满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A:Hi, Rose. I haven’t seen you for two w...

A:Hi, Rose. I haven’t seen you for two weeks.

B:Hi, Bill. 1.

A.Well, this term is almost over now. 2.

B:Yes. My sister is coming for a visit, and we’d like to go to the beach in Sanya. But the hotels there are too expensive in this season.

A:Then camping might be a good choice.

B.Camping? 3.

A:I believe you’ll like it. 4.

B.It’s also a good way to forget our worries.

A:That’s right.

B:Thanks for your advice.5.

A:I’d love to. But I’ll be busy doing my project.


A.I've never thought about that.

B.Did you decide to go there?

C.It’s cheaper and closer to nature.

D.I’ll go with you.

E.I've been busy with the exam.

F.We’d love to have you with us if possible.

G.Do you have a plan for the coming holiday?










1.E 2.G 3.A 4.C 5.F 【解析】本文是Rose与Bill之间的对话,主要谈论的是暑假的安排。Rose要去三亚,但是那儿的旅馆很贵。因此Bill建议她们去野营。 1.前句句意:有两周没有看到你了。由此可以推测出本空会说明一下这两周去哪儿了或是这两周在做什么。故选:E. I've been busy with the exam.我在忙着考试。 2.由后句:My sister is coming for a visit, and we’d like to go to the beach in Sanya.我姐妹要来参观,我们要想要去三亚的海滩。可能推测出本空询问的是对未来的安排。故选:G.Do you have a plan for the coming holiday?假期你有规划吗? 3.由前句:Then camping might be a good choice.野营可能是一个好的选择。听到这个建议后,Rose问了一句Camping?说明她对这个建议感到惊异。故选:A.I've never thought about that.我从来未考虑过。 4.由前句:I believe you’ll like it.我相信你会喜欢的。可以推测出本空会说明会喜欢野营的原因。故选:C.It’s cheaper and closer to nature.更加便宜而且更加亲近大自然。 5.由后句:I'd love to可知本句提了建议,建议一起去做某事。故选:F.We’d love to have you with us if possible.如果可能我们想要你一起。

Suzhou is my hometown. This beautiful city is in Jiangsu Province. ______ it is not as big as Beijing, everyone in China knows this beautiful place. People ______ it as “Venice of the east(东方威尼斯)”.

Suzhou has a long history. There are many ancient Chinese ______ in Suzhou. Now, they are becoming famous tourist places in Suzhou.

In the past 30 years my hometown has ______ rapidly in many ways. The biggest change I have found is the ______. On the one hand, many people here don’t live in the ______ houses any more. They have moved into the new high buildings and are enjoying the comfortable life. One the other hand, nowadays builders have ______ thousands of modern building of different styles. I think this change is ______ because it has made Suzhou become more modern and more beautiful.

To be honest,everything has changed ______ my hometown. I think you should think about  ________ the beautiful city. Make sure you will love it.

1.A. Although    B. Because    C. If

2.A. check    B. regard    C. control

3.A. gardens    B. towers    C. pictures

4.A. collected    B. searched    C. changed

5.A. people    B. environment    C. pollution

6.A. expensive    B. cheap    C. old

7.A. set up    B. given away    C. given out

8.A. dangerous    B. great    C. strange

9.A. to    B. in    C. about

10.A. protecting    B. holding    C. visiting



—Could you please take out the rubbish?

—_______. I’ll do it at once.

A. Yes, please    B. No, I don’t    C. Yes, sure




—Yes, but only once.

A. Did she go to Beijing    B. Has she ever been to Beijing

C. Will she go to Beijing



Folding the clothes________ not difficult. For me, three minutes ______ enough.

A. is; are    B. is; is    C. are; are



Dale, please remind me _______the windows after school.

A. to close    B. close    C. closing



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