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书面表达 题目:My family 提示:请描述你的家庭成员,从姓名,年龄,职业...


题目:My family


要求:1. 语句通顺、语义连贯;2. 介绍中要包含姓名,年龄,喜好等基本信息,并可适当发挥;3. 介绍的开头已给出,不计总词数;4. 不少于50词。

I have a family. __________________________________________________________





I have a family. There are five people in it. They are my father, mother, grandfather, grandmother and I. My grandfather is sixty-nine years old. He is an old maths teacher. My grandmother is sixty-seven years old. She is a housewife. She likes cooking and cleaning. My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He is forty-four years old. My mother is a worker. She works in a factory. In the evening we watch TV together. We are very happy. I think it is a good family. 【解析】 试题分析:这篇作文要求我们介绍自己的家庭成员,包括姓名、年龄、职业、生日、生活方式以及所喜欢的食物和运动等。这一话题是我们平时接触比较多的,学生们对应使用的词汇和句型也都比较熟悉,写起来会比较得心应手。通过分析可知,这篇作文应使用一般现在时态,应注意正确使用be动词和实意动词,注意和主语在人称和单复数上保持一致,语法要合乎英语的表达习惯,不能直接逐字翻译。写作时,还应注意使用较好的句型和连接词,使文意连贯,表达流畅。 写作亮点:这是一篇优秀的作文,短文中作者按照题目的要求介绍了自己的家庭成员以及相关的情况。短文内容完整,作者使用了总分的结构,先概括家里有五口人,及分别是谁,然后再详细介绍相关信息。短文语法准确,使用了正确的时态和人称,正确使用了人称代词的主格和宾格形式,并且谓语动词及be动词的形式也很正确。另外还注意了谓语动词第三人称单数形式的变化。短文里较好的句型有She likes cooking and cleaning、In the evening we watch TV together、We are very happy.等。 考点:提纲类作文。  

It’s April 12th today and it is my1.(thirteen) birthday. I’m in USA, but my parents are in Shanghai. This is2.  (I) first birthday in the USA. I want to3.a birthday party but don’t know how to do it. My sister and her nice4.have a birthday party for me. I am very happy to have it here, in the USA. 5.you, my sister, and thank you, my friends. Thank for your love.






A: Hi, Jenny. Can I ask you a1.?

B: Sure, what is it?

A: Well, 2.do you like breakfast?

B: Eggs. What3.you?

A: I like eggs and milk. I think they are healthy food.

B: Yes, you’re right. I also(也) like milk and I always drink  4.  5.the evening.

A: Oh, do you eat ice-cream after dinner?

B: No. I like it, but I don’t eat it. I don’t want to be fat.




根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题卷上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式 (每空限填一词)。

1.The first month of a year(年)is  J________.

2.I like to eat v________ every day.

3.Five and ten are f________ .

4.My English-Chinese D________ helps me to know many new words.

5.What’s your b________ time?

6.His h________ is to go to bed late.

7.That shop doesn’t s________ sports shoes.

8.We don’t have the k________ to the door.

9.Who are the w________  in the photo?

10.I want to buy a pair of t________ for my son.




1.Is this your pen? (改为复数句)

________  _______  your pens?

2.Those are schoolbags. (改为一般疑问)

________  _______ schoolbags?

3.I know her name. (改为否定句)

I ________  ________ her name.

4.You can help me. (改为一般疑问句) 

________ ________ help me?

5.How much is it? (改为复数句)  How much ________ ________?





Tom(T): Mary,  1. 

Mary(M): Sure, Tom.

T: 2. 

M: My birthday party is on June 1st.

T: OK. 3. 

M: The basketball game? Oh, it’s on June 2nd.

T: Good. And, hmm...  4.

M: The school trip is on February 27th.

T: 5. 

M: Oh, that’s on Monday, February 28th.




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