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Animal shows in City Zoo Lion show Day: ...

Animal shows in City Zoo

Lion show

Day: Friday:

Time: 6:00 p.m.----8:00 p.m.        Place: Lions’ Home

Price: ¥20/ one person(人)

Elephant show

Day: Saturday


Place: Elephants House

Price: ¥30/ one person

Monkey show

Day: Sunday

Time: 10:30 a.m.----11:30 a.m.

Place: Monkeys Home

Price: ¥10/ one person



1.When is the lion show?

A. On Friday morning.    B. On Friday evening.

C. On Saturday morning.    D. On Sunday afternoon.

2.If (如果) Johns parents take him and his sister to see the lion show, they need to pay ________.

A. ¥30    B. ¥40    C. ¥60    D. ¥80

3.How long is the elephant show?

A. Half an hour.    B. One hour.

C. One and a half hours.    D. Two hours.

4.Where can we see the monkey show?

A. Near Elephants House.    B. Next to Lions’ Home.

C. At Monkeys Home.    D. In City Zoos hall.

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. You can't see the elephant show and the monkey show on the same day.

B. The ticket (票) for the lion show is the most expensive (最贵的) of all.

C. Ben has ¥50 and he can see all the animal shows in City Zoo.

D. The monkey show is two hours long.


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.A 【解析】本文是介绍市动物园动物表演节目的广告。它介绍了狮子表演。大象表演和猴子表演的时间、地点和门票价格。 1.B 细节理解题。根据Day: Friday:Time: 6:00 p.m.----8:00 p.m. 可知狮子表演是在星期五晚上6点到8点。故选B。 2.D 推理判断题。根据Price: ¥20/ one person(人)可知观看狮子表演的门票是没人20元,约翰的父母带着他和他的妹妹一共四个人,需要支付20×4=80元,故选D。 3.C 推理判读题。根据Time:8:00a.m.----9:30a.m. 可知大象表演的时间从上午8点到上午9点30分,共持续1个半小时,故选C。 4.C 细节理解题。根据Place: Monkeys’ Home可知猴子表演的地点是在猴子之家,故选C。 5.A 推理判断题。根据广告上的内容可知Elephant show是在星期六,Monkey show是在星期天,因此这两个表演不在同一天,故选A. 点睛:认真阅读题干,根据题干要求,在文中寻找合适的答案,需要依据文中答案所在的段落,进行细节理解,推理判断以及概括归纳。例如小题1,询问狮子的表演时间,可以根据第一个广告的Day: Friday:Time: 6:00 p.m.----8:00 p.m. 可知狮子表演是在星期五晚上6点到8点。故选B。

Do you like dogs or cats? I like all kinds of (16)._________. So I find a part-time job in the zoo in my city. I (17)._________ on weekends. The zoo is about 15 kilometers away from my home. I usually (18)._________ a bus to work. After I (19).________ the zoo, I clean the animal rooms and cages(笼子).

On weekends, there are many people come to the zoo to (20). _________ these animals. I need to tell (21)._________ what they can do and what they can not do. I like my work because I can (22)._________ my favorite animals. I like the grey koala best. It is from (23)._________. It is one of the symbols of the country. But I don’t think it is a (24).________ idea for animal to live in the small rooms or cages. They are from nature (自然), and they are our friends. I think they will be happy (25)._________ they can live in nature.

1.A. sports    B. subjects    C. animals    D. colors

2.A. study    B. work    C. learn    D. sleep

3.A. sell    B. bring    C. help    D. take

4.A. get to    B. get    C. arrive    D. come

5.A. save    B. kill    C. buy    D. see

6.A. me    B. them    C. they    D. we

7.A. live with    B. write to    C. play with    D. dream with

8.A. Australia    B. America    C. England    D. China

9.A. difficult    B. bad    C. good    D. shy

10.A. because    B. before    C. after    D. if



--- ________ do you like Huba in Monster Hunt (捉妖记)?

--- Because it is very cute.

A. What    B. When    C. Why    D. How



--- What do you think of animals?  ---_________.

A. They’re tigers    B. They’re very lovely

C. I like tigers    D. You’re right



--- Mr. Scott is a nice teacher.  --- _______. Many students like his lesson.

A. I see    B. Good luck

C. Sounds good    D. Yes, youre right



Where ______ the elephant _______ from?

A. is ; come    B. is; be    C. does; come    D. do; comes



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