满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

When Mr Fang smelt the food, he stopped ...

When Mr Fang smelt the food, he stopped ___________.

A. paint          B. to paint

C. painting       D. to painting


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:当方先生闻那食物的时候,他停止了画画。stop后有两种结构:stop to do和stop doing。stop to do停下来去做事情;stop doing停下正在做的事情,事情不做了。根据句意,去闻食物,那么画画就停下来了,故应选C。 考点:考查非谓语动词。  

Youll ________ to join the party if your homework ________.

A. ask, do        B. be asked, is done

C. asked, did   D.be asked to, is done



We are asked to write ________article in todays writing class.

A. a 800-hundred-word    

B. an 800-hundred-words   

C. an 800-hundred-word     

D. a 800-hundred-words



Don’t you think the paper is very good? —Yes. It is very pleasant        .

A. to write on 

B. to write in

C. to be written on 

D. to be written in



—Do you think the weather will ______ till the weekend?

—Yes, I learned it from the CCTV news.

A. last

B. not keep raining

C. not last

D. become colder



—_____ heavy snow! How can we go to work today?

—_____ it is snowing heavily, let’s walk instead of driving.

A. What; Because

B. What a; Since

C. How; As

D. How a; Though



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