满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空 Do you know how to play a game call...


Do you know how to play a game called“Musical Chairs”? It is    to play and most people enjoy it.You only need some chairs,some people and a kind of way of    music.

Find someone who can play music. You may use a drum or a piano. Put the    in a line.The chairs may be put in twos,back to back,too.There is always one more person than the number    chairs.For example,if there    ten players,you can only put nine chairs.If there are nine players.only eight chairs…The game is easy. When the music starts the players walk around the chairs.Everyone goes in the same direction.Of coursethey should walk to music.    the music is fast they should walk fast.If the music is slowthey should walk           .The person playing music can’t       the people in the game.When the music stops the players try to sit on the chairs.If a person cannot find a chair to sit on he is out.Thensomeone takes one chair away before the    starts again.When the music stops,One more player will be out.

  At lastthere will be      players and one chair.When the music stops again,the one who sits on the chair is the winner.

1.A.hard B.easy C.boring D.harmful

2.A.making B.make C.to make D.made

3.A.desks B.tables C.books D.chairs

4.A.in B.with C.of D.at   

5.A.was B.were C.is D.are   

6.A.If B.Unless C.Before D.After   

7.A.quickly B.slowly C.carefully D.clearly

8.A.1ook B.bear C.see D.fee1

9.A.class B.TV C.direction D.music

10.A.one B.two C.three D.four 


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了一个抢椅游戏,作者重点描述了这个游戏的游戏规则。 1.B考查形容词及语境理解。句意:容易玩而且许多人喜欢。A.hard困难的;B.easy容易的;C.boring无聊的;D.harmful有害的。从后句内容You only need some chairs,some people and a kind of way of 42 music. “只需要几把椅子、几个人和一种播放音乐的方式,说明游戏容易,故选B。 2.A考查动词及语境理解。句意:你只需要几把椅子、几个人和一种播放音乐的方式。a way of doing sth一种做某事的方式,介词of后跟动名词作宾语,结合句意可知选A。 3.D考查名词及语境理解。句意:把椅子排成一排。A.desks书桌;B.tables桌子;C.books书;D.chairs椅子。根据上文You only need some chairs,some people and a kind of way of 42 music.和下文The chairs may be put in twos,back to back,too可知游戏中只有椅子,故选D。 4.C考查介词及语境理解。句意:人数总比椅子数多一个。……的数量:the number of,故选C。 5.D考查动词及语境理解。句意:如果有十个选手,你就只能摆九把椅子。根据句意,表示通常的情况,用一般现在时态,ten players是复数,be用复数are,故选D。 6.A 考查连词及语境理解。句意:如果音乐节奏快,他们也得走快。A.If如果,表示条件;B.Unless如果不,表示相反的条件;C.Before 在……之前,表示时间;D.After在……之后,表示时间。本句与后句并列,后句是含有if引出的条件状语从句的复合句,本句也用相同的句式,故选A。 7.B考查副词及语境理解。句意:如果音乐慢,他们也得慢慢地走。A.quickly快速地;B.slowly慢慢地;C.carefully仔细地;D.clearly清楚地。前句讲“音乐快,走得快”可以推测出本句指“音乐慢,走得慢”,故选B。 8.C考查动词及语境理解。句意:播放音乐的人不能看到游戏中的人。A.1ook看;B.bear忍受;C.see看见;D.fee1感觉。为了防止人为因素,播放音乐者不得看见游戏中的人,看见see。故选C。 9.D考查名词及语境理解。句意:然后,有人会在音乐开始前拿走一把椅子。A.class班;B.TV电视;C.direction方向;D.music音乐。本游戏按音乐节拍进行,随着音乐开始、结束而开始、结束。故选D。 10. 考点:考查日常生活类短文阅读。

Have you ever been ill? When you are ill you must be unhappy because your body becomes hot 1.  . You don’t want to work. You stay in bed feeling very sad.

What makes us ill? It is germs(细菌). Germs are everywhere. They are very small and you can’t find them with your eyes 2.  . They are very small and there could be hundreds of them on a very small thing.

Germs are always found in dirty water. When we look at dirty water under the microscope we shall see them in it.   3. .

Germs are not only found in water. 4. . If you cut your finger and some of the dust from the floor goes into the cut(伤口) 5. . Your finger would become big and red and you would have pains everywhere. 

A. They are also found in air and dust(灰尘)

B. and there are pains all over your body

C. but you can see them with a microscope(显微镜)

D. So we remember not to drink dirty water

E. some of the germs would go into your finger

F. You can also find them in dirty water.



Billy always loved blueberries. They were his favorite fruit. Today he was going to make juice with his uncle. His uncle liked to make juice out of everything. He made carrot juice apple juice vegetable juice and more juices. He had never made blueberry juice before though!

First Billy and his uncle went to a blueberry farm. They were each given a basket. They picked for an hour and got several pounds. It was hard work picking the little berries from the trees. Now Billy understood why they were expensive in the store.

Next they had to wash the fruit. Some of them still had leaves. Those had to be pulled off. Then the bad berries had to be thrown away. They washed the berries and made them air-dry.

After that they pushed the blueberries through a strainer(过滤网). The strainer caught most of the seeds and skins and only left a small glass of dark purple juice to them.

When they tasted the juice it wasn't very sweet. Billy's uncle didn't want to add white sugar to the juice. It was better to use a naturally sweet juice like apple juice pear juice or grape juice. They used grape juice as a sweetener (甜味剂) because grapes had a similar color to the blueberries.

Finally they could drink it. It was a lot of work to make juice but it sure was refreshing!

1. Billy's uncle hadn't made       juice before.

A. carrot      B. blueberry     C. apple     D. vegetable

2. Billy thought blueberries were expensive because        .

A. they were delicious 

B. they had to be sent to the store

C.it was hard to pick them from the trees

D. there weren't many blueberry trees on the farm

3. The underlined word "them" in Paragraph 4 refers to        .

A. blueberries         B. farmers

C. seeds and skins      D. Billy and his uncle

4. The correct order of making blueberry juice is           .

① wash blueberries.

②pick blueberries from trees.

③add grape juice to the blueberry juice.

④push the blueberries through a strainer.

A. ②①④③        B. ②①③④       C. ②④③①      D. ④①②③

5. The passage is mainly about       .

A. why Billy liked blueberry juice

B. where Billy got the best blueberries

C. how Billy made blueberry juice with his uncle

D. what Billy did on the blueberry farm with his uncle



Sally Ride was born in California in 1951. She was the first American woman to travel into space. She loved to play tennis and wanted to be a tennis player when she was young. But after three months' professional(专业的) training she changed her mind. She went to Stanford University and started to study science. She studied stars and planets. She did researches at the university and got her PhD in astrophysics(天体物理学博士学位) after several years’ hard work.

In 1977 she took a test to become an astronaut. And then she was picked up from over 8000 people. In order to realise her dream of going into space she had to get different kinds of special and difficult training. She learned how to fly a plane how to jump out of a plane as well as how to operate(操作)special machines

Sally and four other astronauts flew a spaceship called Challenger on Jun. 18 1983. She became the first American woman to travel into space. Later she taught at the University of California. Then she wrote seven books on space for children encouraging children to study science. Unfortunately she died in 2012.

1.What did Sally Ride want to do at first?

A. She wanted to study stars. 

B. She wanted to study science.

C. She wanted to play tennis.

D. She wanted to do researches.

2.When did Sally Ride go into space?

A. In 1951.  B. In 1977.  C. In 1983.  D. In 2012.

3.Which is NOT true about Sally Ride?

A. She learned how to fly a plane.

B. She learned how to produce machines

C. She learned how to jump out of a plane.

D. She learned how to use special machines.

4.Sally Ride taught at the University of California _______.

A. before she got her PhD in astrophysics 

B. before she went to Standford University

C. after she wrote books on space  

D.after she travelled into space

5.Which is the best title (题目) of the passage?

A. The first American woman writer

B The first American woman astronaut

C. The first American woman teacher

D. The first American woman scientist




A Hi Ryan. I want to have a class party.   1.  

B  Sure. I can help you. So when shall we have the party ? 

A    2. 

B  No today is too early. If we have it today half the class won’t come.

A Ok let’s have it tomorrow then.

B  Hmm… There’s a test the day after tomorrow. Students will leave early to study for the test.    3.

A Ok let’s have it on Saturday afternoon   4. 

B No I don’t think we should watch a video. Some students will be bored. Let’s play party games ?

A   5.  Can you organize the party games ?

B Sure I can do that . And can you make some food for us? 

A Yes no problem.


A: Let’s have it today after class.

B. What can I do for you ?

C. Will you help me?

D. We can all meet and watch a video.

E. Ok, good idea..

F. Why not have it on the weekend?

G. I will call you tomorrow.











请以“My Dream”为题写一篇英语短文。


I want to…


be interested in; …


(achieve one's dream)

work hard at school; learn

from successful people; …












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