满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—What does your new classmate look like?...

—What does your new classmate look like?


A. He is from Australia    

B. He has a pair of blue shoes

C. He is very nice to others 

D. He is tall and of medium build


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你的新同学看起来怎样?他很高,中等身材。根据固定句型:what does sb look like询问一个人的外貌身材。故选D。 考点:考查固定句型的用法。  

Please say it louder __________ everyone in the hall can hear you.

A. in order to     B. so that

C. even if D. as soon as



— That young man must have something to do with the crime, right?

   . Though he insisted he hadn’t done anything against the law.

A. I don’t agree      B. I suppose so

C. I don’t think so   D. He supposes so



—You should know the first thing     you must do now is to do your homework.

—Thanks for reminding me.

A. where    B. which   C. that    D. what



People didn’t know _________ during the night.

A. what was happened 

B. what the murder happened

C. what happened

D. how the murder has happened



—The picture is, I have to say, not a bit beautiful.

—Why? It’s ______ than the pictures I have ever seen.

A. far more beautiful      B. much less beautiful

C. no more beautiful     D. any less beautiful



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