满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The students were having their chemistry...

The students were having their chemistry(化学)class. Miss Li was telling the children what water was like. After that, she asked her students, “What’s water?” No one spoke for a few minutes.Miss Li asked again,“Why don’t you answer my question?Didn’t I tell you what water is like?”

Just then a boy put up his hand and said,“Miss Li,you told us that water has no color and no smell.But where to find such kind of water?The water in the river behind my house is always black and it has a bad smell.”Most of the children agreed with him.

“I’m sorry,children.”said the teacher,“Our water is getting dirtier and dirtier.That’s a problem.

1.The students were having their _______ class.

A.English          B.Chinese

C.chemistry        D.math

2.Miss Li was telling the children what ______ was like.

A.water   B.air       C.earth            D.weather

3.A boy said “The water in the river behind my house is always _______.”

A. white   B.black      C.clean           D.clear

4.Most of the children _______ the boy.

A.agreed with    B.wrote to

C.heard from      D.sent for

5.The water in the river has color and smell because it is getting _______.

A.more and more       B.less and less

C.cleaner and cleaner  D.dirtier and dirtier


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述的是一节化学课上的故事。老师在讲完“水”的性质后,问学生们水是什么样的,开始没有学生回答。最后一个小男孩说,他所见到的水不是无色无味的,而是黑色而且有难闻的气味的。短文告诉人们:水污染越来越严重,我们必须保护环境。 1.C 细节理解题。题意:学生们在上什么课?A.English英语;B.Chinese汉语;C.chemistry化学;D.math数学。由第一句:The students were having their chemistry(化学)class.可知,学生们在上化学课。故选C。 2.2】A细节理解题。题意:李老师告诉孩子们什么像什么样子的? A.water水;B.air空气;C.earth地球;D.weather天气。由第二句:Miss Li was telling the children what water was like. 可知老师在给孩子讲水像什么样。故选A。 3.3】B 细节理解题。题意:一个男孩说:“在我家屋后河里的水总是什么样的?”A. white白色的;B.black黑色的;C.clean干净的;D.clear清澈的。由第二段里的“The water in the river behind my house is always black and it has a bad smell.”可知,小男孩说屋后河里的水总是黑色的。故选B。 4.4】A 细节理解题。题意:大多数孩子怎样对待那位男孩?A.agreed with同意;B.wrote to给他写信;C.heard from收到他的来信;D.sent for派人去请。由第二段最后一句:Most of the children agreed with him.可知,大多数孩子赞成他的观点。故选A。 5.5】D 细节理解题。题意:河里的水有颜色和气味是因为它变得怎样了?A.more and more越来越多;B.less and less越来越少;C.cleaner and cleaner越来越干净; D.dirtier and dirtier越来越脏。由短文最后一段里的:Our water is getting dirtier and dirtier.可知水变得越来越脏了,因此有气味和颜色了。故选D。 考点:考查故事类短文阅读。

  Sadness and happiness are often talked about by people in their spare time. Most people want themselves to be happy for ever, but few know how to find happiness. Others say if you own lots of money and success, you will be happy. However, money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness. A famous a Greek thinker, Aristotle, said, “Happiness depends upon ourselves.” That’s to say, we make our own happiness. Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier. 

The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, we spend so much time thinking about the future. For example, getting into college or getting a good job, which we fail to enjoy the present. You should enjoy life’s simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have several close friends often live happier and healthier lives.

  Another secret to live a happy life is to be active. Many people go dancing or play sports. People can forget about their problems and only think about the activities. Finally, many people find happiness in helping others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helping others. If you want to feel happier, do good things for someone. You can help a friend with his or her studies, go shopping or help out with some things around the house for an elderly person.

  If you do above, you will be happy.

1.How many suggestions of happiness are mentioned in this passage?

A. One.    B. Two.    C. Three.    D. Four.

2.If you want to enjoy the simple things in life, you can ________.

A. listen to your favorite music

B. remember some problems

C. think about getting into college

D. read a bad book

3.What can you do if you want to live a happy life?

A. You can enjoy the simple things in life.

B. You should be active.

C. You may often help others.

D. All of the above

4.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Money and success alone do not bring you lasting happiness.

B. If you want to feel happier, you can go shopping for an elderly person.

C. Spending so much time thinking about the future can enjoy the present.

D. Active person may live a happier life than inactive person.

5.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A. How to live a happy life.

B. How to depend upon ourselves.

C. How to help the old people.

D. How to get a good job.



This summer, Mary, Tom, Alan are going to going to have a vacation(holiday). The followings(以下) are their plans for the coming vacation.






The Great Wall




The first week in June

The last day of May

July, Monday 18th


His parents

His best friends

His cousin


Going hiking

Going sightseeing

Visiting some famous places in Beijing

Going shopping

Going sightseeing

Going shopping

Going camping

Watching bull-fight

Spending time on the farm

Going fishing

Going hiking

Sleeping a lot

How long

About one month

Only two weeks

Until September


By plane and bus

By boat and plane

By plane and train

1.Who is going hiking this summer?

A. Mary  B. Tom  C. Alan  D. A and C

2.What isn’t Tom doing for vacation?

A. Watching bull-fight(斗牛)  B. Going shopping

C. Going fishing              D. Going sightseeing

3.Who can visit the Palace Museum(颐和园) this vacation?

A. Alan  B. Tom  C. Mary  D. Nobody

4.Whose vacation is the longest?

A. Mary’s  B. Tom’s

C. Alan’s  D. We don’t know

5.What’s the same transportation(交通工具) are they going to take?

A.Train  B. Bus  C. Boat  D. Plane



Ten years later, I will be 23 years old. Our city will be a _____ living place then. There will be many tall ____ and trees. Many people will visit our ______ . Almost every family will have one or two cars. People will ____ their cars to work every day. The libraries will have more computers, and people can ______ books on them. The restaurants will have robot waiters to ____ you food. Schools will have more ____ living in England to teach you English. With the  ___ of televisions and computers you can get information easily because of the fast transport. You can only need two ____ to get to Africa by plane. People will keep houses ____ by using the solar(太阳的) energy(能源). In a word, the way people live will change a lot in the future.

1.A. good    B. weak    C. smooth    D. bad

2.A. pubs(酒吧)    B. flowers    C. floors    D. buildings

3.A. factory    B. library    C. city    D. house

4.A. shop    B. leave    C. drive    D. park

5.A. read    B. have    C. watch    D. see

6.A. take    B. bring    C. make    D. send

7.A. managers    B. doctors    C. teachers    D. friends

8.A. life    B. tradition    C. help    D. thanks

9.A. hours    B. weeks    C. days    D. years

10.A. warm    B. cool    C. cold    D. straight



How are you ? It is very nice ___________ you to write  to  me. From your letter I know a lot about your school. Now I tell you something about me and my school. I am thirteen years old. I am in Class One ,Grade One. My father is a _____. He teaches English. My mother is a doctor. She works in a _________. I ________early and read English. Our school is big. It has 2,000 students and 200 teachers. All the teachers and students work hard. Please come and have a look ______our school if you have free time.

1.A. of    B. on    C. for    D. to

2.A. teacher    B. worker    C. student    D. doctor

3.A. school    B. hospital    C. factory    D. hotel

4.A. go to bed    B. have lessons    C. get up    D. come here

5.A. at    B. in    C. on    D. to



–I don’t know _______  this type of smart phone.

--You’d better try the website www.meituan.com?

A. where can I find    B. what I can find

C. where I can find    D. how can I find



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