满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

六、动词填空 1.—How was your day off during th...


1.How was your day off during the Qingming Festival?

—Pretty good! We _______________ (visit) Xu Xiaoxuan’s former home.

2.Can the little boy in a blue shirt over there _______________ (stay) at home alone?

3.There is an interesting place _______________ (call) the Great Wall in China.

4.Look! What _______________ (happen) over there?

5.He _______________ (read) the new book and told me about it later.

6.Last year the teacher told us that the Earth _______________ (go) around the Sun.

7._______________ Mary _______________ (buy) any music videos for her friend Kitty the day after tomorrow?

   —I’m afraid she isn’t, because Kitty doesn’t like music at all.

8.The music from next door _______________ (sound) beautiful. Who is playing it?

9.The teacher asked the students to stop talking and _______________ (listen) to her.

10.Thank you for the delicious food last night!

   —I’m glad you _______________ (enjoy) it.


1.visited 2.stay 3.called 4.is happening 5.read 6.goes 7.Isgoing to buy 8.sounds 9.listen 10.enjoyed 【解析】请在此填写整体分析! 1.试题分析:根据问句How was your day off during the Qingming Festival?可知答句用一般过去时。故答案为:visited。 2.试题分析:句子中有情态动词can,动词用原形。故答案为:stay。 3.试题分析:此处考查非谓语动词作定语,call此处与逻辑主语是被动关系,用过去分词。故答案为:called。 4.试题分析:根据look可知本句用现在进行时。故答案为:is happening。 5.试题分析:根据and told me about it later可知read也用过去式。故答案为:read。 6.试题分析:宾语从句是客观事实或自然现象时,始终使用一般现在时,此处用go的第三人称单数。故答案为:goes。 7.试题分析:根据时间状语the day after tomorrow可知本句用一般将来时,从句式来看是一般疑问句。故答案为:(1). Is (2). going to buy 8.试题分析:本句主语是music,从全句看应使用一般现在时。故答案为:sounds 9.试题分析:从全句看本空与stop talking是并列关系,时态应该一致。故答案为:listen。 10.试题分析:从上句状语last night可知此处谈论过去的事情,应用一般过去时。故答案为:enjoyed。 考点:动词应用


1.Five days _______________ (late), he came to my home again and took away that computer.

2.“Where is my homework? I can’t find it.” The boy said to _______________ (he).

3.Do you know the engineer _______________ (lie) under the tree?

4.When he heard the news about his friend, he was so _______________ (surprise).

5.We listened _______________ (careful) to him, but heard nothing important.




1.I had a _______________ (奇怪的) feeling when I saw him for the first time.

2._______________ (不迟于) 2017, the population (人口) of the town will be up to 70,000.

3.The book is full of interesting _______________ (事实) about plant life.

4.He never _______________ (回复) to any of my emails, and I didnt know why.

5.We cant be good at our lessons _______________ (没有) our teachers hard work.

6.We took the _______________ (虚弱的) dog to the animal centre.

7._______________ (突然), a car stopped in front of me and came out two people.

8.The boys _______________ (出生) made the whole family very excited.

9._______________ (蚂蚁) can smell things as well as dogs.

10.The police _______________ (搜查) the hotel, but couldnt find anything.



It was a village in India. The people were poor. However, they were happy. After all, their forefathers (祖先) had lived in the same way for centuries (世纪).

Then one day, some visitors from the city arrived. They told the villagers there were some people who liked to eat frogs’ legs. However, they did not have enough frogs of their own, so they wanted to buy frogs from other places.

This seemed like money for nothing. There were millions of frogs in the fields around, and they were no use to the villagers. All they had to do was to catch them. They reached an agreement and people sent their children into the fields to catch frogs. Every week a truck (卡车) arrived to collect the frogs and give them the money. For the first time, the people could dream of a better future, but the dream didnt last (持续) long.

It was not easy to notice (觉察到) the change at first, but it seemed like the crops (庄稼) were not doing so well. It was more worrying that the children fell ill more often, and there seemed to be more insects () around lately.

The villagers decided that they couldn’t just wait to see the crops failing and the children getting weak. They would have to use the money got to buy pesticides (杀虫剂) and medicines. Soon there was no money left.

Then the people found out the problem. It was the frog. They were not useless. They had been doing an important job—eating insects. Now with so many frogs killed, the insects were increasing (增加) more quickly. They were eating the crops and spreading diseases (传播疾病).

Now, the people are still poor. But in the evenings they sit in the village square and listen to sounds of insects and frogs. These sounds of the night now have a much deeper meaning.

1.From Paragraph 1, we learn that the villagers        .

A. worked very hard for centuries

B. dreamed of having a better life

C. were poor but somewhat content (满足的)

D. lived a different life from their forefathers

2.Why did the villagers agree (同意) to sell frogs?

A. It was easy to make money by selling frogs.

B. They needed money to buy medicine.

C. They wanted to please the visitors.

D. The frogs made too much noise.

3.The underlined word “agreement” means “       ” in Chinese.

A. 判决    B. 纠纷    C. 关心    D. 协定

4.What might be the cause (起因) of the childrens sickness (生病)?

A. The crops didn’t grow well.

B. There were too many insects.

C. The visitors brought in diseases.

D. They didn’t use the pesticides carefully.

5.What can we infer (推断) from the last sentence of the passage?

A. Happiness comes from peaceful (平静的) life in the country.

B. Health is more important than money.

C. The harmony (和谐) between man and nature (大自然) is important.

D. Good old days will never be forgotten.



I got out of the train station with my father. A woman came to him and said that her money had been stolen(偷). She asked if he could     her some money to go back home. My father gave her what she asked for and told her not to worry about paying it back. I was    . How could my father be so silly? Anyone could see that she was telling a lie(谎言), staying at the station all day long      for money.

"She was lying!" I said."      did you give her the money?"

My father looked at me. He was a bit angry. "And what would you like me to do?" he said.

"Should I tell her that I am a college professor and I can see through her scam(骗局)?" I did not      his meaning at all, and then he told me something that I have      forgotten. "First, she would not do this      she didn't need the money. Second, I made her day, because now she thinks that she's      than me. It is more important to      than the money. but I don't mind this."

A week later, we were at the same station, and the same woman came to my father with the same story. "Not this time," my father told her. "In your business, you should learn to recognize(认出) people. Try another      on me next week."

1.A. borrow    B. keep    C. lend    D. pay

2.A. excited    B. angry    C. sad    D. surprised

3.A. asking    B. looking  C. waiting   D. going

4.A. Where    B. When   C. Why    D. How

5.A. find    B. know    C. hear    D. believe

6.A. never B. sometimesC. always  D. usually

7.A. because   B. until    C. as    D. if

8.A. smarter    B. younger C. taller    D. better

9.A. them    B. her    C. you    D. me

10.A. coat    B. story    C. station  D. man



---Hi, Daniel. How was your trip to Qingdao?

---________. The beaches there are very beautiful and we also enjoyed some fresh seafood.

A. Not badly   B. Very much

C. Very good    D. So well



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