满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

On a rainy day, about 150 volunteers wor...

On a rainy day, about 150 volunteers worked for eight hours to clean up Carson Creek that is near a river. About nine tons of trash was taken out from there. 

“We did a good job,” said Alan Specter, the organizer of the event. “We’re planning to come back here one more time, three years from now. Of course, we hope that there won’t be so much trash next time.”

The trash came in all shapes, sizes, and colors: cans, bottles, bicycles, batteries, furniture, clothing, plastic bags, dolls, and even a golf bag with a full set of golf clubs (球棒). 

The dirty and tiring work was done by two volunteering groups — Save the Bay and Watch the Whales. Most of the volunteers came from a local police station and a fire station. And some of them were old people who had already retired (退休). 

That day, it rained a little. All of them wore boots, gloves and raincoats. They did the work along a two-mile river with over 500 big yellow trash bags everywhere. 

No one found anything that cost much. A five-year-old boy found an earring which he thought might be worth a million dollars. He said he’d sell it. Then he’d donate half of the money to Watch the Whales, and use the other half to buy his favorite ice cream every day. 

Many people laughed at the boy’s story. However, it was easily found that the environment there did become better.

1.What did the two volunteering groups do in Carson Creek?

A. They helped homeless animals.    B. They collected a lot of trash.

C. They found something expensive.    D. They helped a small boy achieve his dream.

2.What do you know about the volunteers?

A. They were old and poor.    B. They liked collecting old things.

C. They hated to live near the river.    D. They were interested in volunteering.

3.What does the underlined word “donate” mean in Chinese?

A. 寻找    B. 遗留    C. 偿还    D. 捐赠

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. There was more trash when the volunteers left that day.

B. The volunteers planned to come back again after three years.

C. In fact, the earring which the small boy found cost little.

D. A lot of trash was thrown around along the two-mile river.

5.Which may be the BEST title for the passage?

A. Rainy days    B. A boy’s dream

C. Picking up so much trash    D. Doing something funny


1.B 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.C 【解析】这篇短文讲述的是在一个雨天,一群志愿者们花费了8个小时的时间,去河边捡拾垃圾。他们对自己的工作感到很骄傲,还愿意以后的时间再来做这样的好事。 1.细节理解题。根据短文的开头On a rainy day, about 150 volunteers worked for eight hours to clean up Carson Creek that is near a river. About nine tons of trash was taken out from there可知,这些志愿者们是去Carson Creek去捡拾垃圾。由此可知应选B。 2.推理判断题。根据短文第二段中“We did a good job,” said Alan Specter, the organizer of the event. “We’re planning to come back here one more time, three years from now其中一名志愿者说的话可知,他们非常喜欢志愿者的工作,因此应选D。根据短文中Most of the volunteers came from a local police station and a fire station. And some of them were old people who had already retired可知A不对;B和C两个选项短文中没有提到。 3.词义猜测题。根据划线单词所在的句子He said he’d sell it. Then he’d donate half of the money to Watch the Whales, and use the other half to buy his favorite ice cream every day可知,这个男孩用卖掉耳环剩下的一半钱他买冰淇淋吃,可知另外一半他没有留下,是捐了出去。donate是捐赠的意思,故选D。 4.推理判断题。根据短文第一段中About nine tons of trash was taken out from there可知,志愿者们那天捡拾了9吨的垃圾,那里的垃圾应该是减少了,而不是更多了,故A不对,选A。根据“We’re planning to come back here one more time, three years from now.、A five-year-old boy found an earring which he thought might be worth a million dollars、They did the work along a two-mile river with over 500 big yellow trash bags everywhere.可知其他三个选项都是正确的。 5.主旨大意题。这篇短文给我们介绍的是很多志愿者们花费了8个小时的时间,去河边的Carson Creek捡拾垃圾,因此C选项Picking up so much trash最能概括短文的大意,故应选C。 点睛:这篇短文介绍的是志愿者们去捡拾垃圾的事情,短文的第一段就是短文的中心句,我们从这一段可以得出短文的大意。下面的题目设置中涉及的类型比较多,有细节理解、推理判断、词义猜测和主旨大意。这四种题型也是阅读理解考查的主要方面。其中细节理解题较容易,可以从短文中找到相关信息,从而得出正确答案。主旨大意题也相对较容易,我们从第一段已经知道了文章的大意,因此在选择题目的时候就会比较轻松。词义猜测题中的单词大多是学生们不认识的,我们只能从上下文的意思去猜测,根据它所在的句子可知,那个见到耳环的孩子卖掉了耳环,用剩下的一半钱去买他喜欢的冰淇淋,由此我们可以猜测另一半钱他没有留下,应该是捐了出去,故donate是捐赠的意思。


Over half of boy middle school students hope to get more support from their parents,  according to the lasted survey made by the National Institution of Education Sciences. It _______ that only two out of every 10 parents give boys enough support.

The survey also shows that boys like to _______ problems in their own ways instead of asking help from _______. Most students agree with this. Luo Te, 12, at Shenzhen Xinan Middle School, Guangdong, _______ to talk to his friends or listen to music. “I’m afraid that my parents won’t understand me,” he said. Indeed, there still seems to be a gap(差距) _______ parents and boys. When they communicate with _______, they talk mostly about schoolwork, according to the survey. Teng Jiajun, 15, at the Sports School of Beijing No. 80 High School, is a typical(典型的) example. He tried to share his interest in pop star Jay Chou, _______ his parents didn’t understand. “We live in two _______,” he said.  But some boys don’t agree with the results at all. They get along very _______ with their parents. Zheng Quanhang, 15, Teng’s classmate, talks about everything with his parents from travel to future plans. When he gets in trouble, he tells his parents frankly(坦诚地). “We ________ good friends. They don’t encourage me every day, but a simple word makes me happy. For me, that’s enough,” he said.

1.A. tells    B. speaks    C. says    D. talks

2.A. find out    B. deal with    C. change into    D. give up

3.A. parents    B. teachers    C. friends    D. classmates

4.A. wants    B. hates    C. fails    D. prefers

5.A. between    B. from    C. of    D. in

6.A. their friends    B. each other    C. theirs parents    D. their sons

7.A. or    B. and    C. but    D. though

8.A. futures    B. classed    C. colors    D. worlds

9.A. good    B. nice    C. well    D. badly

10.A. both like    B. are like    C. go back    D. don’t like



– The refrigerator         me 5000 yuan.

– Mine was         , only 1500 yuan.

A. spent; more cheap    B. spent; more cheaper

C. cost; much cheap    D. cost; much cheaper



By the time I got to the cinema, the movie             for nearly half an hour.

A. has begun    B. has been on    C. had begun    D. had been on



The population in China         quite large. And it is reported that about one sixth of the population         old people.

A. is; is    B. are; are    C. is; are    D. are; is



Five million dollars _______ much money for him at that time.

A. is    B. are    C. was    D. were



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