满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

My husband lived in another city and we ...

My husband lived in another city and we met twice a month. Sometimes we had bad fights. I felt terrible. But stopping hard times was not easy.

I usually went to work by bus, sometimes by subway. One day, in order not to be late, I took a taxi.

To kill time, I talked with the driver. “Where are you from?” I asked. “Canada. I came here 25 years ago,” he answered. Then I asked him how long he had been a driver. “A month,” he said. He also told me his daughter was disabled and she did not well at school. He didn’t have money to cure her. So he had to be a driver. I listened to him quietly. Suddenly, I got an idea. I gave some tickets for comedies to him. I advised him to take his daughter to watch them. He smiled and shook my hand. Then he drove away.

I called my husband, telling him his love made me a better person. I made peace with him.

My little act of kindness was just to give away some tickets for comedies. I didn’t change his life. But he surely changed mine.

1.How did the writer usually go to work?

A. By bike.    B. By bus.    C. By taxi.    D. On foot.

2.When did the man begin to work as a driver?

A. Half a month ago.    B. 25 years ago.

C. A month ago.    D. 12 years ago.

3.What does the underlined word “cure” mean in Chinese?

A. 安慰    B. 隐藏    C. 支持    D. 治愈

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The driver’s daughter didn’t go to school.

B. The writer was interested in watching action movies.

C. The writer and her husband lived in different cities.

D. The writer gave some tickets for concerts to the driver.

5.Which is the best title for the passage?

A. A Poor Driver    B. Help Others, Help Yourself

C. The Change in My Life    D. Don’t Argue with Your Family


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.B 【解析】本文叙述了作者在一次坐出租车的过程中,得知司机的女儿生病了没钱治病,她开出租车就是为了给孩子挣医药费,于是作者就把几张戏票给了这名司机,经过这件事之后,作者有了新的认识,从此自己和丈夫的关系和好了。 1.细节理解题。根据I usually went to work by bus作者通常做公交车去上班。故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据 Then I asked him how long he had been a driver. “A month,” he said.可知,作者做一名司机有一个月了。故选C。 3.词义猜测题。根据He also told me his daughter was disabled可知作者的女儿生病了,没钱看病,所以这里指“治愈”。故选D。 4.细节理解题。根据My husband lived in another city可知,作者和丈夫在不同的城市。故选C。 5.标题归纳题。根据My little act of kindness was just to give away some tickets for comedies. I didn’t change his life. But he surely changed mine.可知,短文叙述的观点:帮助了别人的同时而其实是帮助了自己。故选B。

You look _____What's up, sir?I can't find my ticket, but it's time to check in

A. sleepy    B. hungry

C. tired    D. worried



--- I had a fight with my brother this morning.    ---  __________.

A. You should say sorry to him.    B. Great! You are right.

C. That’s nothing.    D. You shouldn’t talk to him first.



This math question is too difficult. Can you help me__________?

A. work on it    B. work it out    C. work out it    D. work for it



---You teach me English and I teach you Chinese.     ---_________.

A. The same to you    B. That’s a deal    C. So do I    D. Neither do I



You can’t go to the movie__________ you finish your homework

A. when    B. because    C. while         D .until



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