满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Look! The light in Mr. Brown’s office i...

—Look! The light in Mr. Brown’s office is still on. He ___________ be working there.

—It ___________ be him. He has gone to America.

A. must;mustn’t           B. can;mustn’t

C. must;can’t            D. can;can’t


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-看!布朗先生办公室的灯还亮着。他一定在那里工作。-不可能是他。他去美国了。情态动词可以表示推测,must表示肯定的推测,翻译成“一定是”;can’t表示否定的推测,翻译成“不可能是”; mustn’t不准,禁止,不表示推测。结合语境判断,答案为C。 考点:考查情态动词的用法。  

It is a pity that we have to ___________ the school trip because of the rainy days.

A. set off    B. go off     C. put off     D. take off



Mr. Green will arrive here and give us a speech ___________ the morning of December 22nd.

A. in     B. on     C. at      D. before



People usually like the TV channels with funnier programs but ___________ advertisements.

A. fewer    B. less     C. few     D. little



A little wine will not be ___________ to your health. Just don’t drink too much.

A. helpful    B. harmful    C. awful     D. careful



—Did you buy ___________ for your parents when you came back from London?

—Yes. I bought a jacket for my father and a handbag for my mother.

A. something   B. nothing    C. everything    D. anything



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