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A boy likes drawing very much, But he is...

A boy likes drawing very much, But he is very poor, he has no money to buy food and drinks, how can he buy a pen to draw pictures?

One day, an old man with white beard(胡子) comes to the boy. He gives the boy a pen to draw pictures. Before leaving, he says to the boy, “I know you like drawing pictures, but you can’t buy pens. Take the pen and draw for the poor men. Help them with your pen. The pen is magic.” The boy draws much bread and many eggs, oranges, apples, pears and bananas for the poor man, and he draws coats and houses for them too. Everything he draws can become real things. The boy is drawing and drawing…

Soon, the landlord hears the news. He asks the boy to draw a gold hill before his house. The boy thinks for some time, and he draws a sea first, then he draws a gold hill on the sea, The landlord wants to go to the gold hill so much, but there is no boat. He asks the boy to draw a boat for him. The boy draws a boat. He wants to get much gold. Seeing the landlord in the boat, and the boat in the middle of the sea, the boy draws a big storm. The storm throws the boat here and there; the boat is up and down in the sea. The landlord cries, “Help! Help!” The poor men are all happy, no one wants to help him. The big storm sinks the boat. The landlord dies. All the people say, “Thank godness! We can live a happy life from now on.”

1.One day the boy meets       .

A. a landlord    B. some poor men    C. an old man    D. an young man

2.The boy gets       from an old man.

A. some money    B. a boat of gold    C. gold hill    D. a pen

3.The rich man wants the boy to draw him        .

A. bread, eggs, oranges, apples, pears and bananas    B. a boat and a lot of food

C. a sea of gold    D. a gold hill

4.Which of the following is right?

A. The landlord dies on the way to get much money.    B. The boy doesn’t help the poor people.

C. The boy gives the poor a lot of money.    D. The boy draws a lot of money for himself.

5.The best title is        .

A. A boy and a Landlord    B. The Magic Pen

C. A boy Helps the Poor    D. An Old Man and a boy


1.C 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.B 【解析】这篇短文主要介绍了一个童话故事。一个喜欢画画而买不起笔的孩子在白胡子老人赠给的神笔的帮助下为穷人铲除了地主,使大家过上了幸福的生活。 1.细节理解题。根据One day, an old man with white beard(胡子) comes to the boy.可知男孩遇到了一个老人,故选C。 2.细节理解题。根据One day, an old man with white beard(胡子) comes to the boy. He gives the boy a pen to draw pictures.可知他从老人那里获得了一支笔,故选D。 3.细节理解题。根据the landlord hears the news. He asks the boy to draw a gold hill before his house.可知地主想让男孩为他画一座金山。故选D。 4.推理判断题。根据短文最后一段描述The big storm sinks the boat. The landlord dies.可知地主死在了去金山的路上,故选A。 5.标题归纳题。根据短文主要以神笔为线索描写了男孩帮助穷人铲除地主的故事,故选B

Jack Smith was a football coach at an American middle school, and he was always trying to find good players. But it was not easy because most of the players were not smart enough to be accepted by the school.

One day a history teacher of the school brought his cousin to Jack Smith and hoped that Jack could use the young player. The history teacher told Jack, “The boy is an excellent young player.” “Well,” Jack said after looking at the boy, “I will ask him a few questions first.”

Then he turned to the student and asked him some very easy questions, but the student didn’t know any of the answers.

At last Jack said, “Well, what’s five times seven?”

The student thought for a long time and then answered, “Thirty-six.”

Jack threw up his hands and looked at the teacher in despair(绝望),but the history teacher said, “Oh, please let him in, sir! He was only wrong by two.”

1.What did Jack do?

A. He was a history teacher.    B. He was a football coach.

C. He was a young player.    D. He was a student.

2.Why was it NOT easy for Jack to find good players?

A. Because all the players were not good at playing football.

B. Because Jack didn’t like young players.

C. Because most of the players were not clever enough.

D. Because Jack regarded himself as the best player.

3.How did Jack choose the football player?

A. He would ask the player to sing a song.

B. He would ask the player a few questions.

C. He would ask the player to have a match with him.

D. He would ask the player to play football.

4.Jack used the cousin of the history teacher, didn’t he?

A. No, he didn’t.    B. Yes, he did.    C. Yes, he didn’t.    D. No, he did.

5.Which one is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The cousin of the history teacher was not clever enough.

B. Jack knew the answer of the last question.

C. Jack didn’t find a good player.

D. The history teacher was good at math.



One day, a farmer was walking ______ a road with his son Thomas. The father said, “Look! There’s a horseshoe. Pick it up and put it ______.” Thomas said, “It ______.” His father said ________ but he picked it up himself. When they got to a nearby town, they had a rest. There the farmer sold the horseshoe and ______ the few pennies he bought some cherries.

The father and the son continued their way. ______ was well up in the sky, and there wasn’t a house or even a tree where they could have a rest. Thomas felt too _______ to walk on.________,his father dropped a cherry on the ground and Thomas picked it up ______ and ate it. After a while, his father dropped _______ and once again, his son lost no time in picking it up and putting it in his mouth.

And so they _______. The old farmer dropped the cherries and the son picked them up. When Thomas had eaten the cherries up, his father said to him, “My dear son, if you has bent(弯腰) down ______ to pick up that horseshoe, it wasn’t _______ for you to bend so many times for the cherries. Always remember the lesson that he who does not _______ the little things will find that he cannot do the _______ things.”

1.A. through    B. along    C. straight    D. across

2.A. in the rubbish bin    B. under the tree    C. in your bag    D. on your back

3.A. is worth little    B. is valuable    C. costs much    D. is useful

4.A. something    B. everything    C. anything    D. nothing

5.A. used    B. with    C. took    D. in

6.A. the moon    B. the clouds    C. the sun    D. the earth

7.A. thirsty    B. tired    C. happy    D. sad

8.A. At this time    B. At first    C. Finally    D. In the beginning

9.A. slowly    B. quickly    C. carefully    D. suddenly

10.A. some cherries    B. all the cherries    C. another cherry    D. a lot of cherries

11.A. stopped    B. sat    C. smiled    D. went on

12.A. early    B. late    C. hurriedly    D. happily

13.A. necessary    B. important    C. useful    D. lucky

14.A. talk about    B. look about    C. think about    D. complain about

15.A. small    B. great    C. large    D. interesting



I’m new here. Could you tell me        ?

A. when did Amy leave here    B. how long Millie has been married

C. whether the earth was round or not    D. how old is Mr. Wu



       I finish the work today?

       , the Sports & Arts Festival in our school is coming in two months.

A. Can; Yes, you can    B. May; Yes, you must

C. Must; No, you needn’t    D. Should; No, you shouldn’t



Little boys are always        at the        world.

A. excited; amazed    B. exciting; amazing    C. exciting; amazed    D. excited; amazing



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