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完形填空 I'm a 14-year old middle school stu...


I'm a 14-year old middle school student from Shandong. I enjoy traveling and I have been to many places. But Kunyu Mountain was the most unforgettable place I've      been to.

Kunyu Mountain is a place of      near my hometown. My dad and I went to     it in the early summer five years ago. At first I thought the top was so    that I could never reach it. When I                   I always saw that top surrounded by many white clouds. The view was beautiful            I was not interested in looking at it. I felt very tired because of the 3-hour walk and I had a    in my legs. However I said to myself that I couldn't give up because it was my dream to climb to the top.

It was cold and the wind was brushing my face strongly. I succeeded in               the top without the help of my dad. Seeing the mountains with large rocks around me I smiled. I enjoyed my     although I fall over the stones several times. And I have fallen in love with the beautiful view of nature since then.

In our lives the top is our dream. The climbing is difficult but worth your hard work. Just prepare more so that you can    get to the top. Whatever the result is at least I have tried my best. I believe I can make my dream come true.

1.A. ever           B. never            C. always         D. already

2.A. scene          B. travel            C. interest         D. trip

3.A. climb          B. run              C. ride           D. rush

4.A. smooth        B. huge             C. magic          D. high

5.A. looked down    B. looked up        C. looked out       D. looked back

6.A. and           B. but              C. so             D. because

7.A. pain           B. hurt             C. rest            D. shake

8.A. arriving        B. getting           C. reaching        D. going

9.A. result          B. success          C. gift            D. luck

10.A. completely      B. quickly          C. finally         D. carefully


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇记叙文.文章讲述一个来自山东的十四岁中学生,独自攀登昆嵛山的过程.一开始不知山顶风景的美丽,后来坚持爬到山顶,品尝到成功的喜悦。从爬山这件事,悟出一个道理:做任何事,无论结果怎样,只要自己努力付出就行。 1.A考查副词及语境理解。句意:但是,昆嵛山是我去过的最难忘的地方。A. ever曾经;B. never从不;C. always总是;D. already已经。阅读上文可是曾经去过的。故答案选A。 2.C考查名词及语境理解。句意:昆嵛山是我家乡附近的名胜。A. scene 场面,情景;B. travel旅行;C. interest兴趣,爱好;D. trip旅行。a place of interest为固定词组,意为 “名胜”。故答案选C。 3.A考查动词及语境理解。句意:五年前的初夏时分,我和我爸爸去爬这座山。A. climb爬,攀登;B. run 跑;C. ride 骑,乘坐;D. rush冲。根据上文中“ Kunyu Mountain”,此处的it指代的就是昆嵛山,故答案为A。 4.D考查形容词及语境理解。句意:一开始我认为顶端是如此髙,以至于我不能到达那里。 A. smooth 光滑的;B. huge 巨大的;C. magic有魔力的;D. high高的。此处是指山高,故答案为D。 5.B考查动词词组及语境理解。句意:当我向上看时,我总是看到山顶被许多白云环绕着。 A. looked down看不起,俯视;B. looked up查找,仰视 ;C. looked out 当心;D. looked back回顾。下文谈到“不放弃爬山”。由此推知“是向上 看山顶故选B。 6.B考查连词及语境理解。句意:虽然风景美丽,但是我对看它不感兴趣。A. and而且;B. but但是;C. so因此;D. because因为。上下句表示转折关系,故答案为B。 7.A考查名词及语境理解。句意:我觉得很累,因为3个小时的散步,我腿很疼。A. pain 疼痛;B. hurt 痛苦,危害;C. rest休息;D. shake摇动。由上文感到累推知,这里指的是“腿痛”。故答案选A。 8.C考查动名词及语境理解。句意:没有爸爸的帮助,我成功地到达了山顶。A. arriving到达;B. getting 获得;C. reaching 到达;D. going去。arrive后接地点时,要加in或at; get to表亦“到达”。故答案选C。 9.B考查名词及语境理解。句意:我很享受我的成功,虽然我多次摔倒在石头上。A. result结果;B. success成功;C. gift礼物;D. luck运气。由上文可知,我成功了,故答案选B。 10.考查副词及语境理解。句意:只要准备更多,最后你就可以到达顶端。不管结果如何,至少我已经尽力了。A. completely完全地;B. quickly快速地;C. finally最后;D. carefully小心地。结合语境理解,答案为C。 考点:考查人生百位类短文。

I have donated only ten yuan at the charity show. I am afraid that is too little.

—________. We can’t do great things but we can do little things with great love.

A. I’m afraid so      B. I hope not

C. Not at all           D. Yes a little



—Li Hong used to be very poor in English. But now she is very good at it.

________. She spends lots of time learning English every day.

A. Many hands make light work  

B. No pain no gain

C. Actions speak louder than words   

D. Every dog has its day



It’s rude to ________ others while they are talking.

A. cut in         B. cut on             C. push in         D. cut in on



Our Chinese teacher can speak some English. That’s because he ________some foreigners Chinese in an international company.

A. used to teach         B. was used to teach

C. was used to teaching  D. used to teaching



You know great changes ________ in our city in the past ten years.

A. have been taken place                 B. took place

C. have taken place                     D. were taken place



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