满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

What was the boy searching ________? A. ...

What was the boy searching ________?

A. for the Internet    B. the information for the Internet

C. for on the Internet    D. Internet


C 【解析】句意:那个男孩正在网络上寻找什么?search搜查;短语 search for寻找;on the Internet在网上。根据句意故选C。  

Now mobile phones are not so expensive as they _______ to be.

A. use    B. used    C. are used    D. were used



Do you know how long the meeting has _______?

A. lasted    B. held    C. over    D. begun



All the students agreed to go to Qingdao by _______ sea and camp by _______ sea.

A. the; a    B. / the    C. /; /    D. a; the





你班以“good” parents or “bad” parents,which ones do you like better?为主题进行了一次班会讨论,结果如下表。请你整理表格中的内容并结合自己的观点,写一篇80~110词的发言稿。




“good” parents

“bad” parents

respect children;

let children do whatever they like;…

be strict with their study;

ask children to go to after­class classes;…

Your opinion …



Our class had a discussion about the topic:“good” parents or “bad” parents,which ones do you like better?Here are the results.





A.When I was 5 years old,I went to the USA with my mom.I can still remember the first Halloween holiday I had in the USA.

B.I did a lot of things that day,but the part I liked best was “trick or treat” in the evening.After dinner,I went outside with an empty bag.I hoped to get a lot of candy from people.At first,I was a bit nervous,so when I knocked at the door,my heart was beating very fast.A lady came out,and I said carefully to her,“Trick or treat.”

C.In the afternoon,we put on the Halloween costumes and went on parade in school.Some of the costumes were nice,but some of them looked scary.I chose to wear a suit of superman's clothes.

D.What a happy Halloween I had!And I wish we could have a Halloween every month!

E.My voice was very low,and even myself could hardly hear it.To my surprise,the lady was so kind to give me two candy bars,and I was so excited,thanked the lady and moved on.I couldn't remember how many houses I visited,but I could remember how much candy I got—I got 91 pieces of candy that day,and I was so proud of myself.

F.On the morning of Halloween,we paid a visit to a pumpkin farm.Each of us brought a pumpkin to school with us.I used the pumpkin to make a lantern which had two triangle eyes and a scary mouth.




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