满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Would you like __________ chicken ______...

Would you like __________ chicken __________ supper?

A. one, to    B. some, of    C. some, for    D. a, for


C 【解析】句意:晚饭你想要些鸡肉吗?chicken当“鸡肉”讲是不可数名词,首先排除A,D;三餐吃些什么,三餐前要用介词for,故答案为C。  

Do we have a class meeting __________ Monday afternoon?

A. in    B. on    C. at    D. for



-Would you like to come to my birthday party?


A. Yes, I would    B. Yes, I'd love to

C. No, I wouldn't    D. No, I wouldn't to




1.What kind of noodles would he likes?

A    B     C    D

2.How many apple juice does she have?

A     B   C    D

3.What sizes bowl would you like?

A     B   C    D

4.I have porridge and an egg for the breakfast.

A     B     C  D

5.Would you like eating a bowl of noodles?

A     B   C     D



large, potato, beef, medium, mutton, onion, chicken, juice, tomato, soup, rice, small, strawberry, dirty, great







1.-What kind of noodles would you like?

-I'd like a m__________ one, not large or small.

2.Lunch s__________. All the noodles are very cheap.

3.-Would you like some j__________ for drink?

-Yes, please.

4.I'd like some noodles with some beef and p__________.

5.He'd like some mutton and two eggs for b__________.

6.In China we usually eat d__________ on Spring Festival.

7.Please don't b__________ out the candle.

8.I'm l__________ to pass the driving test.

9.I__________ you don't like the book, you needn't buy it.

10.There are many f__________ in the river. Let's go fishing.



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