满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

As ________ volunteer for the Olympics W...

As ________ volunteer for the Olympics World Games, Liu Ming should try his best to help make the event _______ great success.

A. the; a B. the; the C. a; a D. a; the


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:作为奥运会的一名志愿者,刘明应该尽他的最大努力帮助使这次盛会成为一个巨大的成功。a是不定冠词,表示泛指一个;the是定冠词,表示特指。根据句意可知,这两个空后的名词都是表示泛指的,success在这里指成功的事,是可数名词。故选C。 考点:考查冠词。  









Dear Mr. Fang,

I would like to__________________________________________________________________________.






We all think that___________________________________________________________________


Yours faithfully,

Wu Bing



短文填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。

Sam is an Italian boy. He loves r1.. When he was 10 years old, he read a book called The travels of Marco Polo(马可波罗游记). In that book, he l 2. about many wonderful stories about the Yuan dynasty of China. From then on, he became interested in Chinese h3.. He had a sweet dream then. He hoped he would visit the Great Wall some day. But at that time he was too young to visit it a4..

In the past eight years, Sam never f 5. his dream. He decided to begin the trip to China last year. He took e6. food with him and rode to China. Three months later he went t7. seven countries and came to China. On his w8., he spent the nights in his tent. At last, he visited many Chinese provinces.

Now he is climbing the Great Wall. He is using his mobile phone to take p9.. He reaches the top and shouts, “Hey, the Great Wall, my old friend! I’m very e10. to see you. My dream has come true today”



阅读表达阅读短文,按要求回答问题。(No more than 6 words)

One day Jack and David went fishing. Jack took his dog Tony with him. On the river bank, when the dog saw a bird, he ran after it and tried to catch it. “All the fish are frightened and swim away,” said David. “Be quiet, Tony,” Jack shouted at the dog. But Tony did not listen to him. “Shall we go home now, David?” said Jack. “Next time I shall not bring him here again.”

“Wait,” said David. “A fish is biting my line.” “Look out!” shouted Jack. But it was too late. The boy fell into the water. “Help! Help!” David shouted. But Jack couldn’t swim, either. Just then Tony came out! He jumped into the water and pulled the boy onto the bank and saved his life.

1.How many children went fishing?____________________________________

2.Why did Tony run after a bird?_______________________________________

3.Who fell into the water?____________________________________________

4.What did Tony do after the boy fall into the river?________________________

5.What do you think of the dog?________________________________________




1.尽最大努力,你就会学好英语。 your, and you will learn English well.

2. 当心别在冰上行走。Be _______ not ____________ on the ice.

3.她天天匆匆忙忙去上学。 She ________ ________school every morning.

4.我现在再也不害怕动物了。Now I am notof animals.

5.这件事我们不能向别人抱怨太多。We can’t ________ ______________ to others about it.




Do you go to school by bus? It is very important for you to know how to be safe when taking a bus, no matter whether you like it or not.

First, don’t run to the bus stop, but walk. While you are at the bus stop, you should wait in a safe place. Do not run or play while waiting. And never get into a car with a stranger.

Second, don’t talk in a loud voice when you are on the bus, so the driver will not be disturbed(打扰). If you need to talk with the bus driver, you’d better wait until the bus stop. Never throw things on the bus or out of the windows. Never play near the emergency exit(紧急出口). When there is a fire, the most important thing is to break the window with a hammer or any sharp things and then jump out.

Third, when you are getting off the bus, make sure you walk(not run) three more steps away from the door. This is the best place to be around a bus. Stay away from the bus wheels and watch out for moving cars!

Last, if you leave something on the bus, never return(回到) to the bus to get it. The driver may not see you come back and he may begin moving the bus. Also, if you drop something near the bus, tell the driver before you try to pick it up, so he will know where you are.

___1.___to be safe when taking a bus?

Before getting on a bus

___2.__ to the bus stop.

Wait in a safe place.

Never get into a car with a ___3.____.

On the bus

Don’t talk___4.____.

Don’t throw _5.__ on the bus or out of the windows.

__6.___ the window when there is a fire.

__7.__ getting off the bus

Walk three more__8._ away from the door.

Don’t __9.__ back to the bus to get the things that you leave.

Tell the bus driver before you __10.__ to pick up the things near the bus.



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