满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

VI. 补全对话。 A:Can I1.you? B:Yes, please. I...

VI. 补全对话。

A:Can I1.you?

B:Yes, please. I 2.to join the3.club.

A:Good. What's 4. name please?


A: How 5. are you?

B: I'm 13 years old.

A:Can you sing?

B: Yes, I 6. . But I can't sing well. So I want 7. learn about music. And I want to be a 8. in the future.

A:Good. How can we contact (联系) you?

B:You can call me 9. 125-3354.

A:OK. Here 10. a card. Please fill it out.

B: Thank you.


1.help 2.want 3.music 4.your 5.old 6.can 7.to 8.musician 9.at 10.is 【解析】 1.句意:-我可以帮助你吗?-是的。我想要加入音乐俱乐部。Can I help you?是一个固定的句型,用于主动想要帮助别人的时候,例如服务员等。这里是俱乐部的负责人在主动询问对方。句中can是情态动词,因此这里填动词原形help。 2.句意:-我可以帮助你吗?-是的。我想要加入音乐俱乐部。want 想要,是一个动词。根据句意可知,说话人想要参加音乐俱乐部,主语是I,故谓语动词用原形。 3.句意:-我可以帮助你吗?-是的。我想要加入音乐俱乐部。music音乐,是一个名词。根据对话的下文Can you sing?这个问题可知,对方询问他是否会唱歌,由此可见他是想要参加音乐俱乐部,故填music。 4.句意:-你叫什么名字?-Lucy。your你的,是形容词性物主代词,修饰空后的名词name。根据对话的意思可知,这里是在询问这名学生的名字,故用your。 5.句意:-你多大了?-我13岁了。old老的,这里how old是一个疑问词,询问对方的年龄,根据下面的答语可知。 6.句意:-你会唱歌吗?-是的,我会。上句话Can you sing?是一个一般疑问句,这里是它的肯定回答,因为有情态动词can,因此回答的时候也用can回答。 7.句意:-但是我唱不好,因此我想要学习关于音乐的知识。空前的动词是want,意思是想要,常用于句型want to do sth.想要去做某事,空后是动词原形learn,因此这里应填动词不定式的符号to。 8.句意:在未来我想成为一名音乐家。空前是不定冠词a,由此可知,这个空应填一个名词。根据对话的意思可知,他想要学习音乐,因此是想成为音乐家,musician,名词,音乐家。 9.句意:-我们怎样联系你?-你们可以给我打电话,号码是125-3354.at是一个介词,常表示在具体的时刻或地点,这里call sb. at+电话号码是一个固定短语,给某人打电话,at后跟电话号码。 10.句意:-好的,这里是一张卡片,请填写一下。空后面a card是一个单数形式,故动词应该用单数,填is。 点睛:这是一篇补全对话,考查了动词、名词、代词、介词等知识点。这些空都放在了一篇对话当中,因此做题时,正确理解对话的意思,是做对题目的关键,而且有时候答案是要根据上下句的问答或者关键词来做出来的。例如第3题,根据对话的下面Can you sing这个问题可知,既然这里问到了唱歌,我们就能猜到是想要参加音乐俱乐部,所以就填music。有些题目考查的是英语中的固定句型或短语,例如第1小题Can I help you?,还有第7小题的句型want to do sth.想要去做某事,再有第9小题的call at,给某人打电话这个短语。


1.I can swim.(改为一般疑问句)

  _________you  _______

2.Tom can play chess.(改为否定句)

  Tom_________play chess.

3.Lucy wants to join the story telling club.(对画线部分提问)

    _______  _________  _______   Lucy want to join?

4.Can they play the guitar?(作否定回答)

  No________ _______

5.I have time on the weekend.(改为一般疑问句)

   _______you _________time on the weekend?




School Show





Li Xin

Chinese Kung Fu

Sunday 8:00 a. m.

In the auditorium (礼堂)


English song

Friday 3:40 p.m.

Class Five


Play the piano

Tuesday 2:00 p. m.

In the music room



Monday 10:00 a.m.

Drawing room


Beijing Opera

Thursday 3:50 p.m.

In the auditorium



A. Li Xin    B. Lucy    C. Mike    D. Jack


A. at 3 : 50 a. m. on Thursday

B. at 3: 50 p. m. on Thursday

C. at 2: 00 a. m. On Tuesday

D. at 8 : 00 p. m. on Sunday


A. Chinese Kung Fu    B. Beijing Opera

C. Paint    D. Play the piano


A. the auditorium    B. Class Five

C. the music room    D. drawing room


A. Lucy; at 3:40 p.m.

B. Mike; at 2:00 p.m.

C. Lucy; in the music room

D. Mike; in Class Five



Tom and Mike want to find jobs in summer(夏天). One day Tom tells Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp(儿童夏令营)needs help with sports, music and computers. They are very happy to hear(听说)that.

Tom can play basketball, volleyball, and he can swim. Mike can play the violin and the guitar. Tom and Mike like computers.

1.Tom and Mike want to _________.

A. help with sport, music and computers    B. be good with kids

C. get(获得)help from the camp    D. None of the above(以上都不正确)

2.What job do they want to find?

A. To play with kids.    B. To tell stories to the kids.

C. To help the kids.    D. To be good with kids.

3.Mike can play _________.

A. ball games    B. computer games    C. the violin    D. basketball

4.Tom can play _________.

A. the guitar    B. volleyball    C. computer    D. music

5.What do Tom and Mike both(都)like?

A. Football.    B. Computer.    C. Swimming.    D. Sports.



My name is Bill. I want to join you. I am good with kids. I think they and I can be good friends. I like sports. I can swim, do Chinese Kung fu, and play soccer and ping-pong. And I can play ping-pong very well. I also like music. I can play the guitar and the trumpet. I think I can help the kids with swimming, Chinese Kung fu, soccer and ping-pong. I can also help them with music. And I can help them with computer. I often play on the computer.

1.Bill thinks _________.

A. he can be a good student    B. he and the kids can be good friends

C. he can be a musician    D. he can play chess.

2.Can Bill do Chinese Kung fu?

A. No, he can’t.    B. Yes, he can.    C. He is good with kids.    D. We don’t know.

3.Bill can _________ very well.

A. play the guitar    B. swim    C. play ping-pong    D. play soccer.

4.Bill also likes_________.

A. basketball    B. movies    C. dancing    D. music

5.What does Bill often do?

A. Plays computer games.    B. Paints.    C. Plays on the computer.    D. Play basketball.



This is my friend Li Lei. He __  twelve. He can sing, but he ____ dance. He can play the piano, too. His favorite pianist is Lang Lang. He wants ____ the music club. He likes to ____  and he is in a swimming club. ___ teacher is Miss Green.____ a good teacher. Jim has ____ good friend____ school. Her name is Han Mei. They are ____ Class 2, Grade7. They are good students in_____ class.

1.A. is    B. are    C. am    D. does

2.A. can    B. can’t    C. doesn’t    D. don’t

3.A. join    B. joins    C. to play    D. to join

4.A. swim    B. sing    C. dance    D. speak

5.A. He    B. Him    C. He’s    D. His

6.A. She’s    B. She    C. Her    D. He’s

7.A. the    B. a    C. /    D. an

8.A. to    B. on    C. at    D. for

9.A. at    B. in    C. on    D. to

10.A. these    B. they    C. they’re    D. their



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