满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Long, long ago there were a lot of donk...


Long long ago there were a lot of donkeys. The donkeys worked hard every day. They had no time to play or to relax but they never felt appreciated(赏识)for the work they did.

One day two donkeys got bored. They wanted to live a comfortable life so the donkeys went to see a wise old man. They told him their problem. The wise old man agreed that they worked too hard and he wanted to help the donkeys. “I have an idea he said.

“What is your idea?” asked the donkeys.

“I will paint you and no one will know you are donkeys said the man.

The man went off to find some paint and he returned in just a few minutes. He had two pots of paints. One pot was filled with white paint and the other black paint.

The old man first painted them white and then painted black stripes over the white paint. When he finished the donkeys did not look like donkeys at all. “You no longer look like donkeys the old man said. “Everyone will be fooled. I will call you something else Zebras.”

The zebras went to a field to eat grass. Now they did not have to work.

Soon other donkeys saw the zebras. They asked the zebras where they came from. When the zebras told the donkeys their secret the donkeys all rushed to see the old man.

“Please make us into zebras too.” They pleaded. So the wise old man painted more donkeys. As he did more and more donkeys came.

The old man could not paint fast enough. Soon the donkeys became impatient. They began to kick about and they knocked over the paint pots.

There was no more paint. The painted donkeys ran off to become zebras. The unpainted donkeys because of their impatience had to return to work.

1.Why did the two donkeys go to see a wise old man?

A. To become patient.

B. To ask him for help.

C. To change into zebras.

D. To have a rest.

2.When the two donkeys returned why did they no longer have to work?

A. They didn’t eat enough grass.

B. They didn’t want to work.

C. No one knew they were donkeys.

D. They were no longer donkeys.

3.What finally happened to the impatient donkeys?

A. They won praise for the work they did.

B. They hated the zebras and fought with them.

C. They looked for another wise man to paint them.

D. They were still donkeys working hard all the time.

4. According to the passage which of the following is TRUE?

A. The donkeys worked very hard and got much appreciated.

B. The wise old man decided to help the donkeys because he liked them.

C. The old man became impatient because he had to paint so many donkeys.

D. The old man helped the donkeys by painting them with white and black stripes.

5.What can we infer (推断) from the passage?

A. Being patient is very important.

B. Both donkeys and zebras had to work hard.

C. There is always a good way not to work hard.

D. The wise old man was killed by these impatient donkeys.


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:试题分析:本文以一个寓言的形式来讲述耐心的重要性。 1.B细节理解题。根据第二段第二行They told him their problem.的描述,他们有问题求助。故选B。 2.C细节理解题。根据短文中间一句Everyone will be fooled. I will call you something else, Zebras.”可知,这两只驴子变成了斑马。故选C。 3.D细节理解题。根据短文最后一句The unpainted donkeys, because of their impatience, had to return to work.,可知没有耐心的驴仍继续劳作。故选D。 4.D细节理解题。根据短文第六段第一句The old man first painted them white, and then painted black stripes over the white paint.可知,老人用白色和黑色的条纹给驴子涂上颜色。可知选D。 5., because of their impatience, had to return to work.可知,没有耐心的驴子没有被涂色,他们不得不继续劳作,从而推知耐心的重要性。故选A。 考点:故事类短文阅读。



Once again I was at a new school.    was a girl in my class named Paris. That was where the similarities ended.

I was tall and she was small. I was one of the    in the class while she was the youngest. My hair was thick short and ugly while hers was long and beautiful. I couldn’t stand her considering her my    . But she wanted to be friends.

One day she invited me over and I said yes I was too    to say no. Actually no one had invited me over to    before. But this girl who wore the latest fashions wanted to see me.

When we got to the        she shared with her sister she took out a big case of Barbies which was my next surprise. I had never played with them. But we sat on the floor of a walk-in cupboard    as we made up crazy stories about the Barbies. That’s when we    that we both wanted to be writers when we were older. We both had wild      .

We had a great time that afternoon. Our jaws (下巴) ached from smiling so much. She      me her outfits which had mostly come from a designer clothing store. The woman who owned it sometimes used her    a model for her newspaper ads and gave her clothes in exchange.

Paris charmed the whole neighborhood. The    owners lent her fashion magazines down the block the movie theater gave her free passes and the pizza place let her    free pieces. Soon I was included in her    world. We slept over at each other’s houses and spent every free moment together.

Paris my first real friend since childhood helped me get through my tough teenage    and taught me an amazing thing about making friends: Your “worst enemy” can turn out to be your best friend.

1.A. So B. NeitherC. Either  D. Or

2.A. oldest  B. strongestC. tallestD. smartest

3.A. leader B. angle C. hero  D. enemy

4.A. surprised  B. satisfied  C. stressedD. worried

5.A. study  B. play C. chat  D. sing

6.A. kitchen B. balcony  C. bedroomD. garden

7.A. talking  B. thinking  C. shouting  D. laughing

8.A. broke out  B. worked outC. took outD. found out

9.A. instructionB. imagination  C. information  D. interest

10.A. sentB. showedC. provided  D. passed

11.A. for B. with  C. as D. by

12.A. supermarketB. museum  C. bookshop  D. community

13.A. sell B. have  C. borrowD. make

14.A. magic B. naturalC. simpleD. funny

15.A. weeks  B. monthsC. seasonsD. years



—In my opinion buying books online can save us a lot of money.


A.That’s all right.

B. I’m sorry to hear that.

C. I think so too.

D. It’s my pleasure.



Bob is taking the desks away because they__________ too much room.

A. take up B. pick up C. stand up D. put up



To an engineer a miss is __________ a mile. They can’t afford to make any mistakes.

A. as much as

B. as well as

C. as many as

D. as good as



How do you like Guilin?

It’s really a beautiful city and its fantastic landscape___________ me a lot.

A. expressed

B. impressed

C. explained

D. complained



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