满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

七、短文填空(10分) The hippopotamus lives in a ...


The hippopotamus lives in a hot p1. of Africa. It is mammal. That is, its babies are born alive, and they drink milk f2. the mother’s body.

The hippopotamus is a large animal. It w3.  four tons. Its s4. is seven meters long, but it eats only plants. It is a mammal, but it spends a lot of time in the water.

During the day it s5.  beside a river or a lake. Sometimes it wakes up, then it goes under the water to get some plants for f6.. It can close its nose and stay under water for ten m7. . Its ears, eyes, and nose are high up on its head. It can stay with its body under the water. Then it can b8. the air.

At night the hippo walks on the land and looks for food. It never goes f9. from the water, because it loves water very much.

A baby hippo often rides on its m10. back. And the mother looks for food underwater. They live a happy and comfortable life.


1.part 2.from 3.weighs 4.stomach 5.sleeps 6.food 7.minutes 8.breathe 9.far 10.mother’s 【解析】这篇短文主要介绍了生活在非洲热带地区的河马的生活习惯,体型外貌等情况。 1.河马生活在非洲的炎热地区。根据句意结合首字母提示,故填part 2.根据上文河马是哺乳动物可知小河马吃来自妈妈身体的奶。from来自,结合首字母提示故填from 3.河马是一种身躯庞大的动物,体重大概有四吨重。根据句意结合首字母提示,故填weighs 4.句意:它的胃大概七米长,但它只吃植物。根据but it eats only plants.可知上文指的是河马的胃,结合首字母提示故填stomach 5.根据后文Sometimes it wakes up,可知在白天,河马通常会睡在河边或湖边,主语是第三人称单数,结合首字母提示故填sleeps 6.有时候河马睡醒了,就会到水下觅食水草。结合句意结合首字母提示,故填food 7.河马可以关闭它的鼻子并在水下呆长达十分钟。结合首字母提示,故填minutes 8.根据上文河马的耳朵、眼睛和鼻子都长在头部上端可知河马能呼吸空气。结合首字母提示,故填breathe 9.根据后文它非常喜欢水,可知它从不会去离水很远的地方,结合首字母提示,故填far 10.根据后文妈妈去水下寻找食物,可知河马幼崽常常骑在妈妈的背上。结合首字母提示,故填mother’s


People kill. Animals kill. Animals and people kill for food, or they kill their enemies. People and animals can move around and find something to kill. They can run away from an enemy. They can sometimes kill it if it is necessary.

Many kinds of animals eat plants. The plants cannot run away from their enemies. Some plants make poison. If an animal eats part of the plant, it will get sick or die. Animals learn to stay away from these plants. There are many kinds of plants that make poison. Most of them grow in the desert or in the tropics.

Today farmers use many kinds of poison on their farms. Most of these poisons come from petroleum(石油), but petroleum is expensive. Scientists collect poisonous plants and study them. Maybe farmers can use cheap poison from plants instead of expensive poison from petroleum in the near future.

1.Why do animals and people kill? ______________________________

2.What can people and animals do when meeting an enemy?_______________

3.How will the animal be if it eats some of the poisonous plant?____________

4.Where do most plants that make poison grow? ___________________

5.What may farmers use on their farmers in the future?  _______________



Can dolphins talk? Maybe they can’t talk with words, but they talk with sounds. They show their feelings with sounds.

Dolphins travel in a group. We call a group of fish a “school.” They don’ t study, but they travel together. Dolphins are mammals, not fish, but they swim together in a school.

Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in the school. They give messages. They tell when they are happy or sad or afraid. They say “Welcome” when a dolphin comes back to the school. They talk when they play.

They make a few sounds above water. They make many more sounds under water, People cannot hear these sounds because they are very, very high. Scientists make tapes of the sounds and study them.

Sometimes people catch a dolphin for a large aquarium(水族馆). People can watch the dolphins in a show. Dolphins don’t like to be away from their school in an aquarium. They are sad and lonely.

There are many stories about dolphins. They help people. Sometimes they save somebody’s life. Dolphin meat is good, but people don’t like to kill them. They say that dolphins bring good luck. Many people believe in this.


How dolphins talk

They don’t talk with words, but1..

How dolphins live

They travel and 2. in a group.

How  dolphins


They can give messages. They tell others about their 3.. They talk when 4.. Many of their sounds can’t be 5. because they are very, very high.6. make tapes of the sounds and study them.


Dolphins  and


Sometimes people raise them in an aquarium so that other people can watch the

7. shows. But the dolphins feel sad and 8..

People don’t like to kill them because they keep people9.. And many people 10. this.






1.We shouldn’t take off the thick warm coats in early spring although the_________(温度) is higher than that in winter.

2.Nowadays, more and more people like to go back to_________(村庄) and enjoy the nature.

3.Today, Jim will __________(介绍) a useful way of learning English.

4.Alice saw a white __________(兔子) in a coat when she sat by the river with her sister.

5.People can see lots of __________(信息) on the notice board at the community centre.

6.Why do teenagers sometimes go __________(到国外) for their further study? There are many good universities at home.

7.The schoolbag isn’t _________(昂贵) , however, the poor boy can’t afford it.

8.How _________(noise) the students are talking at the party!

9.President Xi Jinping attended the twelfth National People’s Congress(十二届全国人民代表大会) on March _________(five) , 2017.

10.The rubbish_______(throw) everywhere in the past. Now the situation has changed a lot.

11.—Is this hair clip for Amy or for me? —It’s ________(you) , happy birthday!

12.If you see a dog in public tomorrow,_______(not run) , you should keep calm.

13.Sandy is _______(health) of all because she takes enough exercise.

14.The dog _______(die) for hours because of the cold weather.

15.When the bell rang, I saw Peter _______(sit) on the sofa.



Everybody loves oranges. They are sweet and juicy. They are in sections so it is easy to eat them. Some oranges do not have any seeds. Some have a thick skin and some have a thin skin.

The orange tree is beautiful. It has a lot of shiny green leaves. The small white flowers smell very sweet. An orange tree has flowers and fruit at the same time.

There were orange trees twenty million years ago. The oranges were very small, not like the ones today. The orange tree probably came from China. Many different kinds of wild oranges grow there today. Chinese started to raise orange trees around 2400 B.C. Chinese art has lovely old pictures of oranges and orange trees.

Farmers in other parts of Asia and the Middle East learned to raise oranges from the Chinese. Then they taught Europeans. The Spanish planted orange trees in the New World( North and South America). They took them to Florida first. Oranges are a very important crop in Florida today.

“Oranges” is both a fruit and a color. The color of oranges is so beautiful that in English we use the name of the fruit for the color.

1.Oranges are        .

A. shiny and green    B. sweet and juicy    C. old and wild    D. thin and white

2.There are many        oranges trees in China today.

A. orange    B. thin    C. wild    D. thick

3.Europeans learned to plant orange trees from farmers in        .

A. the Middle East and Asia    B. China    C. Florida    D. Span

4.Why are oranges popular among many people?

A. They taste sweet.    B. They are easy to eat.    C. Their color is beautiful.    D. All above.

5.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A. Oranges are sweet and juicy with seeds and a skin.

B. Orange trees went from Asia to the Middle East to Europe to the New World.

C. Oranges probably came from China, and many people like them because they’re sweet and juicy.

D. People love the pictures and the color of oranges.



A boy likes drawing very much, But he is very poor, he has no money to buy food and drinks, how can he buy a pen to draw pictures?

One day, an old man with white beard(胡子) comes to the boy. He gives the boy a pen to draw pictures. Before leaving, he says to the boy, “I know you like drawing pictures, but you can’t buy pens. Take the pen and draw for the poor men. Help them with your pen. The pen is magic.” The boy draws much bread and many eggs, oranges, apples, pears and bananas for the poor man, and he draws coats and houses for them too. Everything he draws can become real things. The boy is drawing and drawing…

Soon, the landlord hears the news. He asks the boy to draw a gold hill before his house. The boy thinks for some time, and he draws a sea first, then he draws a gold hill on the sea, The landlord wants to go to the gold hill so much, but there is no boat. He asks the boy to draw a boat for him. The boy draws a boat. He wants to get much gold. Seeing the landlord in the boat, and the boat in the middle of the sea, the boy draws a big storm. The storm throws the boat here and there; the boat is up and down in the sea. The landlord cries, “Help! Help!” The poor men are all happy, no one wants to help him. The big storm sinks the boat. The landlord dies. All the people say, “Thank godness! We can live a happy life from now on.”

1.One day the boy meets       .

A. a landlord    B. some poor men    C. an old man    D. an young man

2.The boy gets       from an old man.

A. some money    B. a boat of gold    C. gold hill    D. a pen

3.The rich man wants the boy to draw him        .

A. bread, eggs, oranges, apples, pears and bananas    B. a boat and a lot of food

C. a sea of gold    D. a gold hill

4.Which of the following is right?

A. The landlord dies on the way to get much money.    B. The boy doesn’t help the poor people.

C. The boy gives the poor a lot of money.    D. The boy draws a lot of money for himself.

5.The best title is        .

A. A boy and a Landlord    B. The Magic Pen

C. A boy Helps the Poor    D. An Old Man and a boy



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