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书面表达 今年入冬以来,以北京为首的各大城市雾霾(haze) 情况越来越严重,整...


今年入冬以来,以北京为首的各大城市雾霾(haze) 情况越来越严重,整个国家的空气污染状况令人担忧。作为一名中学生,你对我国空气污染的看法是什么呢?请分析空气污染的现象、原因、应对措施,写一份英文的倡议书,呼吁大家保护环境,减少对空气的污染。

要点提示:1. 我国空气污染的现象。

2. 空气污染产生的原因。

3. 减少空气污染的措施。

要求:1. 80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称。

Dear students,

As we all know, hazy days have been influencing our lives a lot in recent years. That warns us of the serious air pollution. _______________________________________________________________






Dear students, As we all know, hazy days have been influencing our lives a lot in recent years. That warns us of the serious air pollution. Big factories, power plants and cars all can cause air pollution. for example, chemicals in the smoke from power stations cause a lot of damage. Besides, the people’s activities are also the sources of air pollution such as throwing the rubbish and smoking. What’s more, the more trees are cut down, the less polluted air can absorb. Air pollution is becoming more and more serious, so we should take some measures such as planting more trees and stop factories from sending out waste air, what’s more, we had better walk or take a bus. Protecting the environment is our duty. Everyone should play a part in saving the earth. 【解析】 试题分析:考生首先要认真阅读前面的提示认真审题,确定文章的中心。把要点写全面,不要漏掉任何要点。注意文章文体和时态。同时应选用合适的连接词或过渡词,使文章具有一定的连贯性。要求语句通顺、意思连贯。文章结构紧凑、行文连贯、表达清楚。写作中适当使用连词,序数词,做到上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。 写作亮点:本文写作思路清晰,时态运用也很得当。更为难能可贵的是通篇文章没有出现任何语法错误。 这篇短文结构严谨,主要是一些基础句型的应用非常准确。先提出问题,分析问题,后阐述解决问题的办法,层次分明。最后,发出倡议:呼吁大家保护环境,减少对空气的污染Protecting the environment is our duty. Everyone should play a part in saving the earth. 考点:话题类作文。  



A:Excuse me, 1._____________________?

B:OK, go straight until you can see a bus stop and then you can take a bus to Xianyang Airport.


B:About 50 minutes’ bus ride.

A:There’s no more time left.

B:You’d better take a taxi. Have you ever been to Xianyang Airport?

A:3._______________________. This is my first time to Xianyang Airport.

B:Don’t worry.


B:It takes about half an hour to get there by taxi.

A:Thank you very much.






first  know  say  between  answer  popular  mean  woman  reply  remember  common  speak

November 21 is World Hello Day. At school, we learned that "How do you do?" and "How are you?" are standard ways to say hello when meeting others. But do you know how to reply to them? Nowadays, do native speakers seldom use them today?

As we learned, "How do you do?" is for greeting someone we meet for the   1. time. And it can be answered with the same "How do you do?" "How are you?" is often used to greet someone we   2. well. It usually follows with an answer of "I’m good, and you?" or "I’m fine, and you?"

But English is a casual(随意的) language. The formal "How do you do?" is seldom   3.  by native(本族的,本土的) speakers. It is considered old-fashioned(过时的). Yet they greet each other in many other ways.

You may hear a conversation   4. British people: "You all right?""Yeah, you?""I’m good. Any plans for the weekend?" or "How’s it going?" "Yea, fine, and you?" These ways of greeting are very 5.  for young people to say hello to friends.

Americans like saying, "What’s up?" or "What’s good?" to friends. Don’t be confused(混淆的). It doesn’t   6.  "What’s wrong?" It is just one way of saying hello. And people usually give answers like "Not much." or "Nothing." "Hey, man." is also popular. But it is only used among men. What do 7. say? You guessed it. They often say "Hey, girl."

If you meet an Australian, you may hear "G’ day, mate." It means "Good day." You can 8.  with the same "G’ day."

However, there is no rule to say hello to each other. If you can’t   9. all of the above, just say"How are you?" This is the most   10. and standard way for people of all ages. You can reply with "Pretty good." Same as usual." or "I’m hanging in there."



Running is free, it’s easy and now it’s becoming cool as well. Many people do not have enough time to play a team sport, so instead they have started going running. In the past, running in the street was seen as a bit silly. But things are changing.   1.  Some people go to lose weight while others go simply to keep fit. Even at 6 o’clock in the morning you sometimes see runners in the streets. Scientists say that running is a very good way to keep fit.

  2. In some schools when it rains and it’s too wet to play football or hockey, children have to do cross country running instead. Now as running has become more popular, hopefully more young people will take it up.

Every year in April, the London marathon(马拉松) takes place. The race covers a fantastic route(路) in which runners pass lots of famous places like the London Eye and Big Ben. 3. 

Interestingly, marathon running used to be seen as a hard sport, but now even people who are very unfit take part in marathons every year!   4.  It’s because people have become more interested in running. After the marathon every year the streets suddenly become full of runners.   5.  All you need is a pair of trainers and will power, so what are you waiting for? 


A. It’s not because marathons have got easier.

B. People come from all over the world to run in it.

C. Sadly, running is often quite unpopular at school.

D. Now, lots of people go out running in their spare lime.

E. People find it so exciting that they want to try it themselves.




Sunshine Apartment


Diamond House




Built in 2007

Built in 2008

Built in 2010

bedroom, living room,

kitchen, 2 bathrooms

3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms,

kitchen, 2 dining rooms

2 bedrooms, kitchen,

bathroom, living room

a small garage

a big beautiful garden

a garden and a garage

9 km from the city center

23 km from the city center

in the city center


1.Diamond House was built ___________.

A. nearly sixteen years ago

B. hundreds of years ago

C. in 2008

D. about six years ago

2. Seaview is __________ more expensive than Sunshine Apartment.

A. thirty-four thousand dollars

B. twelve thousand dollars

C. five thousand dollars

D. twenty-two thousand dollars

3. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Seaview has got 3 bedrooms and two kitchens.

B. Diamond House has got a garden and a garage.

C. Diamond House is cheaper than Sunshine Apartment.

D. Sunshine Apartment has got a small garden.

4. If you like doing shopping in the city center every day, you’d better buy ___________.

A. Seaview  

B. Sunshine Apartment 

C. Diamond House 

D. None of them

5.Where can you probably read this passage?

A. In a nature magazine.

B. In a storybook.

C. In the business newspaper.

D. In a science book.



Are you happy most of the time? Or do you easily get angry sometimes? Everyone has a different temperament(脾气). It is usually believed that both genes(基因) and environment may affect people’s temperaments in different ways. Scientists have found that the season of the birth also plays a role.

Scientists from Budapest, Hungary, studied 400 university students. In the study, the students need to finish a questionnaire(问卷). The purpose of it was to find out which of four kinds of temperaments they most had. From the questionnaire, scientists found that the students always answered something like "My mood often changes for no reason."and "I love to deal with new projects, even if it is risky."These answers were then matched with their birthdays.

They discovered that people born in summer easily change between sad and happy moods compared to people born in winter. Those who always feel positive are mostly born in spring and summer.

The study also found that those born in autumn less probably had a mood of depression which may easily drive them to cry, while those in winter were not easier to be angry.

Scientists said that this was probably because the seasons had an influence on certain chemicals in the human body. And the chemicals are important to control people’s moods even in adult life.

"It seems that when you are born may increase or decrease your chance of developing certain mood disorders(紊乱) ," lead scientist Xenia Gonda told the Telegraph.


1. What probably can’t affect people’s temperaments according to Paragraph 1?

A. Genes.    B. Ages.     C. Seasons.    D. Environment.

2.What does the underlined word "depression" most probably mean?

A. Sadness.     B. Happiness.

C. Surprise.    D. Excitement.

3.Which of the following sentences is NOT true from the passage?

A. People born in summer change their moods more easily.

B. The season of birth has an influence on human’s moods.

C. There were 400 middle school students taking part in the study.

D. The answers to the questionnaire were matched with their birthdays.

4.In the following paragraph, the writer will most probably deal with ___________.

A. How many kinds of moods there are 

B. What can we change the human body most

C. How the certain chemicals affect the moods

D. Whether the students will continue their study

5.What’s the best title of this passage?

A. Seasons and Moods 

B. The influence of Genes

C. Moods and Health

D. The Importance of Birthplaces



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