满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达 在你们成长的道路上,总有一些事让你铭记心间,请以An unforget...


在你们成长的道路上,总有一些事让你铭记心间,请以An unforgetful experience为题,写一篇80词左右的英语短文,在你的故事中,讲述以下情况,注意语言表达准确,短文连贯通顺。

要求: 1.What happened ?

2.When did it happen ?

3.Where did it happen ?

4.How did it make you feel ?Why?

5.What did you learn from the experience?


An unforgettable experience There are an art festival is our school. Last Friday I performed a program badly in front of a big group of students. I had practiced it many times. But I was too nervous to preform well. It made me sad when I walked back. I told it about my father. He told me that I should learn from my mistakes .They could help me achieve my dreams. I knew my father love me. 【解析】 试题分析:本文应可以用第一人称,时态主要使用一般过去时态。作者灵活采用不同的表达方式将事件完整地表述出来,注意主次分明,详略得当。语言力求准确、简洁。最后必须认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等。 写作亮点:本文叙述条理清晰,行文流畅。语言丰富,句式多样。如:in front of ,learn from, walked back等;恰当地使用了宾语从句等,使文章内容更加衔接,一气呵成,效果不错。 考点:话题作文。  



A: Hi,You’ve bought a new bike,haven’t you ?

B:Yes, I have.

A: 1._________________________________________?

B:I bought it only yesterday .How do you like it ?

A:It’s nice except the color.

B: 2.__________________________________________?

A:I prefer red to white .By the way, 3.__________________________?It must be very expensive.

B:Not very much.It’s about two thousand yuan.

A: 4._______________________________________?

B:It is made in Chongqing.

A:May I have a try?

B: 5.______________________________________.





later,expensive, take, name,give,result,in, they,so,big,think,if

  In history, there are many people who set a good example to us. In the Han Dynasty, there was a farmer's child 1.______ Kuang Heng, He wanted to read books very much. At that time, the book was very 2.________Kuang Heng couldn't afford books and had to borrow books. Rich people had books, but they didn't lend 3._______to others easily. Kuang Heng 4._________any chance to borrow books to read.

     Kuang Heng spent all his time working in the fields in the day. 5.________ he had to read in the evening. But Kuang Heng's family was too poor to buy the oil lamp(灯).

One night, Kuang Heng wanted to read a book. He was 6.______ how to do it when he suddenly saw a little light from the crack(裂缝) 7.______ the wall.  It must be his neighbor's light. As a result, Kuang Heng thought of a good way: he made the crack become 8._______ than before. In this way, he could read more books.

Kuang Heng was so keen to(渴望) learn that he became a learned man 9.____ . We should learn the spirit of his hard working and perseverance(坚持不懈).We shouldn't 10.________up no matter what kind of difficulties we meet.



Life comes in a package(包裹). This package includes happiness and sadness, failure and success, hope and clespair (绝望). Life is a learning process. 1._____With each passing day, we learn to deal with various situations.

Love plays a main role in our life.  Love makes us feel wanted. Without love a person could become cruel(残忍的). In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who give us much love and care. 2._______ But we don't always care about it. It is only after marriage(结婚) and having kids that we begin to understand others' feelings. Kids make us responsible(有责任的) and help us understand life better.

Happiness can bring us a peacef'ul mind. No mind is happy without peace. Sadness is mainly caused by the death of a loved one, failure or despair. 3._______.

Failure is the path to success.  It helps us touch the sky, teaches us to survive(生存) and shows us a specific way. 4.________ So it is very important for us to keep a clear mind after we achieve success.

Hope is what keeps lif'e going. 5._____ Hope makes us dream. Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day.

Life teaches us not to feel sorry about yesterday, for it has passed and is beyond (超出……能力)our control. Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or dark.  So in order to enjoy a better tomorrow, the only choice is to work hard today.


A. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person.

B. They teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad.

C. Success brings us money, pride and self-respect.

D. Parents always hope their children will do well.

E. But all of these things will pass away.




Sales in Xinhua Shopping Center in October

Wear Section

2nd Floor


We have shirts, ties, scarves and handbags for you to choose. We also have new styles of shoes for adults and kids.

   Buy two, get a free hat.

Book Section

3rd Floor

l0%, Off

For kids aged 13 -18

Examples ;

1. Has Anyone Seen Jessica Jenkins?

by Liz Kessler, Britain (¥28.60)

2. Kids Who Are Changing the World

by Anne Jankeliowitch, France

3. The Forbidden Library

by Django Wexler, US(¥22.80)

For kids aged 2--12

Examples :

1. The Crass House

   by Cao Wenxuan, China(¥28.90)

2. Everyday English Sn,ack

edited by Qing Run, China

3. This Side of Wild

   by Gary Paulsen, US.(¥26.50)



surprise !

1. Spend¥200 or more, get 5 hours of free parking.

2. Spend  ¥600 0r more, get a lucky draw (¥6 -¥600).


1. You can get a free hat if you buy a handbag and ___________

A. a book 

B. a dress

C. a pair of gloves 

D. a pair of shoes

2.The cheapest book is_________

A. This Side of Wild

B. The Grass House

C.  The Forbidden Library 

D. Has Anyone Seen, Jessica Jenkins

3.The book Kids Who Are Changing the World is written by a/an____.

A. American 

B. Chinese

C. Frenchman 

D. Englishman

4. If you spend¥400 in the shopping center, you will get_____.


B. 5 hours of free parking

C.  10 hours of free parking

D. 5 hours of free parking and ¥6

5.The material above is most probably ______

A. a poster 

B. a shopping list

C. a picture book

D. a trip introduction



I think it's hard for a teenager to live in the modern society. For example, how to go to school is a problem I often worry about. Every afternoon, my father picks me up at the gate of the school. Many parents pick up their children, too.  Most of them drive private cars. Of all the cars, Anna's father's car is the best. Anna seems to have a very rich father. She always has beautiful dresses, shoes and bags. Besides these, she is also very beautiful. But she has no friends in school. When other students are playing, she never joins them. I don't like her because she is too perfect. It makes me uncomfortable to make friends with her. She seems to have everything.

    One afternoon, when I went to my father's car, I saw a small thing fall out of Anna's bag.  So I called her quickly. However, she didn't look back and kept going. I felt very angry with her.

    During the dinner, my father asked me, "Why do you look unhappy?"

    "Today I saw something fall out of Anna's bag, so called her.  But she didn't answer me. She is arrogant. " said angrily.

   "Oh, I know that girl. She has no friends and is unhappy because she was born deaf. I'm sure that she didn't hear you. "

    What my father said suddenly woke me up. Because she is deaf, she does not talk or play with anyone at school.  She seems to have everything, but in fact she doesn't.

     Not everyone is perfect, even the perfect man has his weakness.

1.The writer goes home    every afternoon.

A. by bus     B. on foot   C. by car   D. by subway

2.Why doesn't the writer like Anna?

A. Because Anna seems to be the best in everything.

B. Because Anna is the most excellent student in their school.

C. Because Anna doesn't want to be the writer's friend.

D. Because Anna's father is richer than the writer's.

3. The underlined word "arrogant" in Paragraph 4 has the closest meaning to " ______"

A. a little shy    B. too proud    C. very polite   D. so lonely

4.Anna didn't look back and kept going because she didn't__________

A. like the writer

B. hear the writer at all

C. see the small thing fall out

D. want to get back the small thing

5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A. Many students like Anna very much.

B. The writer's father knows Anna is a deaf girl.

C. Anna has everything she wants.

D. Anna is very happy though she is deaf.



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