满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—He is_____ unusual person. —Yes, And he...

—He is_____ unusual person.

—Yes, And he is also_______ honest person.

A. an; an    B. a; an    C. a; a


A 【解析】句意:-他是一位不同寻常的人。-是的,而且他也是一位诚实的人。表示“一……”,是不定冠词a/an的用法,a用在以辅音音素开始的单词前,an用在以元音音素开始的单词前。Unusual的第一个音[ʌ]是元音,前面加不定冠词an;honest的第个字母h没有发音,第一个音[ɒ]是元音,前面加不定冠词用an。故选A。  

Write at least 60 words on the topic”The spring of 2017’’





In AD 79, Pompeii was a large city by the sea about 150 kilometres south of Rome. Ten kilometres to the north of Pompeii there was the beautiful and peaceful mountain, Mount Vesuvius(维苏威火山)。24 August was a holiday . At noon, happy crowds filled the streets. Markets and restaurants are full. Suddenly, there are a huge explosion. Fire was coming out of Mount Vesuvius. The peaceful green mountain had become a terrible volcano. A huge cloud of ash, small stones,rocks and thick smoke rose high into the sky. A strong wind blew the night. People  towards Pompei. Day became night. People were very scare. Not many of them could escape. Thousands of people were killed as they could not breathe because of all the smoke and ash. The eruption continued for days. The whole town was buried in ash over 17metres deep.

It was not until the eighteenth century that people began to dig down and discover what was left of this once great city. Because the explosion was so sudden, we can still see a lot of the old town of Pompeii. We have a very good picture of daily life was like in a Roman city nearly two thousand years ago. We can now see houses and streets, Public bath house and outside theatres just the way they were. We can also examine in museums many everyday objects-shoes, jewellery, bowls, and even food-kept safe in the hard ash. On the walls of many houses we can not only see beautiful paintings, but also read many personal messages written by ordinary people. One message says, ‘Publius(普布利乌斯)gives us good bread’. A schoolboy complains about fighting at school. A girl says the man who wants to marry her is too ugly. One humorous writer says,’Everyone writes on walls, except me.’ A poet, speaking of human life,wrote,’ nothing lasts forever. Though the Sun shines gold, it must sink into the sea…’. These sad words seem to talk about the sudden end-of Pompeii. But stone and ash have protected the city from people and from the weather. The city is alive again for everyone to see.


1.Mount Vesuvius was an active volcano to the north of Pompeii before the eruption, wasn’t it?


2.What was Pompeii?


3.Was Pompeii always a place dangerous place or a safe and peaceful city to live in?


4.What really caused thousands of people’s death before they were buried in ash?


5.What can we find on the walls of many houses in the once great city-Pompeii?


6.Do you agree with the last sentence “The city is alive again for everyone to see”? Why or why not?(Explain your idea in 2 sentences.)




Once there was once a farmer who was always criticizing his wife. One day, she was so angry with him that she said, "I’m going to work in the fields. You can do my work in the house. Let’s see how w1. you do it!"

The man’s first task was to make the butter. The work soon made him t2., so he went down to the cellar to drink some wine. While he was opening the barrel(), he heard the pig come into the house and knock over the butter dish.

He ran back upstairs to stop the pig from doing more d3., forgetting to put the cork(软木塞) back in the wine barrel.By the time he had chased the pig out of the kitchen, it was lunchtime.

He put the soup on to boil, and then remembered that he had not f4. the cow yet. There wasn’t time to take the cow out to the field, so he decided to take it onto the roof. There it could eat the grass that grew among the tiles(瓦片).

It wasn’t easy getting the cow onto the roof, but at last he s5.. To make sure that it did not fall off, he tied it to the chimney with a rope.

He did not want it to burn, so to get to the kitchen quickly, he decided to lower himself down the chimney.

He tied one end of the r6. to his foot and the other end to the cow. He had just reached the kitchen when the cow slipped and fell off the roof.The first thing his wife saw when she came home was the cow hanging from the rope, so she cut it loose.When the woman entered the house, she saw the floor covered with butter, the cellar flooded with wine and her husband upside down with his head in the soup!

The farmer p7. never to complain again if his wife would do the housework in the future.



Anxiety disorders--defined by extreme fear,restlessness,and muscle tension-are carefully considering,disabling,and can increasethe risk for_________and self-murder.They are some of the most common mental health conditions around the world,affecting around four out of every 100 people and costing the health care system and job employers over US $42 billion each year.

People with anxiety are more likely to miss days from work and are less productive.Young people with anxiety are also less likely to enter school and complete it-leading to fewer life_________.Even though this evidence points to anxiety disorders as being important mental health issues,insufficient_________is being given to them by researchers,clinicians,and policy makers.My team and I at the University of Cambridge wanted to find out who is most affected by anxiety disorders.

To do this,we conducted a systematic_______of studies that reported on the proportion of people with anxiety in a variety of contexts around the world,used accurate methods to keep the highest quality studies.

Our results showed women are almost twice as likely to suffer from anxiety as men,and people living in Europe and North America are disproportionately affected.So why are women more probable?

It could be because of differences in brain chemistry and hormone(荷尔蒙) variations.Reproductive events across a woman's life are associated with hormonal changes,which have been linked to anxiety.The rise in oestrogens(雌激素) that occurs during pregnancy can ________the risk for uncontrollable disorder.

This is characterized by disturbing and repetitive thoughts,impulses and addictions that are upsetting and less effective.But in addition to biological mechanisms,women and men seem to experience and react to events in their life ________.Women when faced with stressful situations,women and men which can increase their anxiety.Also,when faced with life stressful situations,women and men tend to use different coping strategies.Women faced with life stressors are more likely to think about them seriously,which can increase their anxiety,while men engage more in active,problem-focused coping.

1.A. symptom    B. depression    C. misery    D. frightening

2.A. adventures    B. insurances    C. chances    D. programs

3.A. conclusion    B. attention    C. solution    D. contribution

4.A. igorance    B. outlook    C. discovery    D. review

5.A. challenge    B. decline    C. eliminate    D. increase

6.A. equally    B. similarly    C. differently    D. terribly



As we all know, the Paralympics are competitions for athletes with disabilities. They take place every four years after the Olympics and in the same locations, which is Sochi(索契),Russia,this year.

Some athlets who take part in the Paralympics have lost limbs(手和脚)due to illness or injury,and others have poor vision. Paralympics athletes may also be affected by several other disabilities such as muscle or mental issues. That’s why three of the Paralymics’ five sports are divided into standing,sitting,and vision-challenged categories.

Standing events can look so much like their Olympic versions that many people don’t know they’re watching a paralymic event. For the other two categories, special sit skis are used for sitting events, and guides lead vision-challenged athletes. Iced sledge hockey(雪橇冰球)and       wheelchair curling(轮椅冰壶)are only open to athletes with lower-body disabilities.

One of the athletes to watch at the Sochi Paralympics will be 19-year-old Mark Arendz. Growing up in Canada, Mark learned to ski at the age of five, Unfortunately, he lost his left arm while using some farm machinery two years later. After that,he begin to ski in competitions using special equipment. In recent years, he has won numerous medals in international events.

At school, Mark will compete in men’s cross country skiing and biathlon(滑雪两项)races. Cross country and biathlon are similar in that they are both involve skiing routes pf various lengths. In men’s biathlon, each athletes is also carrying a rifle. During the race, he must stop several times and shoot at a target. If he misses, some time is added to his overall race time. Therefore, biathlon tests both an athlete’s skiing ability and shooting accuracy.

1.At the beginning of the article,the author tells us_____________.

A. how much the Paralymics Games cost to hold.

B. how often the Paralymics games take place.

C. how Russia has prepared for the Paralymics Games

D. how many athletes take part in the Paralymics Games this year.

2.The Paralymics are competitions for athletes with disabilities expect those who__________.

A. have lost limbs because of injury    B. are poor in eyesight

C. have mental issues    D. are very poor in healtha wheelchair

3.A vision-challenged athletes has___________during an event.

A. A large map    B. special sit skis    C. a wheelchair    D. Person leading the way

4.Only those who lack_________can enter for ice sledge hockey and wheelchair curling.

A. a foot    B. a hand    C. an arm    D. an eye

5.Which of the following statements about Mark Arendz is True?

A. Unfortunately, Mark lost his right arm in an accident at the age of seven.

B. Mark learned how to ski with special equipment when he was five.

C. Growing up in Canada, Mark will be 19years old this year

D. Though physically-challenged, Mark has still won medals in many events.

6.What is the best title of the passage?

A. Mark Arendz, the Best Athlete

B. Athletes with Disabilities

C. The 2014 Paralymics Games

D. Different Categories in Sports



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