满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

One day, a farmer was walking ______ a r...

One day, a farmer was walking ______ a road with his son Thomas. The father said, “Look! There’s a horseshoe. Pick it up and put it ______.” Thomas said, “It ______.” His father said ________ but he picked it up himself. When they got to a nearby town, they had a rest. There the farmer sold the horseshoe and ______ the few pennies he bought some cherries.

The father and the son continued their way. ______ was well up in the sky, and there wasn’t a house or even a tree where they could have a rest. Thomas felt too _______ to walk on.________,his father dropped a cherry on the ground and Thomas picked it up ______ and ate it. After a while, his father dropped _______ and once again, his son lost no time in picking it up and putting it in his mouth.

And so they _______. The old farmer dropped the cherries and the son picked them up. When Thomas had eaten the cherries up, his father said to him, “My dear son, if you has bent(弯腰) down ______ to pick up that horseshoe, it wasn’t _______ for you to bend so many times for the cherries. Always remember the lesson that he who does not _______ the little things will find that he cannot do the _______ things.”

1.A. through    B. along    C. straight    D. across

2.A. in the rubbish bin    B. under the tree    C. in your bag    D. on your back

3.A. is worth little    B. is valuable    C. costs much    D. is useful

4.A. something    B. everything    C. anything    D. nothing

5.A. used    B. with    C. took    D. in

6.A. the moon    B. the clouds    C. the sun    D. the earth

7.A. thirsty    B. tired    C. happy    D. sad

8.A. At this time    B. At first    C. Finally    D. In the beginning

9.A. slowly    B. quickly    C. carefully    D. suddenly

10.A. some cherries    B. all the cherries    C. another cherry    D. a lot of cherries

11.A. stopped    B. sat    C. smiled    D. went on

12.A. early    B. late    C. hurriedly    D. happily

13.A. necessary    B. important    C. useful    D. lucky

14.A. talk about    B. look about    C. think about    D. complain about

15.A. small    B. great    C. large    D. interesting


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.A 14.C 15.B 【解析】这篇短文主要描述了一对父子在路上见到一块马蹄铁,父亲让自己捡起来,儿子不屑于做这样的小事。后来父亲通过一件事给了儿子一个很好的教训。从而告诉我们,如果想做大事,就要从小事做起。 1.考查介词及语境理解。 A. through穿过;B. along沿着; C. straight直接; D. across横穿。一天,一个农夫和儿子汤姆斯沿着街道步行。结合句意,故选B。 2.考查介词短语及语境理解。A. in the rubbish bin在垃圾箱; B. under the tree在树下; C. in your bag 在你的包里; D. on your back在你的背上。捡起它把它放在你的袋子里。结合上下文,故选C。 3.考查语境理解。A. is worth little不值什么; B. is valuable 有价值的; C. costs much值很多钱; D. is useful有用的。根据后文汤姆斯没有捡马掌,可知他认为马掌不值什么钱,故选A。 4.考查复合不定代词及语境理解。A. something 某物; B. everything一切; C. anything 任何事; D. nothing没有事。他的父亲什么也没有说,而是自己捡起了马掌。结合句意,故选D。 5.考查动词及语境理解。A. used 使用; B. with用; C. took 花费; D. in用“……语言”,在……里。用那几个便士,他买了一些樱桃。根据该句主语是he,谓语是bought,所以用介词with表示方式。结合句意,故选B。 6.考查名词及语境理解。A. the moon 月亮; B. the clouds云;C. the sun太阳; D. the earth地球。根据后文没有休息的地方,可知太阳高高悬在天空,故选C。 7.考查形容词及语境理解。A. thirsty口渴; B. tired 疲惫; C. happy 高兴;D. sad悲伤。汤姆斯感到太口渴而不能继续行走。根据后文汤姆斯捡樱桃可知他口渴了,故选A。 8.考查短语及语境理解。A. At this time 在这个时候;B. At first 起初; C. Finally 最后; D. In the beginning起初,开始的时候。结合上文可知是在汤姆斯口渴的时候,即这个时候,故选A。 9.考查副词及语境理解。A. slowly慢慢地; B. quickly 快速地; C. carefully 认真地; D. suddenly突然地。汤姆斯很快捡起来,吃了(樱桃)。结合上文汤姆斯口渴难耐,可知是快速捡起樱桃,故选B。 10.考查名词及语境理解。A. some cherries一些樱桃; B. all the cherries所有的樱桃; C. another cherry 另一个樱桃; D. a lot of cherries许多樱桃。过来一会,他的父亲又扔下了一个樱桃,再一次他的儿子没有迟疑捡起了樱桃放进了嘴里。根据下文中的代词it可知,是一个樱桃,结合上文,可知是另一个,故选C。 11.考查动词及语境理解。A. stopped停止; B. sat 坐; C. smiled 微笑; D. went on继续。他们就这样继续。根据后文可知他们继续这么做下去,故选D。 12.考查形容词及语境理解。A. early早的; B. late 晚的; C. hurriedly 匆忙地; D. happily高兴地。如果你早弯下腰捡起那块马掌你就没有必要为了樱桃弯那么多次腰。结合上文,故选A。 13.考查形容词及语境理解。A. necessary必要的; B. important 重要的; C. useful 有用的; D. lucky幸运的。如果你早弯下腰捡起那块马掌你就没有必要为了樱桃弯那么多次腰。结合句意,故选A。 14.考查动词短语及语境理解。A. talk about 谈论; B. look about 四下观望; C. think about 考虑; D. complain about抱怨。总是要记住这个教训不考虑小事情的人将会发现他不能做大事情。 15.考查形容词及语境理解。A. small 小的; B. great 大的,伟大的; C. large巨大的,指形状; D. interesting有趣的。要记住这个教训不考虑小事情的人将会发现他不能做大事情。结合句意,故选B。 点睛:这是一篇故事性文章。首先要通过快速地粗读短文掌握主旨大意,这有利于整体把握,便于准确判断。例如:15小题。在逐个填空时,还要注意和文章的前后联系进行推断,例如:6题,根据后文没有休息的房屋和树木,可以推断是太阳高照;7题,在有了上文太阳高照和后文的捡樱桃,可以推断汤姆斯口渴;9题,根据口渴,推断捡樱桃动作快。我们还要注意设空句子及所给选项的结构及用法辨析。如:5题,通过分析句子结构可知不能用动词形式,只能用介词表示方式;10题,根据后文的代词it,可以推断上文是单数名称。在做题时这些做题技巧能帮助你获得更好的分数。

I’m new here. Could you tell me        ?

A. when did Amy leave here    B. how long Millie has been married

C. whether the earth was round or not    D. how old is Mr. Wu



       I finish the work today?

       , the Sports & Arts Festival in our school is coming in two months.

A. Can; Yes, you can    B. May; Yes, you must

C. Must; No, you needn’t    D. Should; No, you shouldn’t



Little boys are always        at the        world.

A. excited; amazed    B. exciting; amazing    C. exciting; amazed    D. excited; amazing



I have bought a cup        him. You don’t have to provide him       bottled water. After all, plastic is harmful to the environment.

A. to; with    B. for; for    C. to; to    D. for; with



—Look!       pomelo trees(香柚树) in our school! —I think so.

A. How big    B. What nice    C. What much    D. How tall



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