满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

This sad story happened on a cold winter...

This sad story happened on a cold winter evening. It was so cold and snow was falling so heavily that the roads were covered with ice and a strong wind was blowing. Being outside in such weather was very unwise. However, Peter Lee had to walk home from work. Peter walked with difficulty along a country road, the cold wind beating against his chest. He thought, “ If I wear my coat backwards, maybe, it will be a little bit warmer for me.” He stopped walking, took off his coat, and put it on backwards. “That’s much better.” He said to himself happily. Walking on through the thickly falling snow, he was thinking about drinking a cup of warm coffee by the burning fireplace.

A few minutes later, a car knocked down Peter. The driver hadn’t seen him soon enough. When he tried his best to put on the brakes(刹车), the car skidded(打滑)on the icy road. The frightened driver got out of the car and ran to see how the poor man was.

After a while, a police car arrived. A policeman went up to see Mr. Lee who was lying on the ground. He told the driver, “I’m afraid he’s dead.”

The driver was so surprised. “This can’t be the case, because I hardly touched him. Check my car carefully. There’s not a mark on it.”

The policeman sad, “I’m sure he’s dead.”

“It’s impossible,” the driver said anxiously. “As soon as I hit him, I ran to help him. He was lying on the road, but he was breathing and there was no blood.”

“Did you touch him?” The policeman asked.

“Yes, but only to turn his head around the right way.” The driver answered.

1.Why did the writer say this story was a sad one?

A. It was rather cold that day.

B. Snow was falling heavily that day.

C. The man in the story was made dead by mistake.

D. An accident happened on the road.

2. According to the writer, Peter Lee _____.

A. was wise

B. didn’t need to walk home in such bad weather

C. was in bad need of going home

D. had difficulty in finding the road leading to his home

3.Peter Lee wore his coat backwards _____.

A. to keep himself a little bit warmer

B. to help walk forward more easily

C. not to let others know him

D. not to let the cold wind blow

4. The driver failed to see Peter Lee soon enough, _____.

A. so the car skidded on the icy road

B. so he tried his best to put on the brakes

C. and he had to get out of the car

D. so his car knocked him down

5.What did the driver do to make Peter Lee die?

A. He touched him carefully.

B. He turned his head around the right way.

C. He helped him to sit up.

D. He turned him over gently.


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲的是在一个寒冷的冬天的晚上Peter Lee步行下班回家,为了暖和把大衣反穿,但在途中一辆汽车把他撞到了,但由于司机把他的头拧了过来,所以他死了这样一个悲惨的故事。。 1.C推理判断题。根据文中描述Peter Lee是由于别人失误而死的,所以是一个悲伤的故事,故选C。 2.C 细节理解 根据文中信息However, Peter Lee had to walk home from work.可知是他不得不回家,所以选C。 3.A细节理解根据文中信息“If I wear my coat backwards, maybe, it will be a little bit warmer forme.” 可知他之所以反穿大衣是为了更暖和一些,故选A。 4.D细节理解根据文中信息 A few minutes later, a car knocked down Peter. The driver hadn’t seen him soon enough.可知司机没有尽快看到他所以撞倒了他,故选D。 5. 考点:考查故事类短文阅读













参考词汇:梅西 Messi(阿根廷著名足球运动员)

Dear classmates,

I’m very excited to hear that China will build 20,000 football﹣themed schools by 2020.





1.— Time for dinner. Mum and Dad.

—There’re only                (两双筷子) on the table. We need one more.

2.Millie said she               (等不及看) her computer. It’s a present from her parents.

3.My watch              (比你的新). I bought it last week.

4.— We’ll have a trip early tomorrow morning won’t we?

—Yes you’d belter               (不要熬夜) tonight.

5.It          (对我们是有帮助的) to choose public transport to change traffic jams.




①Getting recognition(认可)from National Geographic a famous US magazine is the dream for many photographers. A Chinese teenage photographer has made this dream come true.

②With his work Weed(野草)on the Wall Gong Zijie a 14-year-old boy from Changsha Hunan won the 2014 International Photography Competition for Kids in China. It was hosted by National Geographic Kids. Gong got the first place for the subject Wild Vacation. His photo shows the shadow of a weed on the Forbidden City’s red walls. In photographer Li Shaobai’s words “The picture is silent but powerful.”

③Gong learned photography from his father a professional photographer working for Hunan TV. Since the age of 4 he has been following his father to take pictures of nature and society.

④Gong is a patient photographer. When he finds something amazing he can spend hours waiting for the perfect time to catch the moment. In his first work Gong took the beautiful view of the sunset near his hometown. It looked simple but Gong worked for four days to take the best photo.

⑤Now the young photographer cares more about social (社会的)problems. In Gong’s pictures of Liuyang River hundreds of dead fish show us the deadly results of pollution. He has made up his mind to document polluted rivers at least once every year to make people pay more attention to environmental protection.

⑥ “Now photography is not only a hobby but also a duty(责任)for me.” said Gong.

1.What’s the name of the photo that helped Gong Zijie get the first place?

2.What does photographer Li Shaobai think of Gong’s work?

3.Did Gong learn photography by himself?

4.What does the writer want to tell us about Gong in Paragraph 4?

5.What can you learn from Gong?



Hillary is one of the most famous women in America. Born in 1947 she lived a happy childhood. Her parents were open to anything that interested her. But they were also strict with her. When young Hillary got A grades at school her father said the school must have been too easy. When she ran home from a bad school boy her mother wouldn’t let her in. “Go back and face up to him. There is no room in the house for a coward(懦夫)!”

Years later young Hillary put all of her energy into politics(政治). As a student leader she often discussed and researched social problems. In 1969 Hillary entered Yale Law School where she met Bill Clinton. The two soon became partners in political activities and the journey of love.

Even after Bill was elected(选举)as president in 1992 Hillary didn’t want to just be the president’s wife. She worked on US healthcare. However she was not popular with those against her husband. At that time some people said she was too interested in politics. But Hillary kept her head held high “When she takes on a project she works tirelessly until it is completed said Betty Lowe an old friend of the Clintons. “It’s that kind of determination(决心)that will help her win the White House.” She has made a decision that she will take part in the election of the next president in 2016.


Hillary a   1.  American woman

Her unusual experience

 When she was a child her parents were 2.  with her.

 She met Bill Clinton and   3.  an interest in politics in university.

 She is   4. of energy when working.


She has   5.  to take part in the election of the next American president in 2016.




If you need to call your parents but your phone is not 1.w      you can you remember their numbers?

To remember 11 numbers is not 2.d         . However because of the smartphone many of us are losing this ability. What’s 3.m      smartphones weaken(削弱)our skills at giving directions as well as killing face-to-face communications. Even when friends are having a meal together it’s common for most to check their phones.

According to a report by Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers an American company Chinese people spend about 170 minutes 4.o      their smartphones5.       (adv每日).

Many students are addicted (着迷)to using smartphones. It does no good to their 6.s     . Research by Japan’s Education Ministry showed children who spend more than four hours a day on their phones perform much worse in school test than those who play with their phones for 30 minutes.

It’s true that the smartphone has made our lives7.       (更容易). But many also think they spend too much time on it and this is bad for their study or work. People are trying to change that.

A new app(应用软件)called Forest was introduced this month. It lets users8. p      a seed(种子) that grows into a tree over the next 30 minutes. During the half hour users cannot use their phones or the 9.t      will die.

A restaurant in Los Angeles US gives people a 5% discount (折扣) if they don’t check their phones during a meal. Owner Mark Gold said he hopes it gives people a way to10.         [ɪn'dʒɔɪ] their meal and actually talk with friends and family in person.



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