满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

If someone asks me, “Do you like music?”...

If someone asks me “Do you like music?” I will answer him or her “Of course I do.”

Because I think music is an important part of our lives.

Different people have different ideas about music. For me I like rock music(摇滚乐)because it’s so exciting. And my favourite rock band is Foxy Ladies(酷妹). I also like pop music.

My classmate Li Lan loves dance music because she enjoys dancing.

My best friend Jane likes jazz music( 爵士乐) .She thinks it is really cool.

   “I love dance music and rock very much” says my brother “because they are interesting.”But my mother thinks rock is boring. “I like some relaxing(轻松的) music” she says.That’s why she likes country music I think.

Dear friends do you like music? What kind of music do you like?

Music------an important part of our lives

Different people

Different 1.



I like 2. music and pop music

Because they are so3.  .

Li Lan

She loves  4.  music.

She   5.  dancing.


She likes 6. music.

She thinks it’s really 7.   .

My 8. 

He loves dance music and rock.

Because they are 9. .

My mother

She likes 10. music.

She likes some relaxing music


1.ideas 2.rock 3.exciting 4.dance 5.enjoys 6.jazz 7.cool 8.brother 9.interesting 10.country 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文给我们讲述的是不同的人对音乐的不同看法。音乐有很多种类,不同的人喜欢的音乐类型是不一样的。短文中作者给我们讲了他身边的几个人对待音乐的看法。 1.根据短文第三行Different people have different ideas about music.可知,不同的人对音乐有不同的观点,故用ideas,观点。 2.根据短文第三行 For me, I like rock music(摇滚乐)because it’s so exciting可知,我喜欢摇滚乐,故用rock名词,摇滚乐。 3.根据短文第三行 For me, I like rock music(摇滚乐)because it’s so exciting可知,我喜欢摇滚乐是因为它令人兴奋,故用exciting形容词,令人兴奋的。 4.根据短文第五行My classmate Li Lan loves dance music, because she enjoys dancing.可知,我的同学李兰喜欢舞蹈音乐,因为她喜欢跳舞。故用dance名词,舞蹈。 5.根据短文第五行My classmate Li Lan loves dance music, because she enjoys dancing. 可知,我的同学李兰喜欢舞蹈音乐,因为她喜欢跳舞。主语是she,动词使用三单形式。故用enjoys动词,喜欢。 6.根据短文第六行My best friend Jane likes jazz music( 爵士乐) .She thinks it is really cool可知,我最好的朋友简喜欢爵士乐,她认为它真的很酷。故用 jazz名词,爵士乐。 7.根据短文第六行My best friend Jane likes jazz music( 爵士乐) .She thinks it is really cool可知,我最好的朋友简喜欢爵士乐,她认为它真的很酷。故用cool形容词,酷。 8.根据短文倒数第三行 “I love dance music and rock very much,” says my brother, “because they are interesting.”可知,此处为brother,故用brother名词,哥哥。 9.根据短文倒数第三行 “I love dance music and rock very much,” says my brother, “because they are interesting.”可知,因为它们有趣。故用interesting 形容词,有趣的。 10., I think.可知,妈妈喜欢乡村音乐,故用country名词,乡村。 考点:任务型阅读。



1.The food looks good but ___________ (品尝) bad.

2.Snacks are bad for our ___________(牙齿).

3.The clip is beautiful and it ___________(相配)her pink coat!

4.He ____________(似乎) very happy. What’s the matter?

5.Too much ________(糖) in food is bad for teeth.

6.To keep fit we should eat ________(little) and do more exercise.

7.The doctors are trying their best to save(救) all these people’s ___________ (life).

8.There are eleven _________(play) in a football team.

9.Thank you for __________ (take) me to the park.

10.You should practise  ___________ (speak) English every day.



Mum gives little Tom ten yuan. Then little Tom goes shopping. He gets on the bus and sits down next to an old woman. Then he sees the old woman’s bag is open. There is ten yuan in it. He quickly looks into his pocket. The money isn’t there now! Little Tom is sure that the old woman is a thief(小偷). He decides(决定)to take back the money from the old woman’s bag. So he carefully puts his hand into the old woman’s bag,takes the money and says nothing. Suddenly(突然地)the old woman shouts,“Where is my money? I can’t find it. There is a thief in the bus.” Little Tom feels strange(奇怪的). Then he sees his own ten yuan under his seat. Little Tom is thinking a question now,“Am I a thief ?”

1. __________is sitting beside little Tom.

A. A young woman    B. An old woman    C.A young man    D. An old man

2. Little Tom is sure that the old woman is a _________  .

A. thief   B. teacher    C. rich woman   D. poor woman

3. Little Tom sees _________ ten yuan under his seat.

A. his own (自己的)  B. the old woman’ s   C. the thief’ s   D. the driver’ s

4.Which of the following is right?

A. Little Tom is a bad boy.

B. Little Tom often steals(偷)things.

C. Mum gives little Tom twenty yuan.

D. Little Tom makes a mistake(错误).



We often talk about the weather. If we want to know about the weather. We can turn on the radio and listen to the weather report(报告). We can also turn on the TV and watch the Weather Show. And we can ask other people in two different ways "What's the weather like today?" or "How is the weather today?" Sometimes you can call at 121 for the weather.

When it's cold we shiver and need to wear warm clothes and scarves. When it's raining we need raincoats or umbrellas. When it's hot we need a cool place and want a cold drink.

1.You can watch the Weather Show_______.

A. on the radio B. on TV C. at 121 D. Both A and B

2. You can ask other people "_______" to know about the weather.

A. What's the weather

B. How is the weather like

C. What does the weather like

D. How is the weather

3.We want a cold drink when it's_______.

A. cold   B. warm    C. hot    D. raining

4. The word "shiver" is "_______" in Chinese.

A.颤抖 B.出汗 C.看病 D.避暑



Dick is not old but he does not have much hair. His wife(妻子) Emma has thick beautiful and black hair. They have a son. His name is Peter and he is five years old. Today Dick is reading a book in his study. Peter looks at his father for a long time and then asks his mother “Why does Papa have so little hair Mama?” Emma laughs and says “He has little hair becauseThe food looks good but ___________ (品尝) bad. he thinks a lot. He’s a very clever man.” Peter looks at his mother’s thick hair for a few seconds and then laughs “Then I know why you have so much hair.”

1. Dick has ______ hair.

A. no B. long  C. beautiful  D. only a little

2. Emma has ______ hair.

A. short    B. no   C. thickD. long

3. Peter’s words mean(意味着) that Emma is ______.

A. kind    B. clever C. foolish(笨的)   D. nice

4. Peter is very ______.

A. kind    B. humorous(幽默的)  C. foolish   D. nice




Supermarket  A

Business Hours530 a.m.~1030 p.m.

Eggs (1 kilo)4.90

Apples(1 kilo)    2.00

Pork (1 kilo)16.80

Tomatoes(1 kilo)  ¥1.81

Conditions(环境) Very good


Supermarket  B

Business Hours600 a.m.~1000 p.m.

Eggs ( 1 kilo)    4.50

Apples (1 kilo)   1.97

Pork (1 kilo)16.20

Tomatoes (1 kilo) ¥1.74

ConditionsVery good

Service(服务) Good

Supermarket  C

Business Hours500 a.m.~1030 p.m.

Eggs (1 kilo)4.70

Apples (1 kilo)   2.10

Pork (1 kilo)16. 80

Tomatoes (1 kilo) 1.80

Conditions Need to improve(改善)

Service(服务)Just so-so

Supermarket  D

Business Hours 630 a.m.~930 p.m.

Eggs ( 1 kilo)6.60

Apples (1 kilo)    1.90

Pork(1 kilo)  16.60

Tomatoes (1 kilo)  ¥1.78

Conditions Just so-so

Service (服务) Bad

1.From above we know the business hours of   is the longest(最长).

A. Supermarket A    B. Supermarket B 

C. Supermarket C   D. Supermarket D

2.The price(价格)of the pork in  is the same(一样) as that in  .

A. Supermarket A Supermarket B  

B. Supermarket A Supermarket C

C. Supermarket B Supermarket D  

D. Supermarket C Supermarket D

3.Eggs in  are dearer(贵) than those in any other supermarket.

A. Supermarket A    B. Supermarket B

C. Supermarket C  D. Supermarket D



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