满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.你想跟我一起吃晚饭吗? Do you want to _________ ...



Do you want to _________ me _________ dinner?


Is your grandpa also _________ the races and _________ zongzi?


My cousin likes his _________ _________ a lot.


She is _________ _________ her parents in a small village.


Let’s _________ _________.


1.joinfor 2.watchingeating 3.host family 4.livingwith 5.eatout 【解析】 1.want to do sth,想要做某事,结合句意,故填join, for 2.观看比赛用watch, 吃eat.根据该句句意及结构可知用现在进行时态,故填watching,eating. 3.host family寄宿家庭,结合句意,故填host, family 4.根据该句结构可知是现在进行时,with和……。结合句意,故填living,with 5.eat out,到外面吃饭;let sb do sth,让某人做某事,结合句意,故填eat,out


1.Look! Helen is ________(shop) in the shop.

2.The two ________(man) have long hair.

3.My parents usually ________(use) the computer on weekends.

4.The ________(child) are wearing red sweaters.

5.I know how she ________(miss) her mother.




1.The ________(汤) tastes very nice.

2.We have to clean the two ________(房子).

3.Look! Some students are singing and ________(其他的) students are dancing.

4.________(明天) is my brother’s birthday.

5.Eric ________(希望) to have a new car.





W: Hi, Steve.1.?

M: I am at home now.

W: Oh. 2.?

M: I am playing computer games.

W: Is your brother Barry playing computer games with you? 

M: 3.  . He is watching TV.

W: 4. ?

M: Yes, we do. We want to go to the zoo with you.

W: Great. 5. ?

M: We can go at 2:00 p.m.

W: OK. See you then.



At this moment (时刻), in different places of the world, people are doing different things.

In Beijing, it’s midday. People are having lunch. Some are eating rice and chicken. Some people are seeing friends or shopping.

In London, it’s early morning. Most people are sleeping.

In Juneau, it’s evening. People are having dinner at home or in restaurants. Some are going to watch a movie. Some are watching TV at home.  

In New York, it’s late at night. Most people are sleeping, too.

In Moscow, it’s morning. People are working. Children are starting their lessons.


1.How many places are there in the passage?


2.Is it time for lunch in Beijing?


3.When is it in Juneau?


4.Where are most people sleeping?


5.Are people in Moscow having dinner?





Harry is eight years old. His school is near home. He always goes there and comes home on foot. One day he came home from school late. His mother asked him, “Why are you late, Harry?”

“My teacher is very angry and asks you to go to her office tomorrow.

“To her office? Why?” his mother asked. “Because she asks a question in class,” said Harry. “Nobody can answer it, but I can.”

“You are so clever, my son,” his mother said with a smile.

“Her question is ‘Who puts the tomato on my chair and makes my trousers dirty(脏的)?’”said Harry.

1.Harry came home late because he ____.

A. did his homework at school    B. played football at school

C. was asked to stay at school    D. was asked to give a talk at school

2.____ could answer the teacher’s question in class.

A. Nobody    B. Harry    C. Many students    D. A few students

3.There was a ____ on the teacher’s chair.

A. book    B. tomato    C. bag    D. pen

4.The teacher asked Harry’s mother to school because ____.

A. Harry was clever    B. Harry went to school on foot

C. Harry’s home was near    D. Harry made her angry

5.The teacher’s trousers were dirty because ____.

A. she fell onto the ground    B. it was raining hard

C. she sat on her chair    D. she put her cup on her chair



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