满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— _________ does your mother go for a wa...

_________ does your mother go for a walk?   Every afternoon. 

A. How oftenB. How  much C. How longD.  How many


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意: -你妈妈多久出去散步一次?-每天下午。How often特殊疑问词组,多久一次;询问频率。所以选A。 考点:考查特殊疑问词组。  

---Look there ____________ a pair of beautiful shoes in the shop.

---Oh yes. You can try  on.

A. is it B. are it    C. are them    D. is them



_______ apple _______ day keeps _______ doctor away!

A. An a the  B. A a the   C. The a a  D. An the the




依照下列问句,以My Hobbies为题写一篇60词左右的短文。

1. What hobbies did you use to have? Why did you like them?

2. What hobbies do you have now? Why do you like them?

3. What different hobbies do you have in different seasons?

My Hobbies




Do you have any hobbies? My hobby is 1. p______chess(象棋)——the great game2._____the world. My mum 3.   (教)me how to play it when I was seven. She 4.______(赢)me every time for the first year. But then, 5.______my eighth  birthday, I won for the first. I nearly always beat her now. It’s 6._____(大约)one day to learn the rules. But 7. i___you want to be good, You have to practice for years. You don’t need much to play chess__just a chess set (道具)and someone to play 8. w__.Chess sets can be quite 9._(便宜),or pretty expensive. Some people collect chess sets 10.   a hobby, but I prefer playing.




1.Jim often _______ (做鬼脸) in class. His teacher is angry with him.

2.I called you yesterday evening. _______ (没有人) answered.

3.I’m not sure _______ (是否) he will come or not tomorrow.

4.He is very funny and often makes us _______ (笑).

5.We sleep _______(至少) 8 hours every day.



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