满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



参考词汇:pray for祈求;harvest丰收







Dear John,

Glad to receive your email. You asked me about festivals in China. Let me introduce some important ones to you.

First of all, I want to introduce the Lantern Festival. It comes in January or February.__________________


Can you tell me something about the festivals in your country? I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


Zhang Ming



Dear John, Glad to receive your email. You asked me about festivals in China. Let me introduce some important ones to you. First of all, I want to introduce the Lantern Festival. It comes in January or February. On that day, we eat yuanxiau, go to watch lantern shows and dragon dances to pray for health and happiness for the whole year. The Mid-Autumn Festival is in the middle of autumn. It is a time for the family to get together and celebrate harvest. At night,the whole family eat delicious mooncakes and tell the story of Chang’e while watching the big bright moon. The Spring Festival is the most important for us Chinese. It’s the beginning of a new year. We usually eat dumplings, meat and some other nice food. To welcome the new year, we do some cleaning,buy new clothes, set off fireworks and visit our relatives. Everyone, young or old, has a happy smile on their face. Can you tell me something about the festivals in your country? I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Yours, Zhang Ming 【解析】试题分析:这是一篇材料作文,内容我们很熟悉,讲述过节的情景。考生首先要认真阅读表格内容提示,把提示内容要点写清;注意题目要求:1.描述节日1和节日2,并自主选择节日3进行介绍,包括节日名称、时间、美食、活动方式及意义等;2.语言通顺,要点齐全,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;3.文中不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称;4.文章开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数。5. 80-100词。可适当发挥,文中内容要连贯。要尽量使用一些好的句型和连词,最好使用我们熟悉和背过的句型,尽量不要使用复杂的从句,减少语法错误,不要犯单词拼写上的错误。 【亮点说明】这是一篇比较优秀的作文。内容要点完整、应用词汇灵活准确,句子通顺、行文连贯、表达清楚,上下文连贯。内容覆盖所有要点;应用了较丰富的语法结构和词汇,注意了连词和时态的使用,没有语言错误。无拼写错误,字数符合要求。  

Nowadays bike-sharing has been very popular in China. Mobike (摩拜单车) is one of the market leaders in the hike-sharing business.

What is Mobike?

Mobike was founded in January, 2015. It is supported by Tencent (腾讯). People in many cities, such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Jinan as well as Shanghai, have a chance of using the app (软件). The total number of Mobike app users is larger than that of any other bike-sharing app users.

Who uses Mobike?

According to a survey, 53.23% of the Mobike users are men, while 46.77% are women.  Mobike is not only popular with young people, but also wins the hearts of the old. It shows that retired men traveled the longest distances (距离) by shared bikes.

Why do people use Mohike?

Chinese people use Mobike for different reasons. Users can rent (租借) a bike at a low price, usually about one yuan an hour. It also offers people a better choice for short journeys in cities, especially when people can’t find a bus or the underground to take. What’s more, it’s helpful in traffic. And the most important is that it can help improve the environment.

1.When was Mobike founded?


2.True or false. (“T”代表正确,“F”代表错误)

According to the passage, mobike app has the largest number of users of all the bike-sharing apps.

3.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


4.Why do Chinese people use Mobike? (At least 2 reasons.)


5.Give a proper title (题目) to the passage.




One afternoon, I went into an art museum while waiting for my husband. I hoped to enjoy the works of art quietly.

A young couple walked in front of me and talked a1. the paintings between themselves all the time. The lady did almost all the talking, but the man kept listening to her. I thought the man was very patient b2. nobody would like to be bothered (打扰) while enjoying the paintings.

I met them several t3. as I moved through the different rooms of the art museum. Each time I heard her talking, I moved a4. quickly.

I was p5. for some gifts at the museum shop when the couple walked slowly to the exit (出口). Before they left, the man t6. out a cane (拐杖). Then he tapped (轻敲) his way to the coatroom to g7. the jacket for his wife.

“He is a brave man,” the worker of the shop said. “He decided not to change his life after his eyes got hurt. Though he is b8. now, he never gives up. He and his wife come here whenever there is a new art show.”

“But what can he get out of the art? He can’t see!” I asked.

“You are wrong. He s9. a lot, more than you and I do.” The worker said, “His wife describes e10. painting so he can see it in his mind.”

I fell silent. Then I realized that I learnt something about patience, courage and love that day.




In Australia there is a famous island called Fraser Island. A great many visitors come here for holidays every year. Why? The reason is that it is special. 1.. In fact, it is the largest sand island in the world. It’s about 200 kilometers long and 240 kilometers wide.

Though the island is a popular place of interest, there is no airport on the island. The long beach along the east coast works as the airport. 2..

On the island there are sand hills without any plants, but there are forests with old trees, beautiful flowers and over a hundred lakes, too. 3..

Every year, visitors come to enjoy the island’s natural beauty. People like camping and hiking there. 4.. Animals were killed for food and this made them in danger of extinction (灭绝). They threw rubbish everywhere, and the lakes were seriously polluted.

5.. Rules have been set up. For example, visitors are not allowed to use motorboats (摩托艇) or go fishing in the lakes, and they mustn't leave any rubbish.


A. Planes arrive and leave from here

B. Anyone who breaks the rules will be punished

C. The island is completely made of sand

D. Unluckily, visitors have caused many problems

E. Many kinds of birds and animals live in the forest

F. So it is time to protect the environment of the island




Tea culture is varied in different countries by the way tea is made and drunk, and by the places for tea drinking. How to make tea may be different. According to the ways of making tea, tea is classified (分类) into white tea, green tea,black tea, etc. And how to prepare tea may be different, too. In Tibet, tea is commonly boiled (煮) with salt and butter (黄油). People may drink tea at home or in public, for example, at tea houses.

As part of culture, tea has a relationship with history, health, education, communication and so on. It is commonly used at social activities. For example, afternoon tea is a British custom. Families or friends can communicate with each other while having afternoon tea.

Tea has remained a way of daily life in China and drinking tea has a lot of advantages. It makes people less tired, clears heat in the human body and helps people lose weight.

Chinese people are good at using tea to make other things delicious. Tea, originally (最初) served as a medicine in ancient times, is now not just a kind of drink, but also excellent seasoning (调味品). Here are two delicious dishes made with tea:

Tea Eggs: You can find them cooked and sold in street markets in almost every city in China.

Dragon Well Tea Shrimp (龙井虾仁): It’s one of the most well-known dishes in Hangzhou.

Before you drink tea, please check the following tips:

◆Drink tea hot.

◆The best time to drink is in between meals. It is bad for your stomach if you drink tea just before meals, during meals or soon after meals.

◆Do not drink too much strong tea.

1.Tea has no relationship with ______ as part of culture according to the passage.

A. history    B. health    C. education    D. sports

2.Afternoon tea in Britain is a _____ according to the passage.

A. way of communication    B. hobby

C. game    D. weekend activity

3.In ancient China, tea was originally served as ______ according to the passage.

A. a medicine    B. a drink

C. seasoning    D. a dish

4.The best time to drink tea is ______ according to the passage.

A. just before meals    B. during meals

C. soon after meals    D. in between meals

5.The passage doesn’t mention _____.

A. ways of making tea    B. places to drink tea

C. tools for drinking tea    D. advantages of drinking tea



Mr Guo is a teacher from Xi’an. He asked his students to hand in their homework through a QR code (二维码). “We spent an hour or two in class learning how to generate (使产生) the codes, and in the end everything gets easier,” said Guo. “When students finish the homework, they keep it on WeChat (微信). Then, each student makes his own QR code and gives it to me. So I can check their work everywhere using my computer or telephone.”

The QR codes can be sent to Mr Guo by email, QQ and WeChat. When Guo scans (扫描) his students’ QR codes, their homework appears on his phone. He finds that their homework becomes more creative (创新的), with many pictures, music and even videos.

Guo’s students like the new way and think it is interesting. “We are living in the information age. Many students like to work with computers, which makes learning more fun.” said Tingting, a student of Guo’s.

“The paper is not easy to keep, but the code is easy to keep and share.” Guo said. “48 It is worth trying to use new technology in education. Education itself is a kind of creation. I don’t want my students to fall behind the times.”

However, some parents are worried. They are afraid that their children will spend too much time on computers and less time communicating with teachers. But in fact, it’s unnecessary. Students still need to look up information in books and write it down when they do their homework. They only use the code when they hand in their work, which doesn’t take them too much time. Also for teachers, it allows them to check the students’ work at any time. And it’s also an easy way to share homework with other students.

1.According to the passage, students can keep their homework on ______.

A. WeChat    B. QQ    C. email    D. blog(博客)

2.Guo’s students think the new way is ______.

A. strange    B. boring    C. interesting    D. unnecessary

3.What does “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to (指代)?

A. The paper is not easy to keep.

B. Keeping and sharing the code easily.

C. Trying to use new technology in education.

D. Education itself is a kind of creation.

4.Some parents are worried, because they think their children will ______.

A. talk with teachers face to face

B. spend too much time on computers or phones

C. not like the new way of handing in homework

D. find the QR codes too difficult to use

5.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Teachers needn’t check homework any more.

B. Students needn't hand in homework any more.

C. Using QR codes makes checking homework easier.

D. Some parents are worried about their children.



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