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书面表达。 请以Living in the Future 为题,写一篇不少于80...


请以Living in the Future  为题,写一篇不少于80词的短文。





参考词汇:robot  机器人   science  科学   development  发展  

human beings  人类    future  将来 




Living in the future Have you ever imagined what our lives will be like in the future? I have. It will so happy to live in the future. Robots will be a part of our lives and with the help of them, it is easier for people to work and study. With the development of science, human beings can live on other planets. When human beings live on other planets, we can go from one planet to another easily. Then we will know aliens. Little by little, we will make friends with them and help each other. At that time, our life will become more and more beautiful. 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇提纲式的给材料作文。所给材料较为详细,逻辑清楚,我们要做的就是用正确的英语把这些内容表达出来。根据标题Living in the Future可知,是畅想未来的生活,时态应为一般将来时态,句型以简单句为主。写作时要灵活运用,注意主谓一致,单词拼写正确。 写作亮点:本文按照写作要求,根据汉语提示,用简洁的语言,准确地表达出汉语意思,语言流畅。本文写作思路清晰,写出了未来生活发生的一些变化,最后对美好的生活进行憧憬At that time, our life will become more and more beautiful. 考点:提纲类作文。  

词汇运用  根据中文提示,完成下列句子。




短文填词 根据短文内容和以下提示:1) 首字母提示,2)语境提示,3)汉语提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词。所填单词要求意义正确,拼写准确。

Paper was first made in 1. It was made about 2000 years2. . Chinese paper was not made 3.   the wood of trees, but made from a kind of plant. It was a German named Schaeffer who found out that wood could be used4. making food. 5.W   we think of paper, we think of newspapers, books, letters and writing paper. But there are many other6. (用途). Paper is very good for 7. k you warm. You can 8.  (穿) paper shoes in the snow. It can be used for making clothes. The newest 9.(发明) is the paper house. They are not small houses for children to play in, but big houses for people to live in. Today people have made many things with paper. I’m 10.   one day people will make paper planes or paper cars.



On August 14, 2011. Russia showed an unusual plan. They wanted to build a hotel in space about 217 miles up. This hotel will hold seven guests in four cabins (客舱). And it has huge windows for views (景色) of the earth turning below. A guest will pay £100,000 for a five-day stay and £500,000 for the journey.

The space hotel will be open by 2016. At that time, it will be “far more comfortable” than the International Space Station.

There are two kinds of beds for guests to choose, one is vertical (垂直的) and the other is horizontal (水平的). Guests can take showers in a special room so that the water can’t go everywhere.

The waiters in the hotel have rich experience. They will prepare food on earth for tourists. Iced tea and fruit juice will be served. Toilets will use flowing air instead of water to move the waste through the system. Waste water will be recycled and the air will be cleaned and then returned to the cabin.


The Best title: A 1.   in space.

Which country wanted to build it?


When will the space hotel be open?

3. By   

How many 4.   are there in the hotel?


What will toilets use to move the waste through the system?











Chinese space lover Wang Yuan has been chosen as one of the volunteers for the Mars-500 test project.   1.  Another five volunteers are all space lovers. They are three Russians, an Italy-Colombian and a Frenchman. They will feel what it's like to travel to Mars without leaving the earth. During the whole process (过程), they are locked up for one and a half years under the condition which is similar to the red planet. So the experiment is called Mars-500.

   2.Although the volunteers won’t leave the building, they will feel as if (好像) they are on a real trip to Mars. The most difficult thing is that they will be separated from the people outside. 3.

That will be hard. When reporters asked what they would miss most during the 500-day special life, Charles from France said, “For me, it will be mainly my family, the sun and fresh air.”

The main task is to study “Man and Environment”. It will care about the astronauts’ physical effects and the experience of staying there.

    4.So they will have to make decisions by themselves and then report to the earth, and the earth will tell them whether they do the right thing or not.





If you look at the sky one night and see something moving and shining that you have never seen before, it might be a comet (彗星).

   A comet sometimes looks like a star. Like a planet, a comet has no light of its own. It shines from the sunlight it reflects (反射). Like the earth a comet goes around the sun, but on a much longer path than the earth travels.

   If a comet isn’t a star, what is it then?

   Some scientists think that a large part of a comet is water frozen (冻) into pieces of ice and mixed with iron and rock dust and perhaps a few big pieces of rock. When sunshine melts (融化) the ice in the comet, great clouds of gas go trailing after it. These clouds, together with the dust, form a long tail.

   Many people have seen a comet. However, no one knows how many comets there are. There may be millions of comets, but only a few come close enough for us to see.

   An Englishman named Edmund Halley, who lived from 1656 to 1742, found out a lot about the paths that comets take through the sky. Some comets move out of our sight and never come back. Others keep coming back at regular times. A big comet that keeps coming back was named after Halley comet, because the last time it came close to the sun and the earth was in the year 1986. Then people all over the world were outside at night to look at it. You will probably be able to see Halley’s comet when it comes near the earth again.


1.A comet is like.

A. the sun     B. the moon

C. sunlight    D. the earth

2.A large part of a comet is.

A. water and rock  

B. water frozen into pieces of ice and mixed with iron and rock dust and perhaps a few pieces of rock

C. ice, iron and rock dust 

D. only a few big pieces of rock

3.Many people.

A. haven’t seen any comets

B. have seen all comets

C. have seen a comet at daytime 

D. have seen a comet

4.Some comets keep coming back.

A.at any time

B.at noon

C.at regular times 

D.at daybreak (拂晓)

5.When did Halley’s comet come close to the sun and the earth last time?

A. In 1656.     B. In 1742.

C. In 1986.    D. In 1996.



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