满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—What do you usually use your computer _...

—What do you usually use your computer __________?

— I usually use it to do word processing.

A. in     B. with     C. for    D. to


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--你经常用你自己的电脑做什么?--我经常用它做文字处理。用于做什么,用介词for表示目的或用途,故答案选 C。 考点:考查介词的用法。  

When her husband died she lived ______. Her lovely pet dog made her feel less _______.

A. alone alone              B. lonely alone

C. lonely lonely           D. alone lonely



Now more and more people __________ the importance of their health so they exercise every day.

A. forget   B. realize   C. repair   D. reduce



What do you think of ________ film THE REVENANT (荒野猎人)?

Wonderful! What about seeing it with me a second time?

A. a     B. an    C. the  D. /




Smith 夫妇的孩子Alex 已经一个星期没有回家了,他的父母很为他着急。请您为他们写一则寻人启事。






Tall, of medium build, short hair,big eyes, a small nose,a big mouth, wear glasses


White shirt, blue pants, black shoes




Have you seen a girl anywhere?____________________________________








1.Xiao Feng,a student is from China. But she is crazy about American music. And she is only free on Saturday.

2.Windy, a Beijing University student comes from England. She wants to know what happened in China in the past.

3.Fan Fan is a 13-year-old boy. Tomorrow is his mother’s birthday, but he isn’t sure what he should buy for her.

4.Dan Dan, a 16 -year-old student comes from a poor family. She goes to school from Monday to Friday. And she is looking for a part-time job.

5.Xia Mei is a dance lover. She can give a wonderful Chinese dance, but she wants to learn more.

A Live Music—Late Night Jazz

Enjoy real American jazz from Herbie Davis, the famous trumpet player. He is known to play well into the early hours, so don’t lose the chance(机会).

B Scottish Dancing

  Scottish dancing is nice and easy to learn. The wonderful dance from England will by given.

C Show-Anhaul Museum

  There are 12000 pieces on show here .You can see the whole of Chinese history.

D Rose Hotel

  1Oct—31Mar. $198 for a night; 1Apr.—30Apr. closed; 1May—30Sep.$218 for a night.

E Wanted

  The best gift for the woman who has birthday.

F Saturday Job

  Cleaner(16+) for company in Hoe. 8am—1pm only $5 an hour. Tel:47885445

G Reporter Wanted

  New Evening Paper is looking for a reporter between 13 and 16 to work from 4pm to 6pm weekday. Tel: 0451-865541

H Prince of the Piano

  Richard Clayderman, the French pianist who is widely known as “ the Prince of the Piano”, will give his concert this Sunday night, at 8.00 at Flower Hall, City College.



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