满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Hainan is in the south(南方)of China. The ...

Hainan is in the south(南方)of China. The weather there is different from that of other areas(地区) of China. There is no winter in Hainan. It’s not cold all year round. Many people go there in winter, because it’s cold in the north(北方)of China. In summer, it’s very hot. It’s usually sunny, but it often rains. So people often take a pair of sunglasses and a raincoat at the same time. People can enjoy many kinds of fruits like bananas and coconuts (椰子) there, too.

Hainan is a good place to go for holidays and have fun. People can go fishing, boating, swimming and so on. When we want to have a rest, we can walk on the beach (海滩) and enjoy the fresh air and white clouds. It’s so interesting.

Would you like to go to Hainan?

1.What’s the weather like in Hainan?

A. It’s not cold all year round.

B. It’s hot all year round.

C. It’s cool. 

D. It’s warm.

2.The word“fruits”means _______ in Chinese.

A. 食物B. 饮料  C. 水果 D.蔬菜

3.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. There is no winter in Hainan.

B. Many people go to Hainan because it’s very hot.

C. People can enjoy the fresh air and white clouds in Hainan.

D. It often rains in Hainan.

4.The main(主要的)idea of the passage(文章) is _______.

A. where is Hainan

B. Hainan is a good place to go for holidays and have fun

C. There are many kinds of fruits in Hainan

D. The weather in Hainan is hot.


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:海南是一个度假和娱乐的好地方,这里没有冬天,全年的天气都不太冷,而且那里有很多的热带水果。人们在海南可以钓鱼、划船、游泳,可以欣赏那里的蓝天白云。 1.A细节理解题。根据短文中 It’s not cold all year round.可知,海南全年的天气都不冷。其他三个选项在文章中没有提到。 2.C 词义猜测题。根据短文中划线单词所在的句子People can enjoy many kinds of fruits like bananas and coconuts (椰子) there, too.可知,句中like表示举例,bananas香蕉,coconuts椰子,他们都是水果。由此可知fruits是水果的意思。故选C。 3.B 推理判断题。根据短文中Many people go there in winter, because it’s cold in the north(北方)of China可知很多人在冬天去海南,是因为北方的天气很冷,故B不正确。根据There is no winter in Hainan、we can walk on the beach (海滩) and enjoy the fresh air and white clouds、It’s usually sunny, but it often rains可知其他三个选项是对的。 4.主旨大意题。这篇短文中作者给我们介绍了关于海南的一些事情,短文的第二段开头是文章的中心句,Hainan is a good place to go for holidays and have fun,海南是一个度假和娱乐的好地方。故选B。其他三个选项都只是短文的一部分内容。 考点:旅游类短文阅读。


Dear Sammy,

I’m    I can’t go to the sports center with you today.Your grandmother is not feeling well.l have to take her to the hospital.Let me    you the way to the sports center.

When you walk out of our   , turn left.It’s Bridge Street.Walk past the police station and the City Fountain.Then   can see a bridge over a river.Cross the bridge.At the other side(边)of the   , turn right.There is a new post office   your left.The sports center is next to the post office.You can’t miss it.

At 3:00 p.m.,I’ll   you at the sports center.Let’s have some ice-cream after you finish____.Have fun.



1.A.sadB.sorry   C.tired   D.busy

2.A.sayB.speak   C.tellD.read

3.A.schoolB.house  C.office  D.hospital

4.A.youB.I   C.we   D.they

5.A.streetB.parkC.river   D.1ibrary

6.A.inB.onC.at   D.from

7.A.callB.remember   C.meet   D.watch

8.A.reading  B.writing   C.singing  D.playing



---How is it going ?


A. That sounds good..   B. By bike.   C. Not bad.   D. Very well.



Can you sing or swim?

A. Yes, I can swim.  

B. No. I can’t swim.

C. Yes, I can sing . 

D. I can sing.



Miss White is a good teacher.  She usually _________.

A. helps me to English

B. help me learn English

C. helps me with my English

D.help me with English



---Look! A little boy is in the middle of the street. It’s dangerous.

---Let’s help him _________the street.

A. cross   B . though  C. across   D.along  



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