for the run and asked their relatives and neighbors to support them. These people agreed to      some money—50 cents or a dollar, for example, for every kilometer that the students completed.

Joe was my classmate. He was the student in my class because he seldom did any exercise and he ate plenty of junk food. He never walked to school. He always took a bus. When he was asked     he was going to take part in the run, he said he would think about it. A few students laughed and I think Joe felt embarrassed. I felt a bit sorry for     .

The next day, as I was riding to school, I saw Joe walking in the street. I stopped and asked him why he was     . He said he was training to take part in the run. “Good for you, Joe!” I said.     , I told my friends about Joe. Most of them just laughed and said that they didn’t think he would     the run. I wasn’t sure, but I decided that I would     Joe. So, for the two weeks before the run, I was his trainer. He walked to school for a few     . Then he started to run slowly.

On the day of the run, Joe lined up with the other students. The     began and soon Joe was left behind. Well, it took him hours to finish and he didn’t expect to     the other students, but he tried to do his best. And     he completed the 5-kilometer run. Everyone was very     and said, “Well done, Joe!” What is more, Joe collected more money than any other student!

1.A.cleaned B.reached C.lostD.made

2.A.Parents B.Students C.Teachers D.Workers

3.A.borrow B.getC.giveD.lend

4.A.happiest B.heaviest C.tallest D.youngest

5.A.how B.where C.whyD.if


7.A.crying B.riding C.singing D.walking

8.A.Again B.But C.LaterD.So

9.A.completeB.discuss C.support D.understand

10. A.help B.inviteC.stopD.visit

11.A.days B.weeks C.months D.years

12. A.class B.movie C.raceD.school

13.A.catch up with B.get on well with C.make friends withD.talk with

14.A.easily B.quickly C.firstly D.finally

15. A.busy B.happy C.interested D.nervous



---The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I’m going to give a talk about it to the exchange students.

---Great! But don’t forget to tell them _________.

A. what kind of race is often held

B. how do people celebrate it

C. why people enjoy the full moon

D. what should they eat at the festival



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