满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

If you want to study English well, you n...

If you want to study English well, you need to do the following things.

Joining an English club is a good idea and joining an international club (where English is in use at least some of the time) is, for many people, even better.

In order to learn English well, you should keep practicing it as much as possible. There are several good ways to help you with the English study.

First, you may take notes of any mistakes made by you, so as to get familiar with the correct usage of the English language.

Second, it’s important to improve your ability, especially the ability of reading comprehension(理解). By reading more English articles, you will build your sense of English.

Third, try to form a reciting(背诵) habit. Well-written paragraphs are worth reciting. By memorizing them, you will find that writing English articles is not so difficult.

Last but not the least, you should always use a dictionary with both Chinese and English explanations. It will tell you the differences between these two beautiful languages.

1.Who may be the most suitable readers of this article?

A.Anyone who knows English. 

B.Anyone who wants to learn English well.

C.English teachers. 


2.From this article, we know we can use the following ways to learn English well except__________.

A.going abroad to learn English

B.joining an English club

C.Keeping practicing it as much as possible

D.trying to form a reciting habit

3.By reading more English articles, you will build _____________.

A.your knowledge of English grammar

B.your ability of English writing

C.your ability of singing English writing songs

D.your sense of English

4.According to the passage, English learners had better use a dictionary          .

A. which is expensive

B. with Chinese and English explanations 

C. with Chinese explanations 

D. which is published(出版) in Britain

5.What’s the best title of the article?

A.We should take notes of any mistake made by us.

B.We should read English more.

C.How to learn English well.

D.We should buy a dictionary with both Chinese and English explanations.


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要从几个不同的方面就如何学习英语学习给出了一些建议。 1.B判断推理题。谁可能是本文最合适的读者?A.Anyone who likes maths.任何爱好数学的人;B.Anyone whowants to learn English well.任何想把英语学好的人;C.English teachers. 英语教师;D.Anyone who wants to learn Chinese well.任何想把汉语学好的人。本文主要讲述英语学习方法,所以最适合英语爱好者。故选B。 2.A推理判断题。题意:从本文中,我们知道我们可以用哪些方法把英语学好?除了出国学习英语。A.going abroad to learn English去外国学好英语,文中没有提到;B.joining an English club参加英语俱乐部,第2自然段有提到;C.Keeping practicing it as much as possible 尽量多练习,第3自然段的主要内容;D.tryingto form a reciting habit尽力养成背诵的习惯,倒数第2自然段有提到。故选A。 3.D细节理解题。题意:通过多读英语文章,我们可以建立什么? A.your knowledge of English grammar 英语语法知识;B.your ability of English writing你的英语写作能力;C.your ability of singing English writing songs 你写英语歌、唱英语歌的能力;D.your sense of English你对英语的感觉。从第5自然段可知,是建立对英语的感觉。故选D。 4.B细节理解题。根据you should always use a dictionary with both Chinese and English explanations.故选B。 5.标题归纳题,根据本文重点讲解了怎样成为一名很好英语学习者,故选C。 考点:教育类短文阅读。


Something frightening happened to me the other day. I was on my way home     school. I got off the bus and started to walk towards my    . Then I thought: “Funny! There’s a car outside.”

It was one of those big American cars. I looked inside     I wanted to see what it was like. At first I thought there was nobody in it. Then I saw an old man     on the floor of the car. He had blood(鲜血)all over his face and his eyes were closed. I was too frightened, so I went indoors to   the police.

Mum wasn’t at home and I was    . I dialed(拨打)999 and asked for the police. A policeman wrote down my name and address. But I don’t think he believed my words. Then I    a car start. I looked out of the window and the American car wasn’t there    more.

The police never came and I still don’t know what happened to the man. But it gave me a terrible fright(吓了一跳). My dad said it was a good    and he enjoyed it very much! But I am sure that it was all    .

1.A. for          B. to        C. at        D. from

2.A. hotel        B. school     C. house      D. office

3.A. though      B. because    C. while      D. if

4.A. lying        B. staying    C. sleeping    D. thinking

5.A. tell         B. help      C. find       D. telephone

6.A. alone       B. lonely     C. free        D. tired

7.A. saw        B. heard      C. made      D. had

8.A. some       B. much      C. any        D. no

9.A. lesson     B. excuse     C. dream      D. story

10.A. interesting   B. terrible    C. true        D. real



I don’t know if I      anyone at the party this evening. If I     anyone, I will get nervous.

A. will know, won’t know       B. will know, don’t know

C. know, won’t know           D. know,  don’t know



I        a big house for my family if I       a lot of money.

A. would buy, have             B. would buy, had

C. will buy, had                D. will buy, will have



—What do you think of the MP4?


A. It’s my cousin’s                    B. It’s made in the USA

C. It’s about popular songs              D. It’s wonderful



      you say, I won’t allow you to go there.

A. However       B. How            C. Whatever      D. What



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